Goin' cruisin'!

My neck's still hurtin', but not as much as yesterday. I managed to sit up for about 30 minutes today before it really started hurting, woohoo!
I'm trying to book a SPA-appointment for tomorrow: body scrub, herbal bath and a facial, yummy! I really feel like I need it right now and I think it would be good for my aching body as well =)
But the SPA doesen't stop there: On friday me and my Jenny-Jen are off for a 24h cruise with SPA-treatments, dinner buffét AND breakfast buffét, YES! Yesterday she asked me if she should bring her partydress or her comfy clothes. I say bring your best velour sweatsuit and let's act like a couple of oldies goldies for 24h, just gorging ourself w buffét food, awesome! I'm keepin an eye on the weather report for friday, but it keeps on changing from 7 degrees Celsius n very cloudy to 15 degrees celsius and bright blue skies, so we're keepin or fingers crossed for the later one so that we (to quote Jenny-Jen): "can sit on the roof (yup, roof she said) and sip on our umbrella drinks!"

And next week me n my man are off for a SPA-trip to Kramfors as well: treatments for 2,5h, 3-course dinner, bubbles and chocolate, breakfast buffét, oh my god!

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm addicted to SPA's, and I'm proud of it! =)


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