Welcome to the jungle!

Elvira's rockin' an animal print pj nowadays, she's a real cool chick!
Oh and btw, sh'es about to start crawlin', halfway there, iiiiiii!

No flouride for the troll!

I refuse to brush Elvira's teeth with toothpaste containing flouride. Why? Cause fluoride is a poison that causes cancer that's why. And I'm also not too fond of the colour of childrens toothpaste, blue and red, two of the most toxic food colourings, why would you give your kid that? Yuk!
Now we're using Weleda's toothpaste for kids, developed in collaboration with dentists to protect your childrens teeth. Contains no toxic or unnatural ingredients!

I'm a big big girl...

Elvira that is. Why? Cause nowadays she sits in the big bathtub all by herself, iiiiiiii. Took a real pretty pic of the wee one today, bubbles on her head and everything. Might post in in the password protected blog in a bit. Just last week she was falling down/leaning backwards whenever we sat her up. But this week oh my lord, she's sitting like she's never done anything else, I can't believe mama's baby's growing up that fast!
Now: A glass of zinfandel pour moi!

Mama's tiiiiiiired

Holy moly I'm tired. Three out of seven completed, I have tomorrow and friday off(!), then I'm working saturday-wednesday lordy lord...
Made big plans today, me like. One of them includes a 1 year b-day celebration this weekend and one next week, me like =)
Oh oh oh, and the invitations for MY b-day bash is almost done, iiiiii, can't wait to send them out!
Now: beauty sleep!

Inget influensavaccin för familjen Garneij!

Nu har hysterin över årets influensavaccin börjat igen. Ok, jag förstår gamla/sjuka som kanske vill ta det. Men när det sker massvaccinering i ex. skolornas gympasalar tycker jag att det har gått alldeles för långt. Någon som kommer ihåg förra svängens biverkningar? Narkolepsi/sömnsjuka hos barn, krampanfall etc, herrejösses.
Dessutom behövde inte tillverkaren av vaccinet ta något som helst ansvar för biverkningarna, det gjordes upp i förtid.
Näe, hos familjen Garneij kommer det absolut inte att tas något influensavaccin. Jag vaccinerades när jag var yngre och under alla dessa år var jag sjuk JÄMT, förkyld hela tiden. När jag slutade ta vaccin stärktes mitt eget immunförsvar istället och jag kunde hålla mig frisk.
Tänk efter, vill du verkligen injicera dina barn med något som inte ens är riktigt beprövat och där man inte vet något om de eventuella biverkningar som kan uppkomma? Bara för att doktorn säger att vaccin ska tas behöver det inte betyda att det är rätt. När jag var gravid försökte bvc-läkaren att övertala mig till att ta vaccin. Tänkte tyst för mig själv: "Om du injicerar dig själv och dina barn med vaccinet i några hundra år och därefter testar er för eventuella cellförändringar i kroppen så KANSKE jag ska tänka på saken...".
Just nu är Elvira förkyld, gud så bra. Då stärks hennes immunförsvar på naturlig väg!

I'm turning 30!

2011 - I'm turning 30. As long as I'm being asked to show ID I'm not gonna worry about my age. But a faboulustatic party with friends and family is to be expected that's for sure. I'm designing my invitations right now, iiii.
Troll's turning 1 this year as well, so may/june is packed with parties.

Cold be gone!

I used to be in Sthlm working for Depend Cosmetics between christmas and new years eve, and EVERY time I did that I got sick. Since I didn't go down working this year I was counting on dodging the cold, but noooo, the cold is here, damn it. Got a desert in my throath and a fountain in ma nose....
Gonna try a wallk later on to see if all clears up.
Now: Breakfast for the troll!

Lovely sunday!

Jenny-Jen just left for Stockholm =( (but we're going to London, iiiiiii!), troll's sleeping, beau's picking up pizza, I'm watching "Fångarna på fortet", the guys are playing video games downstairs and I'm gonna get me some me-time this evening, me like!
Celebrated the big bang in ma OnePiece, the fancy dress just had to make way for comfy!

Hello 2011!

Had an awesome night last night, good company, good food, tasty drinks. Jenny-Jen was on night duty so I got to sleep some, or at least try to. I have a very annoying cold, feels like I've swallowed a bucket of sand...
New years resolutions? Don't really have any. I have goals instead of resolutions. Don't wanna jinx them som I'ma keep them to meeself =). But one resolution that I do have is that me and ma Jen is goin to London this fall, woohooo! That's her combined b-day/christmas gift from moi.
Now: Troll's sleeping, I'm making scones, yeah!

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