NO meat and all veggies makes.... for a month! Yup, I made a promise to an Indian doc' I wouldn't eat meat for at least a month. Which makes beau a veggie as well. He is less than pleased about this.... =)


So I'm done w my Ayurvedic course. I got my diploma yesterday, so now I am an Ayurvedic Health Counselor. Feels goooood =)
Apparently the wifey of the Indian doctor, Dr. Vinay Vora (who were holding the last 8 days of lectures), is an Ayurvedic Cosmetologist. She's 47 years old but looks like she's 30. Her trick is to rub a split tomato in her face every day, and then rinse. So I figured why not try? Some rosy cheeks ain't that bad.... I'll post an update when I see results!

Oh yeah, I've also done some birch-tapping (when you drill a hole in the birch, stick a straw in to it and lead the birchjuice or whatever you call it in to a plastic bottle). Apparently it's supposed to be very cleansing for the whole body. So I drink a glass every day. Hahaha, Martha Stewart and the witches of yore's got nothing on me!

33 days...

...and counting. Yes, I am counting!

41 days...

...until D-day. Not that I'm keeping count or anything... =)

Weekends n stuff!

Here are some pics from my and Jenny-Jens SPA-cruise!

Mirror mirror on the wall....

Girls gettin' ready to eat BUFFÉT!

No that's NOT a saggy boob.......I'm not that old, yet.....

Beautiful day up on deck!

The teeniest-tiniest island EVER.....

Then me n my man went on a SPA-trip to Kramfors and visited the High Coast Bridge, lovely!

Lunch at Hotell Höga Kusten, yummy!

When we came to the hotel we had a basket w sparkling wine, fruit & chocolate in our room,awesome!

Later that evening, after some lovely SPA-treatments, we had a GREAT 3-course dinner at the hotel (Hotell Kramm) and went straight to bed. Geez were we exhausted!

This weekend Sofia and Marcus had invited us for some BBQing at their place. Great food, great wine, and of course some singing when playing "Lips"on their XBox 360. I must say I sounded REEALLY funny since I barely had a voice after the cold I catched. Some of you might now that I do not under any circumstances sing karaoke, but "Lips" was actually really fun to play, believe it or not!
After a while the guys took over the XBox and started battling playing Guitar Hero!
Thanks for a great night you guys, it was awesome!

Marcus rocking the mic!

The Casanova of Ljusne, my love, takin on Johnny Cash (I think)

Sofias brother and his gal' also came over to rock the house!

Battle of the titans!

Time for some lunch, then off for a walk in the lovely weather. Apparently it's gonna be about 17-18 degrees Celsius n bright blue skies this weekend. But I'm off for Stockholm and 4 days of Ayurvedic lectures INDOORS so I better soak up as much sun as I possibly can right now!


Check this out!

06:27 am

Been awake since 05:13, my neck is hurting and my throat is swollen and hurting. I drank two cups of coffee yesterday afternoon which made me unable to sleep last night. I would guess I've slept for about 4h at the most....
This whole throat thing happened when I was in a small car accident in LA a couple of years ago as well, also in combination with a overstretched muscke in the neck. So it seems like whenever I have problems w my neck, I get a cold as well.  Hhhmm, nature's trying to tell me something?

The cruise was awesome. Lots of SPA adn great food. But man were people drunk or what? Geez-Louise... I do have some pics but since me n Jenny-Jen didn't manage to look normal in any of them I don't think I'll post any... Maybe of the boat. The busride home was very exciting I must say. I sat next to an Elvis lookalike who had brought picnic in rinsed out coffee bags: Broiled chicken & pork chops. And he insisted on eating them with his mouth open. Very charming I must say....

Fortunately me n love are going to Kramfors for a SPAnight tomorrow, hopefully my neck will get better after that. We're off sightseeing on the way up, Höga Lusten Bron is supposed to be really cool. It's like the San Fran of Sweden!

Then there's supposed to be something called Häxberget (the Witchmountain) north of Krafors where they beheaded and burned witches back in the days. Very suiting during Easter.....

Since it hurts when I lay down, when I sit AND when I stand up for too long, there really isn't much that I can do right now but at least try to go to sleep. I caved in to my friend The painkiller an hour ago, hopefully it'll help.....

Ya'll better read this!

In regards to my last post!

Watch out for easter candy!

Apparently a lot of chocolate that we eat here in Sweden comes from plantations where children are working under coercion amongst dangerous chemicals. Wtf?

(Translation made by Google Translate):

Chocolate in your Easter eggs may come from cultures where children are working under duress from dangerous chemicals. The Swedish chocolate giants have known problems for years, but can not guarantee good conditions.

In a new report from the organization Swedwatch as Svenska Dagbladet has taken note of the disclosed chocolate dark secret.
The case of cocoa used by Cloetta and Fazer, Kraft Foods and Nestlé brands Dumle, Kexchoklad, Daim and Marabou. According to the companies themselves, the majority of cocoa from Ivory Coast and Ghana. The conditions for cocoa workers is very poor, a study which Swedwatch did three years ago and which the organization is now followed up.

"Do not check"
According to Kristina Bjurling, Acting Permanent Secretary at Swedwatch, will be harmful child labor and dangerous pesticides remain. - The big Swedish players who sell the most cocoa in Sweden still have not seen to have control over the crops they buy their raw materials came from, she said to SvD.

Goin' cruisin'!

My neck's still hurtin', but not as much as yesterday. I managed to sit up for about 30 minutes today before it really started hurting, woohoo!
I'm trying to book a SPA-appointment for tomorrow: body scrub, herbal bath and a facial, yummy! I really feel like I need it right now and I think it would be good for my aching body as well =)
But the SPA doesen't stop there: On friday me and my Jenny-Jen are off for a 24h cruise with SPA-treatments, dinner buffét AND breakfast buffét, YES! Yesterday she asked me if she should bring her partydress or her comfy clothes. I say bring your best velour sweatsuit and let's act like a couple of oldies goldies for 24h, just gorging ourself w buffét food, awesome! I'm keepin an eye on the weather report for friday, but it keeps on changing from 7 degrees Celsius n very cloudy to 15 degrees celsius and bright blue skies, so we're keepin or fingers crossed for the later one so that we (to quote Jenny-Jen): "can sit on the roof (yup, roof she said) and sip on our umbrella drinks!"

And next week me n my man are off for a SPA-trip to Kramfors as well: treatments for 2,5h, 3-course dinner, bubbles and chocolate, breakfast buffét, oh my god!

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm addicted to SPA's, and I'm proud of it! =)

Bedrest bedschmest!

I had a Show-n-tell w one of the pole dancing groups last night. I must have made a real bad twist of my neck because when the Show-n-tell was over my neck REALLY started hurting. I heated up my lavender flaxseed pillow, took a couple of painkillers and went straight to bed.
I did sleep well, but when I woke up my neck was hurting more than last night. I made an appointment to go get some acupuncture this afternoon, so hopefully I'll feel better after that. Right now I'm on bedrest because it hurts too much to get out of bed. Gonna drag meeself up to try n take a shower before the acupuncture though, better start right now....


56 days to go until D-Day. Ooooonly 56 days.....


Saturday, 7h until I start work, 13 degrees Celsius outside, lovely blue sky, birds are chirping, and I'm off for a walk to pick meeself some Salix for my easter decoration. Aaaah, life is good sometimes!


Giftpack with Wild Strawberry (Arctic Strawberry) scent from Björk&Berries, yummy!

Check them out at

I was at a seminarie about international expansion yesterday, and the VD för Björk&Berries were there to talk to us about what to think about when it somes to expanding to other countries. After her speech she gave all a gift bag with a travel pack of Björ&Berries Lingonberry/Rose Schampoo and Conditioner. OH MY GOD IT SMELLED GOOD! I wonder if you can eat it?
The Wild Strawberries/Arctic Strawberries (Smultron) in the product above are handpicked around Högbo Bruk, kinda close to were we live. Björk&Berries focuse lies on working with natures gifts and extract perfumes and scents from these berries etc etc using old fashioned methods.
Their products do cost a bit more than the usual 99c Store beauty products. But damn you smell and feel great afterwards!
Fortunately it's my b-day in a couple of months, gonna splurge on meeself a little bit then...

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