Christmas signing?
Sounds like sign language during chirstmas right? But it really ain´t nothing like that, that's just the word by word translation. What it actually is is an outdoor christmas fair, in Söderhamn, tomorrow, 2-6pm, lovely, the Garneij's are going out and about!
Btw; it's frikking snowing up in here. For the first time in like forever there's actually gonna be SNOW during the yearly christmas fair, god oh mighty!
Mama's got game!
You can find more pics from Dinali Center's latest photo shoot here!
Boka en pole dance-trupp till ditt event!
Photo shoot!
I will soon get all the pics from Dinali Center's photo shoot. Until then, here's a sample:
Foto: Pontus Orre
What a frikkin awesome weekend!
- Play date w Elviras friends
- Meeting with photographer to look a pics from our photo shoot
- Picking up Jenny-Jen, (Elvira's god mother) she's coming to visit for the weekend
- Swim school for Elvira
- Cake buffet for the ladies (that woul be me n Jenny-Jen)
- Wineing and dining with Jenny-Jen @ O'Learys
- Chill chill chill
That's right, a whole weekend without any work, omg omg omg. Can't even remember the last time that happened, but I'm gonna enjoy it fo shuzzle!
Yet another retared vaccine!
So now there's a study going on where they are vaccinating 600 kids for diabetes. Ggggaaaaaaaahhhhhh, it makes me soooo sick n tired. "Hey, we're NOT ever gonna stop adding sugar to our kids food so we've decided to vaccinate against diabetes instead". I mean come on, is it even legal to be that retared? It's just like when the american dental society informed the public that the US kids had so much increasing dental problems (cavities etc.) and then they started adding flouride in to the drinking water to keep cavities away. Flouride that causes cancer.... Helloooooo, did anyone ever stop think about hindering the kids from drinking so much soda and eating bunch loads of candy instead? Didn't think so, I rest my case...
What's even more scary is that there are parents who put their kids in these kinds of trials, not caring about the side effects. There was one study in Sweden were they for the same reason added fluoride in the milk in one pre-school in the northern part of sweden, WITH the parents consent. PRE-SCHOOL, wtf? Yeey, let's poison our kids as fast as we can shall we! Cheers!
What to do when you have pneumonia?
Administrative work, re-stocking and IKEA, at least that's what's on my schedule for today. Grandma's coming with me to help with the crow, the pneumonia's making me exhausted (not contagious anymore, but damn am I tired or what!).
On tonight's schedule: SLEEP!!!
Christmas gift for ma and pa!
The troll's about to start eating solid food in about a month. Therefore we just ordered a superduperawesomethingie that makes it sooooo much easier to make your own baby food (she's NOT eating any of that ready made jar food, yuk. Maybe organic ones every once in a while, and absolutely not heated in micro wave!)
This is what's on it's way to us:
Beaba Babycook from
Awesome I tell ya!
How happy am I...
... that I didn't do this during my pregnancy:
MUCHO happy I must say!