I've just started reading this book:

Now, I think everyone should read it. As a matter of fact, I think it should be mandatory, maybe teens should have to read it in school and then write an essay about it, seriousully.
People are getting unhelathier for every day that passes. New diseases are popping up everywhere. Think it might have somethin to do with the fact that the "food" we eat really isn't food in it's right meaning? When you buy smoked ham in the grocery store, no matter how expensive it is, it probably isn't smoked ham at all. It's some sort of meat from a pig that they have cut in small pieces, mixed with all sorts of enzymes, E-substances and other sort of crap-junk. Then it's pressed together to make it look like a real ham, basted or injected with smoke-in-a-jar (artificial smoke flavouring), they add a small rind of fat around the whole thing, and voila, you got yourself a smoked ham that has never even been close to real smoke! My mom and dad has always said that: "You should buy smoked meat, because it stays fresh longer". Well, if the meat has never been close to a real smokery, that is not the case. It has the same "shelf-life" as other boiled meat.

Or did you know that some of the enzymes added to bread comes from the inside of a pigs stomach. The enzymes does not have to be listed under ingredients so vegetarians and muslims can never know wether or not they eat bread with pig-stomach-enzymes in them?

People, it's time to make a change! READ THIS BOOK!!!!

Fat tuesday = Lost in translation?

This is what Fat Tuesday (Fettisdag) means to Swedish people:

And this is Fat Tuesday for Americanos:

WHat came first, the chicken or the egg? And where the hell did we get lost in translation?

Vagnhärad = The Sharm el Sheikh of Sweden?

Doesn't look like we'll be going to Egypt for the break next week, bummer. So I'm looking in to different options of what to do instead. One idea that I had was to go down to Vagnhärad and help my friend and her family move to their new house.

Anyone got any better ideas?


Another reason I don´t trust western medicine:

So my mom had surgery last week, I think it was thursday night. Her appendix bursted so they had to do the surgery right away, she was in so much pain. So far so good, western medicine did it's job. We went to visit her in the hospital on saturday. She was in good spirit, but in pain. But that is understandable, after all, she had had surgery two days before.

On monday I spoke to my dad. He told me that mom probably wasn't coming home before this weekend. Since the appendix broke before they had the chance to take it out, she had developed some pus (var) in her stomach. So the doctor told her she wasn't coming home before the weekend. Ok, so far so good (again).

Then, on wednesday, my dad calls me and tells me that the doctor had told my om that she could go home the same day, even tough he had just told her she couldn't go home. Now, this is where I start distrusting the bologny they call western medicine. My dad went to the hospital to pick up my mom, and they went home. It was appearent to me that they just sent her home because they did not have room for her in the hospital, not because she wasn't sick anymore. The hospital was so crowded with patients when we went ther, they had to put some of them out in the isles, there were no rooms left.

Today (friday) I get a call from my dad. He had to take my mom to the hospital last night. Her stomach had started hurting again. The examined her and apparently she has Ileus (tarmvred). It is a temporary paralysis of a portion of the intestines typically after an abdominal surgery. According to Wikipedia: "Since the intestinal content of this portion is unable to move forward, food or drink should be avoided until peristaltic sound is heard from auscultation of the area where this portion lies.".
You wold think that the doctors would be aware of this, and their main focus would be on getting the intestines to start working again, preferably in a natural way, I'm thinking light food and lots of fibres. But nooooo.
When the nurse came in to give my mom food, she served her fried potatoes and fried sausage. Don't know about the veggies, but I'm guessing there was a lack of those as well. My mom (who's still in pain) tried to explain to the nurse that she couldn't eat that, that she neede lighter food. After somewhat of a discussion, they gave her some other food.
Now, they have of course also put my om on some sort of medication as well, to get her intestines working. So to sum it up, here's what they do:

1 - My mom's intestines is partially paralyzed, can't process the food. She need to get her intestines back to work again = ahe needs light food with fibres.
2 - They serve her fried potatoes and fried sausage = HEAVVY FOOD WITH NO FIBRES AT ALL
3 - They put her on medication to get her stomach to start working again

Now, let's see. Is the medication going to help her intestines back to work after the Ileus due to the surgery, or will they just help w not making the Ileus worse due to the heavy food and lack of fibres?
WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING? Geez-Louise, you would think they get to read about this when they go through medical school....
What kind of doctor/nurse would serve a patient heavy food w no fibres, when they need to get their intestines back to work?

Im prescribing steamed veggies and olive oil, that should do it!

Egypt anyone?

Who´s coming with me to Egypt? Anyone?

A little bit about me (in Swedish):

A friend gave me this. You answer 20 questions (without lying). And each answer has to start with the first letter of your first name. Pretty funny. Think you can translate it using Google Translate if you want to:

1. Vad heter du?: Diana
2. Ett ord på fyra bokstäver: DUKA
3. Flicknamn: Donna
4. Pojknamn: Didrik
5. Yrke: Dansare
6. Färg: Dimpetrol
7. Klädesplagg: Draperad svart kort klänning
8. Mat: Dinkelpytt
9. Sak i badrummet: Duschdraperi
10. Plats/stad: Du gamla du fria du fjällhöga nord!
11. En orsak att vara sen: Drinkar
12. Något man skriker: DOOOMJÄÄÄVEL!
13. Film: Dirty Dancing
14. Något man dricker: Drinkar
15. Band: Dixie Chicks
16. Djur: Dinosarie
17. Gatunamn: Den minstaste vägen i Ljusne: Timmervägen
18. Bil: Denali (från GMC)
19. Sång: Down on me
20. Aktivitet med mer än en deltagare: Dinali Centers pole dancing klasser!

Why I do NOT want 8 babies:

Take a look at this pic, and then you´ll understand (I hope):

Can someone please tell me WHY anyone would want to go through with that? Seriously, it´s madness I tell ya´....

Home sweet home

Got back yetserday from 4 days down in Stockholm. It was time for week 7/8 in my Ayurvedic course, so I've been spending the last days listening to an Indian Ayurvedic doctor named Vinay Vora. Very interesting, but veeeeeery exhausting.
We did a lot of practical stuff during these four days, more than we've ever done before. So we really had to stay focused.
Geez-Louise, never thought you could get so tired by reading someones pulse, amazing.

I slept at my Jenny-Jen´s place, and she asked me to take her pulse. So on monady morning we sat down for a while and I took her pulse. After that I wrote down what I felt, and went to look at my papers (I still don´t know the information by heart) to interpret what it meant, the pulses that I felt. And the most amazing thing is that EVERYTHING MADE SENSE! It was soooo cool. I told her what the pulses meant, and she told me I nailed it. I never thought you could find out so much about a person just feeling the pulse. We don´t know all about balancing any unbalances yet (I do know some stuff, but not everything), but at least I seem to be able to tell what´s right or wrong.

Now I just have to practice practice and practice (practice makes perfect)!

Anyway, it´s good to be back home. Missed my boo a lotchi!

Sweden vs. Egypt

So, we're off n away for a little trip during the break at the end of february. Much needed I must say. This is the state of Sweden right now:

And this is what's going on in Egypt:

Any reason why we should not go to Egypt? I think not....

Dinali Center in the news again!

Last night was the grand opening for Dinali Center. The local newspaper showed up (I had no idea they were coming), so tomorrow there'll be another article in the newspaper (SöderhamnsKuriren this time) about Dinali Center, which is sooooo cool! If you'r subscribing to SöderhamnsKuriren you can already read the article at!

Thank you all my beloved ones who have spent so much blood, sweat and tears making this possible. Words can not describe how thankful I am for all your help!


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