
This is THE BEST facial mask EVER: Brazened Honey from Lush. I'll tell ya', it makes you look and feel at least 5 years younger! TRY IT!

An hour for the future with two and a half men!

Yes, we dimmed the lights for our future kids last night. 2 people named Mattias, 2 people named Sara (one with an -H) and one little man named Mattis were present. It was like two-and-a-half men: Mattias (adult), Mattias (adult), and Mattis (about 7 months old), soooo cute. Mattis that is =)

We were supposed to play all these board games during earth hour, but we ended up just talking and worshiping the Swedish Cheetos instead (se the pic of the altar below).
Good times good times!

The "kitchen"

Snapshot of Mattis

The altar!

Mommy Sara and baby Mattis


Mattis finally fell asleep in our bed, so Jesper acted as a babysitter while I gave the guests the big tour of our house!


Earth Hour, tonight at 8.30pm!

Don't miss this very imortant event. Turn of the light for the environment people!

Legally stupid?

Gaaah! Had a great day up until about 3.15pm. Then some retard came and ruined my day. Sometimes you wonder how stupid you can be before it becomes illegal...

Gonna try to forget about this whole incident and focus on the fact that I today bought a full year at the local gym in Ljusne and 6 months at Söderhamns Aquarena (waterpark) for a total of 110$ (900:-). Beat that if you can, 24h Fitness!

Closet á la Carrie Bradshaw!

We have some BIG things in the makin' for the nearest future. One of them involves me gettin' a shoe closet á la Ms Bradshaw. Yup, I'm gonna get my own walk-in closet where I can put shelves for all my shoes up on the wall. Maybe a nice antique chair (budoir style) and a mirror as well. Oooooh, can't wait! I'll invite you all for a hosewarming-party in my walk-in closet when I'm done. We'll feast on Cosmos and parmesan-nibblers!

Heal thyself!

I was in Stockholm this weekend for my Ayurvedic class. Oh my lord it's so god darn interesting. And to think that in about a month I'll be a Ayurvedic Health Counselor is just awesome (we have the last weekend classes in April, then I'm done!).
For you who still haven't looked in to Ayurveda, I really recommend it. It's not about living like som sort of holy man up in a cave, eating nothing but blueberries and springwater (is that really what they eat? I don't know...). It's about learning how to listen to your body and it's needs.
What kind of foods fit me? How should I exercise in order to feel well and energized? And first and foremost, Ayurveda teaches you how to prevent illness mainly through your foodintake. Food is medicine, that's a great lesson to learn. Even if you'r not suffering from any serious conditions right now, wouldn't it be cool to know what you could do to prevent future illnesses? What's good for you might not be good for someone else, since we're all different individuals. And that's what you can learn through Ayurveda.
Im right now sketching on how my Ayurvedic practice is gonna look like. It's gonna be awesome!


My baby!

Turned 4 this friday. Mommy's baby!

Döderhamn? I think not!

So the town where I live is called "Söderhamn". Roughly it translates to "Southharbour". But if you change it to "Döderhamn" it translates in to "Deathharbour", sorta.... Anyhoodle, that's what peeps around here name the town when they dislike it, they say its boring, nothing happens around here yadayadayada. That's also what I though before we moved back from the States. Om my lord, to go from Söderhamn-Stockholm-Los Angeles- and then BACK to Döderhamn (!), what a drag! And we don't even live IN Söderhamn, we live in a suburb to the darn thing....

But I just took a quick look at my schedule, and my next saturday off is May 23rd. I've come to realize (old and wise as I've become) it doesen't matter where you live, it's what you make out of the situation that counts....

No Egypt, but close enough....

I've been dying to get to Egypt, but it seems like a dead race. And now when Jesper's gonna start working we're not gonna have the time to go on a one-week trip around easter. So today we've booked a one night SPA-trip to Kramfors during the easter-break instead.

This is what's included in the package:
- One night in a double room
- 3-course dinner
- Bathrobe and slippers
- A SPA-basket w fruit, chocolate, half a bottle of sparkling wine
- Beautyproducts from "Rosen serien"
- Full body massage with peeling and a herbal bath
- Breakfast buffé

No Egypt, but close enough!


The weekend before our SPA-trip to Kramfors, I´m off for a 24h cruise with my Jenny-Jen. Good food, good wine and of course SPA-treatments, awesome!

And yes, I´m addicted to SPA-treatments. but there are way worse things to be addicted to!

Love & laugh!

And there will be justice!

Fritzl guilty of murder and slavery!

Sankt Pölten.
Josef Fritzlar is obliged to murder and slavery, according to law, states Expressen columnist Lars Lindstrom. No member was disagreement - Fritzlar sentenced to life imprisonment with forensic care. Read also March 19, 2009 Moment of Truth for Josef Fritzlar March 19, 2009 Lars Lindstrom: He manipulates until end March 19, 2009 They met face to face

14.07 the members returned and soon after came Joseph Fritzlar, with twelve officers around him, writes the Austrian newspaper OE24 online. Fritzlar is a threatened Monday and authorities are afraid that someone will try to kill him. Decision: Horror father Josef Fritzlar convicted of murder and slavery.

"Do not move a muscle" All eight members of the Court held that Fritzlar was required at all points, no difference was. - Josef Fritzlar looking down, he does not a muscle, "says Expressen Lars Lindström, in place in the courtroom. Immediately thereafter, notify the judges penalty: Life imprisonment. According to TT, he may spend the rest of his life in a special prison where he will receive forensic care, the court. - The reason it became law the strictest punishment, "explained the President, Judge Andrea Humor, is a series of aggravating circumstances: it was too cruel, lasted for a long time and so on. Unable to judge on something other than life, "says Lindström.
Do you understand this? asked Humor Josef Fritzlar.
- Yes.
You have the chance to appeal?
- I accept it.
You have three days to you, I advise that you consult with your lawyer.
- No, I accept the ruling.

Confessions of a shopaholic!

No, they aren't my confessions (as you might think). I'm talking about the movie silly.
I REEEEEEALLY wanna go see it but I don't think my beau would appreciate such good art...

Luckily I make my own bacon so that I can buy my own popcorn. Who's up for a chick-flick?

Sun anyone?

Since we didn't fly off to warmer temperatures during the last break, I'm aiming for Mallorca (Cala Bona) during easter. The problem is that everyone who want to/would be able to go with me don't have a break at the same time (you Sthlm people). So who's going with me? 1 week, 2500:-, anyone?

Six months down, a lifetime to go!

I've been a wifey for six months tomorrow (friday). Pretty scary how fast time has passed since september 13th. But I guess that's what happens when you are having a good time =), and we are, we truly are.
I do hope things slow down a bit though. With this speed we'll be updating our Facebook status in the elderly home before we have time to say "brb".

All my love to the greatest husband in the world, my man!

A jar of mayo and two cups of coffee!

If you don't read Swedish, scroll down and read the English version!

Majonnäsburken och två koppar kaffe

När saker och ting i Ditt liv nästan har blivit för mycket för Dig att hantera, när dygnets 24 timmar inte känns nog, kom ihåg majonnäsburken och två koppar kaffe:

En professor stod inför sina filosofistudenter med några föremål på bordet framför sig. När lektionen började lyfte han under tystnad upp en mycket stor och tom majonnäsburk av glas och började fylla den upp till kanten med golfbollar. Han frågade sedan sina studenter om burken var full. Studenterna samtyckte till att den var det. Då lyfte professorn upp en ask med småsten och hällde dem i burken. Han skakade den lätt. Småstenarna rullade ner i tomrummen mellan golfbollarna.

Återigen frågade han studenterna om burken var full. De höll med om att den var det. Därefter lyfte professorn upp en ask med sand och hällde sanden i burken. Naturligtvis fyllde sanden upp resten av tomrummen. Han frågade ännu en gång om burken var full. Studenterna svarade med ett enhälligt "ja". Då lyfte professorn fram två koppar kaffe som stått under bordet och hällde hela deras innehåll i burken, vilket effektivt fyllde upp det återstående tomrum som kunde finnas kvar mellan sandkornen.

Studenterna skrattade. "Nu", sa professorn medan skratten klingade ut, "vill jag att ni påminns om att den här burken representerar ert liv. Golfbollarna representerar de viktiga sakerna. Familj, barn, hälsa och annat som ligger passionerat i ert hjärta. Sådant som - om allt annat gick förlorat och bara dessa återstod - ändå skulle uppfylla och berika ert liv. Småstenarna representerar andra sakerna som betyder något, som ett hem, jobb och bil. Sanden representerar allt annat - småsakerna.

 "Om ni lägger sanden i burken först", fortsatte professorn, "går det inte att få plats med golfbollarna eller småstenen. Samma sak är det med livet. Om du lägger all tid och energi på småsaker finns det inte plats för det som är viktigt för dig. Så... var uppmärksam på det som är oumbärligt för din lycka och förnöjsamhet. Umgås med dina barn.

Ta med din partner ut på middag. Ägna en omgång till åt det som gör dig passionerad. Tids nog kan du städa huset och annat som är mindre viktigt. Ta hand om "golfbollarna" först - sakerna som verkligen betyder något. Återställ det som är viktigast i ditt liv. Resten är bara sand." En av studenterna räckte upp sin hand och frågade vad kaffet representerar. Professorn log. "Jag är glad att du frågar. Kaffet finns med för att visa er; att hur fullt och pressat ert liv än känns, så finns det alltid plats för en fika med en vän."

The Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee

When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "yes." The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.

The students laughed. "Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things--your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions--and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car. The sand is everything else--the small stuff.

"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you. "Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups.

Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first--the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand." One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Surprise payout!

Yup, surprise went well. Might be gettin' a pony when it's my b-day, a BIG one!

Joint custody?

Noooo, that ain't a zit, me n Cindy just happen to share the same mole. This week it's mine while she's off for vacay.....

Surprise surprise!

Takin' my man out (or up/down, who knows...) for a surprise tomorrow. Veeeery exciting I must say. Never know who enjoys surprises the most: the one givin or the one gettin...

Baptism & picnic!

Last weekend me n my man packed the picnic-bag with hot chocolate and cheese sandwiches n went out for a looooong walk (about 200 meters) to a small lake (puddle?) by our house. The sun was supposed to be shining according to, but of course it wasn't. There are wind-shelters on each sides of the lake, one facing the direction of the supposed shining sun. Unfortunately love didn't have shoes that he could walk in 1,6 feet of snow with (crossing the lake to the side where the sun would be shining...), but since the sun wasn't shining anyways we decided to stay on "our" side of the lake.
As soon as we'd squeesed Jesper in to the shelter, opened the thermos w hot chocolate and taken out the sndwiches from the plastic bag,  the sun of course starting shining on the other side of the lake like there was no tomorrow....

We stayd on "our" side, enjoyed the chocolate and sandwiches and hugged ourselves warm instead =)

Later the same day we went to the baptism of Jesper's cousin Jenny's son Mille. Gorgeous!

Now I got's to go back doin' what I do best when I have a break and Dinali Center is closed: WORK!


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