16 full weeks, going on week 17!
I went to a physiotherapist earlier this week. I've been having such problems with my back. It's been the same problems as I've had before, it shows up whenever I have periods of not moving. I diagnosed myself with isciatic nerve problems, since the pain starts in my back and it raddiates down my left leg, making it fell like it's gonna just fall off. Reeeeally painful I tell you. The only thing that seems to have been working numbing the pain is laying still on the couch. But then again that's what caused the problems in the first place since I couldn't move around when I was feeling so nauseous. Anyhoodle, I went to the physiotherapist and told her about my "diagnose". She pressed my back, made me turn to the left, to the right, do a back bend, forward bend, lay down and do all sorts of exercises. She and her colleague came tot he conclusion that it wasn't the isciatic nerve spooking around.
Apparently when I don't move and I dont excersise, the whole left side of my pelvic bone tilts, making the front part go down and the back part go up. So the whole thing becomes all twisted since the right side doesen't move at all. Real scary actually. But she pressed and pushed and made it all even. Then I was told to try to start moving again. But I cant make any fast or sudden movements, or stretch/move my pelvic bone in such way that it gets even more twisted, like preparing for splits of all sorts. Sucks since that's what we've been working on in the classes. I should actually move more "cube like", the exact opposite of what we do in class. Great...
But Im determined to get rid of this pain. It's not really pregnancy related, since it happens even if Im not pregnant. At least I can start moving. I've been trying to do some maternity yoga since it's quite even movements. But walking still puts a lot of strain on the pelvic bone so it quickly starts hurting if I move to fast causing strain with the uneven movements. Maybe I should get meeself some sort of bike where you use both of your legs at the same time. Anyone ever see one of those?
Soon you'll experience one of the most wonderful moments of pregnancy — feeling your baby move. While some women notice "quickening" as early as 16 weeks, many don't feel their baby move until about 18 weeks or more. (And if this is your first baby, don't be too impatient — you may not be aware of your baby's movements until 20 weeks or so.) The earliest movements may feel like little flutters, gas bubbles, or even like popcorn popping. Over the following weeks they'll grow stronger and you'll be able to feel them much more frequently.
Bebisar är lekfulla både i och utanför magen. Din bebis har kanske upptäckt sin allra första leksak – navelsträngen – som kan vara rolig att dra i och klämma på. Även om bebisen kan ibland kan klämma tillräckligt hårt för att minska syretillförseln, behöver du inte vara orolig för att den ska hålla tag så länge att det orsakar skada. Cirkulationssystemet och urinvägarna fungerar nu som de ska och bebisen drar in fostervatten i lungorna och andas ut det igen.
Ibland kan det göra ont när du gör plötsliga rörelser. Ligamenten på båda sidor av livmodern och bäckenet sträcks i takt med att bebisen växer. Det är helt normalt, men om det inte ger med sig utan fortsätter några dagar, eller förvärras, bör du prata med din barnmorska.
Apparently when I don't move and I dont excersise, the whole left side of my pelvic bone tilts, making the front part go down and the back part go up. So the whole thing becomes all twisted since the right side doesen't move at all. Real scary actually. But she pressed and pushed and made it all even. Then I was told to try to start moving again. But I cant make any fast or sudden movements, or stretch/move my pelvic bone in such way that it gets even more twisted, like preparing for splits of all sorts. Sucks since that's what we've been working on in the classes. I should actually move more "cube like", the exact opposite of what we do in class. Great...
But Im determined to get rid of this pain. It's not really pregnancy related, since it happens even if Im not pregnant. At least I can start moving. I've been trying to do some maternity yoga since it's quite even movements. But walking still puts a lot of strain on the pelvic bone so it quickly starts hurting if I move to fast causing strain with the uneven movements. Maybe I should get meeself some sort of bike where you use both of your legs at the same time. Anyone ever see one of those?
How your baby's growing:
Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren't recognizable yet. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.How your life's changing:
The top of your uterus is about halfway between your pubic bone and your navel, and the round ligaments that support it are thickening and stretching as it grows. You're probably feeling a whole lot better as you settle into pregnancy, too. Less nausea, fewer mood swings, and "glowing" skin contribute to an overall sense of well-being.Soon you'll experience one of the most wonderful moments of pregnancy — feeling your baby move. While some women notice "quickening" as early as 16 weeks, many don't feel their baby move until about 18 weeks or more. (And if this is your first baby, don't be too impatient — you may not be aware of your baby's movements until 20 weeks or so.) The earliest movements may feel like little flutters, gas bubbles, or even like popcorn popping. Over the following weeks they'll grow stronger and you'll be able to feel them much more frequently.
Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 16
Nu är bebisen ungefär lika stor som en avokado, precis under 12 cm, och väger cirka 100 gram. Under de kommande veckorna kommer en växtspurt äga rum, då bebisen dubblar sin vikt och blir längre.Bebisar är lekfulla både i och utanför magen. Din bebis har kanske upptäckt sin allra första leksak – navelsträngen – som kan vara rolig att dra i och klämma på. Även om bebisen kan ibland kan klämma tillräckligt hårt för att minska syretillförseln, behöver du inte vara orolig för att den ska hålla tag så länge att det orsakar skada. Cirkulationssystemet och urinvägarna fungerar nu som de ska och bebisen drar in fostervatten i lungorna och andas ut det igen.
Ibland kan det göra ont när du gör plötsliga rörelser. Ligamenten på båda sidor av livmodern och bäckenet sträcks i takt med att bebisen växer. Det är helt normalt, men om det inte ger med sig utan fortsätter några dagar, eller förvärras, bör du prata med din barnmorska.
A little something for the Mr?
Courtesy of abcunderwear.com.....
Ham for christmas?
Please think twice before buying your christmas ham this year. Check out this video:
And then make sure you buy yours from an organic, local farmer where you can be sure the animals are being treated right. Will it be more expensive? Probably. But when you're standing there in ther grocery store, about to buy a "real cheap and nice looking ham", think back to this video!
Maybe it's worth buying a smaller ham, and eating less ham for christmas. There are a bunch of other delish things to eat, right?
And then make sure you buy yours from an organic, local farmer where you can be sure the animals are being treated right. Will it be more expensive? Probably. But when you're standing there in ther grocery store, about to buy a "real cheap and nice looking ham", think back to this video!
Maybe it's worth buying a smaller ham, and eating less ham for christmas. There are a bunch of other delish things to eat, right?
Going on week 16!
And yup, I felt the first movements last thursday =)
How your baby's growing:
Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but she is forming taste buds. Finally, if you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! (Don't be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby's sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby's position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to "hide the goods.")How your life's changing:
If you're having amniocentesis, it'll most likely happen between now and 18 weeks. This test can identify hundreds of genetic and chromosomal disorders. If you're getting very anxious while waiting for the results, it may help to know that most women who undergo amniocentesis get good news about their babies — bringing welcome relief from their worries.
Don't be surprised if you and your partner are feeling a little stressed out these days. Many pregnant couples worry about their baby's health and how they'll handle the changes ahead. But with physical discomforts on the wane and energy on the rise, this is also a wonderful trimester for most women.
Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 15
Du märker säkert inte av det, men bebisen har förmodligen hicka ganska ofta. Den kan hicka innan den kan andas. Bebisen gör inga ljud innan födseln, eftersom luftstrupen är full av vätska istället för luft.
Fast du förmodligen har ökat i vikt med 2,5 – 4,5 kg, så väger fostret bara cirka 70 gram. Det är nu ungefär 11 centimeter långt, från hjässa till rumpa. Nu håller benen på att växa om armarna i längd, fingernaglarna är helt formade och alla leder och lemmar är rörliga. Eventuellt går det att se vilket kön bebisen har med ultraljud nu, eftersom de yttre könsdelarna utvecklats så pass att en ultraljudstekniker kan se dem med lite tur.
Om det känts lite abstrakt att vänta barn, så blir det förmodligen mycket verkligare när du kan känna bebisens rörelser för första gången. De flesta blivande mammor känner fosterrörelser mellan 16 och 20 veckor. Du som varit gravid förr, kommer förmodligen att känna dem tidigare. Det du kanske tror är gaser i magen, kan vara bebisen som gymnastiserar! Tala om för barnmorskan när du känt bebisen röra på sig för första gången. Nu mot mitten av graviditeten är en bra tid att börja motionera.
Stop panicking!
I HATE these commercials on TV telling you to take the flu shot to prevent further spreading of the swine flu. It's a frikkin witch hunt I tell you. Like they want to point the finger at us not taking the vaccine, making it our fault if the virus's spreading.
My immunesystem is down due to pregnancy, so that my body wont reject the fetus, and I'd like to keep it this way. A flu shot is a veryc unnatural way of shock starting the immunesystem. I make sure (in a natural way) that my immunesystem is as strong as it can be. I stay away from toxins in my food, I don't smoke, I rarely drink (and now of course, since Im pregnant, I never drink). Why would I risk a misscarriage beacuse of a flu hysteria? I believe my immunesystem is quite strong, and since the flu virus is air borne I can be a bearer (clothes etc) and spread it wether or not I take the shot.
I recently bought this book by Viera Schreibner (Ph D), called "Behavioural problems in childhood, the link to vaccination" (Beteendestörningar i barndomen, samband med vaccination). I really recommend all parents and parents-to-be to buy and read it before deciding to take any vaccines. A vaccine isn't without side effects just because it's been used for 40-something years, side effects can show after a longer period of time and be passed on through generations, very scary....
My immunesystem is down due to pregnancy, so that my body wont reject the fetus, and I'd like to keep it this way. A flu shot is a veryc unnatural way of shock starting the immunesystem. I make sure (in a natural way) that my immunesystem is as strong as it can be. I stay away from toxins in my food, I don't smoke, I rarely drink (and now of course, since Im pregnant, I never drink). Why would I risk a misscarriage beacuse of a flu hysteria? I believe my immunesystem is quite strong, and since the flu virus is air borne I can be a bearer (clothes etc) and spread it wether or not I take the shot.
I recently bought this book by Viera Schreibner (Ph D), called "Behavioural problems in childhood, the link to vaccination" (Beteendestörningar i barndomen, samband med vaccination). I really recommend all parents and parents-to-be to buy and read it before deciding to take any vaccines. A vaccine isn't without side effects just because it's been used for 40-something years, side effects can show after a longer period of time and be passed on through generations, very scary....
Something's hiding....
...in my tummy. And yesterday I felt a small movement. Can't call it a kick just yet, it was more like butterflies in my tummy, and a prancing kitten. But it felt real nice =)
Baby in, common sense out?
So I was about to do some laundry today. After I'd poured in the detergent and was just about to add the fabric softener I look at the small compartment for the softener and realize that it's the same one where I just added the detergent and it's all white. Wtf? Why is it white? Oooooh, I see. Slowly I start realizing that for the past weeks I've been adding detergent AND softener in the same compartment, terrific.......
Take good care of your children!
Pregnant women, read the comment at the bottom of this article before deciding wether or not to take the flu vaccine: http://miscarriage.about.com/b/2009/09/29/some-pregnant-women-fearful-of-h1n1-vaccine.htm
One legged mommy?
I think my left leg is about to fall off. Im not completely sure, but I do think so. It's the sciatic nerve that's been playing tricks on me. I always end up having problems with it if I don't move my ass enough. And since I've sort of been on bedrest for about two months, Im not really surprised it's been acting up.
Gotta call my obstetrician and ask her what I should do. I've finally been able to start eating some, so now I have way more energy than before. But whenever I think the damn sciatis nerve is in order and I start moving around, amybe only go for a walk, it starts aching again and it feels like my leg is gonan fall off, geez...
Gotta call my obstetrician and ask her what I should do. I've finally been able to start eating some, so now I have way more energy than before. But whenever I think the damn sciatis nerve is in order and I start moving around, amybe only go for a walk, it starts aching again and it feels like my leg is gonan fall off, geez...
Surprise surprise!
This is what I've been talking about people. This is what happens when we use too much antibiotics and vaccines:
Antibiotics and vaccines are being used way too often these days. People get sick over and over again, the bacterias get stronger and more and more resistant, and instead of looking for the reason, doctors prescribe antibiotics. It takes less time and is cheaper than to actuallt spend time with the patient searching for the reason for the illness, not just reducing the symptoms. Prepare for more studies like this, I can bet my right arm this is just the beginning!
Antibiotics and vaccines are being used way too often these days. People get sick over and over again, the bacterias get stronger and more and more resistant, and instead of looking for the reason, doctors prescribe antibiotics. It takes less time and is cheaper than to actuallt spend time with the patient searching for the reason for the illness, not just reducing the symptoms. Prepare for more studies like this, I can bet my right arm this is just the beginning!
New blog!
So I've had this project in mind for a while; I'd like to start up a so called food blog where I can share my thoughts on health, food and maybe even some recipes =)
The adress to this blog is: www.dianaskok.blogg.se (note: it's still under construction)
I will still keep this blog as my private one, so check back in!
The adress to this blog is: www.dianaskok.blogg.se (note: it's still under construction)
I will still keep this blog as my private one, so check back in!
14 full weeks (going on week 15)
How your baby's growing:
This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb.In other news: Your baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces. His body's growing faster than his head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, his arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of his body. (His legs still have some lengthening to do.) He's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his body. Your baby's liver starts making bile this week — a sign that it's doing its job right — and his spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Though you can't feel his tiny punches and kicks yet, your little pugilist's hands and feet (which now measure about 1/2 inch long) are more flexible and active.
Welcome to your second trimester! Your energy is likely returning, your breasts may be feeling less tender, and your queasiness may have completely abated by now. If not, hang on — chances are good it will soon be behind you (although an unlucky few will still feel nauseated months from now).
The top of your uterus is a bit above your pubic bone, which may be enough to push your tummy out a tad. Starting to show can be quite a thrill, giving you and your partner visible evidence of the baby you've been waiting for. Take some time to plan, daydream, and enjoy this amazing time. It's normal to worry a bit now and then, but try to focus on taking care of yourself and your baby, and having faith that you're well equipped for what's ahead.
Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 14
Nu är bebisen ungefär 9 centimeter lång och väger cirka 43 gram. Nu växer kroppen fortare än huvudet. Denna vecka kommer den papperstunna huden att täckas med den duniga kroppsbehåring som kallas lanugo och vanligtvis försvinner innan bebisen föds. Ögonbryn börjar växa och huvudet kan vara täckt med dunigt hår, men det är svårt att förutse hur ditt barns hår kommer att se ut efter förlossningen.Kring den här tiden kan fostret gripa, kisa, rynka på ögonbrynen och grimasera. Det kanske till och med kan suga på tummen. Forskare tror att dessa och vissa andra rörelser utvecklas i takt med att impulser i hjärnan utvecklas.
Om du inte gjort ett NUPP-prov, men ändå vill få en uppfattning om hur hög risken för kromosomskador är, kan du göra en serumscreening (biokemisk screening eller Köpenhamnsprov) från vecka 14. Det mäter nivåerna av vissa äggviteämnen i ditt blod och kan ge en bild av hur stor risken är för Downs syndrom eller annan kromosomskada. Resultatet kan visa om det är relevant att överväga ett fostervattensprov, som görs mellan vecka 15 och vecka 18 och som vanligtvis erbjuds om den blivande mamman är över 35 eller har kromosomavvikelser i släkten. Du som är över 35 kan läsa vår artikel om hur ålder påverkar graviditeten.
Cloth diapers?
Environmentally friendly as we are we've started to discuss wether or not we're gonna use cloth diapers for the baby. The cost for regular diapers during a babys diaper period goes up to about 18000sek, while cloth diapers will cost about 4500sek, quite a big difference.
We're thinking we might buy a pack from imsevimse.se and try them out on the baby for a month or two and see how it works. Beau's a bit scared it's gonna be nasty business, I say it's gonna be nasty either way, baby poop ain't that fun to deal with....
We're thinking we might buy a pack from imsevimse.se and try them out on the baby for a month or two and see how it works. Beau's a bit scared it's gonna be nasty business, I say it's gonna be nasty either way, baby poop ain't that fun to deal with....
Fem yogafavoriter för gravida (fri översättning från sanskrit):
- Estrella. Ligg på rygg och balansera en skål chips på magen. Försök äta upp allihop innan du somnar.
- Nysningen. Kläm ihop knäna när nysningen börjar tränga på, andas in och ut och försök komma ihåg hur det känns att "hålla inne". Håll denna position medan du linkar till badrummet för att byta trosor.
- Vadkrampen. Försök nå förbi magen så att du kan massera benet, medan du skriker så högt att hela grannskapet vaknar.
- Pesto-rapningen. Lägg hakan mot bröstet och andas ut så tyst som möjligt med stängd mun. Meditera sedan över en bit chokladkaka.
- Domnade höften. Ligg på ena sidan tills du förlorar all känsel. Upprepa på andra sidan.
Christmas list!
Non swedish speaking peeps: Translate with Google Translate!
• Skulle du kunna tänka dig att jobba på julafton?
Aldrig. När jag bodde i Sthlm jobbade jag en gång på juldagen vilket gjorde att jag inte kunde fira riktig jul hemma med familjen. Aldrig mer.
• Bakar du något till jul? vad?
ALLT! Listan är lång ska ni veta. Det ska vara hembakat till jul. Klarar inte av köpt pepparkaksdeg, den smakar inget. Ska vara mormors gamla recept, världens bästa pepparkaksdeg! Sen e d ju lussebullar, knäck, ischoklad, mintkyssar, tryfflar, saffranskaka, kola... som sagt, listan är lång...
• Vilket föredrar du, lussekatter med eller utan russin?
Är det inte russin i e d bara torr deg, bläh
• Vill du ha egenproducerat julgodis eller köpt?
Definitivt egenproducerat. Hemmagjort e bäst!
• Knäck eller ischoklad?
Jag är definitivt en knäckperson. Men klarar mig inte utan ischoklad på julafton!
• Hur ser din adventsljusstake (den man tänder varje söndag) ut?
Tror att den e röd. Vi hade en i USa men komemr inte ihåg om den följde med till Sverige. Kan vara så att Ire fick ärva den. första julen tillsammans i nya huset, hädanefter kanske man faktist kommer ihåg vad som e vårat....
• Som fönsterprydnad, stjärna eller elljusstake?
Vi hittade 18.000 st elljusstakar i garderoberna när vi flyttade hit, dom flesta fungerade inte. Så i år får vi se vad somåker upp i fönstret. IKEA nästa kanske?
• Vill du ha julkort med brevbäraren eller som e-post?
Definitivt hem i brevlådan, gjorda av oblekt återvunnet papper. Dom åker såklart ner i återvinningen efter jul =)
• Vilka färger har ni till jul? Klassiskt röd/grön/vit? Guld/isblå?…eller vad?
Rött, grönt, guld. Jag gillar en väldigt klassisk jul med traditionella färger.
• När julpyntar du hemma?
Jaaaa, egentligen vill jag börja nu. i USA ligger ju Thanksgiving i slutet av November, så då kan man ändå inte riktigt julpynta innan dess, då ska ju Thanksgivingpyntet vara uppe. Här i Sverige vill jag börja så snart det blir november och man kanske ser lite snö flyga utanför fönstret....
• Har varje julprydnad sin bestämda plats år ut och år in?
Ingen aning, vi har bott på olika ställen varje jul hittills....
• Vad bara MÅSTE hänga/finnas i granen?
Julgranskulor, glitter, julgransljus, pärlband
• Har du ett färgtema i granen?
• Levande gran eller plastgran?
Hemma hos oss får ni aldrig se en rosa plastgran med svarta kulor. Må vara snyggt i affären, men hemma vill jag ha en traditionell stil, levande gran som doftar jul där barren faller av i slutet av julen och fastnar i 70-tals heltäckningsmattan, mmmmmm d e riktig jul....
• Hur ser din julfrukost ut?
Risgrynsgröt, skinkmacka och kanske en lussebulle och en pepparkaka. Så har det sett ut oberoende vart jag bott!
• Brukar du göra något aktivitet på julafton, tex gå en promenad, spela sällskapsspel osv. ?
Julfrukost, förberedelse för middag, Kalle Anka, middag, julklappsöppning. När vi firade tillsammans med alla kompisar i LA brukade det ingå kanske promenad och lite mer aktiviteter, men då kom alla från så olika länder att det vart en enda stor härlig mix av traditioner!
• Dricker ni köpeglögg eller hemmagjord?
Oftast köpeglögg, helst hemmagjord!
• Vilken glögg brukar du dricka på jul om ni köper den?
• Vad av dessa saker brukar ni ha i glöggen, mandel, hasselnötter eller russin?
Russin och hackad mandel.
• Finns det någon frukt som är ett MÅSTE till jul?
Vi hade alltid en fruktkorg hemma hos mamma & pappa med apelsiner, clementiner, annanas och en kokosnöt i. Fråga mig inte varför vi hade en annanas och en kokosnöt på jul, det bara skulle vara så. Personligen vill jag nu ha clementiner i korgen och apelsiner med nejlikor i fönstren!
• Vilken är din favoritjulskiva?
Så länge dom sjunger om jul är jag ganska flexibel.
• Vilken är din favoritjullåt?
"Walking in a winter wonderland"
• Vad skulle du inte vilja vara utan på julbordet, vad är ett absolut måste?
Skinka, pappas hemlagade köttbullar, prinskorv, rödbetssallad, Jansson, hemgravad lax, kokt potatis, sylta (rull & press), sill och såklart saffranskaka till efterrätt!
• Nämn tre rätter du lagar helt själv till julbordet?
Nja, än så länge har vi inte riktigt några sånna traditioner. Men räknar man över åren har jag nog gjort skinka, Jansson, köttbullar gravad lax och saffranskaka (& såklart julgodis)
• Föredrar du vörtbröd med russin eller utan?
Im a raisin girl!
• Risgrynsgröt eller Ris à la malta?
Grisgrynsgröt. Ris a lá Malta e gott, men ingen riktig tradition för mig.
• Vill du ha dopp i grytan eller inte på julbordet?
Gärna! Men äter det helre dagen innan eller dagen efter, det finns så mycket annat på julbordet ändå.
• Dricker du julmust eller mumma till julbordet?
Definitivt julmust, hela dagen, morgon/middag/kväll, tills det sprutar ur öronen!
• Vilket är ditt bästa julrecept som du har fått av din mamma eller svärmor?
Mormors pepparkaksdegsrecept har jag fått av mamma =)
• Tittar du varje år på Kalle´s julafton?
Apselut! Ingen jul utan Kalle!
• Vilken snutt är favoritsnutten ur Kalle´s julafton?
Lady & Luffsen, Robin Hood
• Har du sett Karl-Bertil Jonsson´s jul?
Njae, nån gång kanske. Men kommer inte ihåg vad den egentligen handlar om. Han jobbar på posten va?
• Har ni tomte hemma?
Dags att köra igång med det nu när det trillar ut bebisar överallt =)
• Köper du julklappar till många?
Brukar göra julklappar (julkorgar)
• Tycker du att det skall vara julklappar till alla eller bara barnen?
Klart alla ska ha julklappar! Men värdet spelar ingen roll. Det räcker med en dikt skriven på en servett inslagen i aluminiumfolie med en liten rosett, toppen!
• Tycker du att julklapparna skall vara inslagna i affären eller vill du göra det själv?
Älskar att slå in julklappar, så jag gör det gärna själv!
• Färgglatt eller enfärgat julklappspapper?
Gärna enfärgat naturpapper med röda snören och lackade/stämplade skarvar!
• Roligast att få i sin julklapp?
Innehållet spelar ingen roll, bara det finns någon tanke bakom klappen, något som visar att personen lagt ner lite tid på att välja/göra just den speciella klappen.
• Vad skulle den ultimata julklappen vara till dig i år?
Snö på julafton!
• Skulle du kunna tänka dig att jobba på julafton?
Aldrig. När jag bodde i Sthlm jobbade jag en gång på juldagen vilket gjorde att jag inte kunde fira riktig jul hemma med familjen. Aldrig mer.
• Bakar du något till jul? vad?
ALLT! Listan är lång ska ni veta. Det ska vara hembakat till jul. Klarar inte av köpt pepparkaksdeg, den smakar inget. Ska vara mormors gamla recept, världens bästa pepparkaksdeg! Sen e d ju lussebullar, knäck, ischoklad, mintkyssar, tryfflar, saffranskaka, kola... som sagt, listan är lång...
• Vilket föredrar du, lussekatter med eller utan russin?
Är det inte russin i e d bara torr deg, bläh
• Vill du ha egenproducerat julgodis eller köpt?
Definitivt egenproducerat. Hemmagjort e bäst!
• Knäck eller ischoklad?
Jag är definitivt en knäckperson. Men klarar mig inte utan ischoklad på julafton!
• Hur ser din adventsljusstake (den man tänder varje söndag) ut?
Tror att den e röd. Vi hade en i USa men komemr inte ihåg om den följde med till Sverige. Kan vara så att Ire fick ärva den. första julen tillsammans i nya huset, hädanefter kanske man faktist kommer ihåg vad som e vårat....
• Som fönsterprydnad, stjärna eller elljusstake?
Vi hittade 18.000 st elljusstakar i garderoberna när vi flyttade hit, dom flesta fungerade inte. Så i år får vi se vad somåker upp i fönstret. IKEA nästa kanske?
• Vill du ha julkort med brevbäraren eller som e-post?
Definitivt hem i brevlådan, gjorda av oblekt återvunnet papper. Dom åker såklart ner i återvinningen efter jul =)
• Vilka färger har ni till jul? Klassiskt röd/grön/vit? Guld/isblå?…eller vad?
Rött, grönt, guld. Jag gillar en väldigt klassisk jul med traditionella färger.
• När julpyntar du hemma?
Jaaaa, egentligen vill jag börja nu. i USA ligger ju Thanksgiving i slutet av November, så då kan man ändå inte riktigt julpynta innan dess, då ska ju Thanksgivingpyntet vara uppe. Här i Sverige vill jag börja så snart det blir november och man kanske ser lite snö flyga utanför fönstret....
• Har varje julprydnad sin bestämda plats år ut och år in?
Ingen aning, vi har bott på olika ställen varje jul hittills....
• Vad bara MÅSTE hänga/finnas i granen?
Julgranskulor, glitter, julgransljus, pärlband
• Har du ett färgtema i granen?
• Levande gran eller plastgran?
Hemma hos oss får ni aldrig se en rosa plastgran med svarta kulor. Må vara snyggt i affären, men hemma vill jag ha en traditionell stil, levande gran som doftar jul där barren faller av i slutet av julen och fastnar i 70-tals heltäckningsmattan, mmmmmm d e riktig jul....
• Hur ser din julfrukost ut?
Risgrynsgröt, skinkmacka och kanske en lussebulle och en pepparkaka. Så har det sett ut oberoende vart jag bott!
• Brukar du göra något aktivitet på julafton, tex gå en promenad, spela sällskapsspel osv. ?
Julfrukost, förberedelse för middag, Kalle Anka, middag, julklappsöppning. När vi firade tillsammans med alla kompisar i LA brukade det ingå kanske promenad och lite mer aktiviteter, men då kom alla från så olika länder att det vart en enda stor härlig mix av traditioner!
• Dricker ni köpeglögg eller hemmagjord?
Oftast köpeglögg, helst hemmagjord!
• Vilken glögg brukar du dricka på jul om ni köper den?
• Vad av dessa saker brukar ni ha i glöggen, mandel, hasselnötter eller russin?
Russin och hackad mandel.
• Finns det någon frukt som är ett MÅSTE till jul?
Vi hade alltid en fruktkorg hemma hos mamma & pappa med apelsiner, clementiner, annanas och en kokosnöt i. Fråga mig inte varför vi hade en annanas och en kokosnöt på jul, det bara skulle vara så. Personligen vill jag nu ha clementiner i korgen och apelsiner med nejlikor i fönstren!
• Vilken är din favoritjulskiva?
Så länge dom sjunger om jul är jag ganska flexibel.
• Vilken är din favoritjullåt?
"Walking in a winter wonderland"
• Vad skulle du inte vilja vara utan på julbordet, vad är ett absolut måste?
Skinka, pappas hemlagade köttbullar, prinskorv, rödbetssallad, Jansson, hemgravad lax, kokt potatis, sylta (rull & press), sill och såklart saffranskaka till efterrätt!
• Nämn tre rätter du lagar helt själv till julbordet?
Nja, än så länge har vi inte riktigt några sånna traditioner. Men räknar man över åren har jag nog gjort skinka, Jansson, köttbullar gravad lax och saffranskaka (& såklart julgodis)
• Föredrar du vörtbröd med russin eller utan?
Im a raisin girl!
• Risgrynsgröt eller Ris à la malta?
Grisgrynsgröt. Ris a lá Malta e gott, men ingen riktig tradition för mig.
• Vill du ha dopp i grytan eller inte på julbordet?
Gärna! Men äter det helre dagen innan eller dagen efter, det finns så mycket annat på julbordet ändå.
• Dricker du julmust eller mumma till julbordet?
Definitivt julmust, hela dagen, morgon/middag/kväll, tills det sprutar ur öronen!
• Vilket är ditt bästa julrecept som du har fått av din mamma eller svärmor?
Mormors pepparkaksdegsrecept har jag fått av mamma =)
• Tittar du varje år på Kalle´s julafton?
Apselut! Ingen jul utan Kalle!
• Vilken snutt är favoritsnutten ur Kalle´s julafton?
Lady & Luffsen, Robin Hood
• Har du sett Karl-Bertil Jonsson´s jul?
Njae, nån gång kanske. Men kommer inte ihåg vad den egentligen handlar om. Han jobbar på posten va?
• Har ni tomte hemma?
Dags att köra igång med det nu när det trillar ut bebisar överallt =)
• Köper du julklappar till många?
Brukar göra julklappar (julkorgar)
• Tycker du att det skall vara julklappar till alla eller bara barnen?
Klart alla ska ha julklappar! Men värdet spelar ingen roll. Det räcker med en dikt skriven på en servett inslagen i aluminiumfolie med en liten rosett, toppen!
• Tycker du att julklapparna skall vara inslagna i affären eller vill du göra det själv?
Älskar att slå in julklappar, så jag gör det gärna själv!
• Färgglatt eller enfärgat julklappspapper?
Gärna enfärgat naturpapper med röda snören och lackade/stämplade skarvar!
• Roligast att få i sin julklapp?
Innehållet spelar ingen roll, bara det finns någon tanke bakom klappen, något som visar att personen lagt ner lite tid på att välja/göra just den speciella klappen.
• Vad skulle den ultimata julklappen vara till dig i år?
Snö på julafton!
Anyone surprised?
Seriously, is anyone surprised? Im talking about what was in the news yesterday (or was it the day before?):
OMG, stop the presses. Farmers nowadays are using pesticides AND IT'S GETTING IN TO OUR FOOD!!!
I mean, come on. I heard this older man talking on the news and he was all: "I can't believe it, what do they put in our food these days" (just wait until he finds out that his beloved christmas ham is being injected with all sorts of hormones, antibiotics and all other sorts of crap, and that HE then will be eating exactly what the ham contains, I mean really, think for gods sake!!!)
HELLOOOOOOO. Pesticides have been used for a looooong time, did anyone really think that they just magically disappear as soon as the produce is being harvested? Or, I know, they spray the produce (veggies, fruits, tea leafes, whatever it may be) with pesticides BUT the poision only attach itself to the bugs, magically seeking out the little ones in between succulent oranges and fragrant apples, leaving no trace of pesticide whatsoever on what is to be harvested and eaten by humans.
Now I'm a true spokesperson for organic food. Multiple studies has shown that organic food contains way more vitamines and minerals that conventionally grown food. But one of the teas on this pesticide list was actually an organic one from Kung Markatta.Truth be told Im not that surprised about this either. Organic food goes through more regular controls and tests than convetionally grown food, but Im not surprised one slips through every now and then. At least by buying and eating organic/biodynamic food you minimize the risk of getting these toxins in to your system.
Here are the teas that contained pesticides, clean out your cupboards people!
OMG, stop the presses. Farmers nowadays are using pesticides AND IT'S GETTING IN TO OUR FOOD!!!
I mean, come on. I heard this older man talking on the news and he was all: "I can't believe it, what do they put in our food these days" (just wait until he finds out that his beloved christmas ham is being injected with all sorts of hormones, antibiotics and all other sorts of crap, and that HE then will be eating exactly what the ham contains, I mean really, think for gods sake!!!)
HELLOOOOOOO. Pesticides have been used for a looooong time, did anyone really think that they just magically disappear as soon as the produce is being harvested? Or, I know, they spray the produce (veggies, fruits, tea leafes, whatever it may be) with pesticides BUT the poision only attach itself to the bugs, magically seeking out the little ones in between succulent oranges and fragrant apples, leaving no trace of pesticide whatsoever on what is to be harvested and eaten by humans.
Now I'm a true spokesperson for organic food. Multiple studies has shown that organic food contains way more vitamines and minerals that conventionally grown food. But one of the teas on this pesticide list was actually an organic one from Kung Markatta.Truth be told Im not that surprised about this either. Organic food goes through more regular controls and tests than convetionally grown food, but Im not surprised one slips through every now and then. At least by buying and eating organic/biodynamic food you minimize the risk of getting these toxins in to your system.
Here are the teas that contained pesticides, clean out your cupboards people!
Lord Nelson natural (cypermetrin).
Willys Grönt te citrus (etion, cypermetrin).
ICA grönt te citron (cypermetrin, bifentrin, lmbda-cyhalotrin, deltamterin).
Twinings pure green (cypermtrin, deltametrin, bifenyl (förbjudet i EU)).
Lipton clear green (cypermetrin, lambda-cyhalotrin).
Friggs citron ingefära (karbendazim, dikofol, klorpyrifos-etyl).
Kung Markatta grönt te (azinfos-metyl (förbjudet i EU)).
Celestial green tea (imidakloprid, lambda-cyhalotrin).
Back to reality!
Had suuuuuch a great time in LA. Felt great allt the way over there and during the vacation. But when I woke up to go back to Sweden I started feeling nauseous again. I was standing at LAX crying before the chekc-in opened cause I was feeling so crappy, sucked. Cama home 1,5 h before I was supposed to have a class. Had to send an e-mail tomy students when I arrived at ARN to tell them I had to cancel my class, I was feeling sooooo sick. Passed out around 8pm that same night, woke up around 10pm and started speaking in english to Jesper about how I had forgot that some of my students dont' speak swedish so they probably didn't understand the e-mail that I sent out, I was all upset. He just looksa at me and says: "Honey, do you realize you're speaking english?" I continued to say something in english but then I slowly started to understand that we weren't speaking the same language. He also told me that all my students do speak swedish, and after I while I believed him and fell back to sleep, scary....
I've continued feeling crappy since I got back, been throwing up n stuff. Had to leav my students mid class the other day to go....uuuhhh.... This weekend my friend Cecilia came to visit, we basically stayed home and ate (well, I did eat. but sometimes it came back up...). It was nice to hang out though, haven't seen her in a while.
Hopefully this nausea will stop pretty soon. I've gone 12 full weeks now (will post stomach pics later) and gone in to week 13, so it should stop. Keeping my fingers crossed....
Anyhoodle, here are some pics from LA:
Maria holding Irene's little rat Elli (and Elle's the one in the back)
Me & my Annette out in Venice
Baby's getting some food!
Me & Irene on our way to a girls night at Maria's!
Mmmm, food for the pregnant lady (yup, I could actually eat the whole frikkin week!)
All the girls!
Newport Beach (right where I proposed to my man...)
The three musketeers in Newport
Yeah, give the pregnant lady some food! (At Ruby's out on the pier in Newport Beach)
...and the some chocolate please!!!
Me and Ire at The Grove!
Me at the beach by Pacific Palisades
View from the Pacific Palisades
Santa Monica (with the tent from Cirque de Soleil)
Me and my big girls + Charlie
Emma & me
Sienna playing soccer at Silverlake. Used to take her for a walk around the reservoir when she was a baby and they lived right by it!
Laguna Beach with Maria
Stomach's a bit bigger in this pic, guess I just ate....
Maria's going gangsta gangsta!
Great lunch in Laguna. Wanna-be-Bono was playing U2 covers so loud we could barely hear eachother speak, but it was great fun though!
View of downtown LA, driving back from Laguna.
Last night, went to the Grove w Maria and Eleni, ate at the Cheesecake Factory and watched "Where the wild things are" (or at least we tried to, me and Maria fell asleep in the theatre, exhausted for a 2h drive up from Laguna)
I've continued feeling crappy since I got back, been throwing up n stuff. Had to leav my students mid class the other day to go....uuuhhh.... This weekend my friend Cecilia came to visit, we basically stayed home and ate (well, I did eat. but sometimes it came back up...). It was nice to hang out though, haven't seen her in a while.
Hopefully this nausea will stop pretty soon. I've gone 12 full weeks now (will post stomach pics later) and gone in to week 13, so it should stop. Keeping my fingers crossed....
Anyhoodle, here are some pics from LA:
Eleni & Irene, first night
Maria holding Irene's little rat Elli (and Elle's the one in the back)
Me & my Annette out in Venice
Baby's getting some food!
Me & Irene on our way to a girls night at Maria's!
Mmmm, food for the pregnant lady (yup, I could actually eat the whole frikkin week!)
All the girls!
Newport Beach (right where I proposed to my man...)
The three musketeers in Newport
Yeah, give the pregnant lady some food! (At Ruby's out on the pier in Newport Beach)
...and the some chocolate please!!!
Me and Ire at The Grove!
Me at the beach by Pacific Palisades
View from the Pacific Palisades
Santa Monica (with the tent from Cirque de Soleil)
Me and my big girls + Charlie
Emma & me
Sienna playing soccer at Silverlake. Used to take her for a walk around the reservoir when she was a baby and they lived right by it!
Laguna Beach with Maria
Stomach's a bit bigger in this pic, guess I just ate....
Maria's going gangsta gangsta!
Great lunch in Laguna. Wanna-be-Bono was playing U2 covers so loud we could barely hear eachother speak, but it was great fun though!
View of downtown LA, driving back from Laguna.
Last night, went to the Grove w Maria and Eleni, ate at the Cheesecake Factory and watched "Where the wild things are" (or at least we tried to, me and Maria fell asleep in the theatre, exhausted for a 2h drive up from Laguna)
I had such a good time over there. Can't believe it's 2 years since we moved back to Sweden. It still feels like home when I'm there (was crying when I drove in to Pasadena the first night).
Im happy to be back home w my little family (right now consisting of 2 grown ups and a cat....), but I do miss it over there. It'll always be my second home!
Im happy to be back home w my little family (right now consisting of 2 grown ups and a cat....), but I do miss it over there. It'll always be my second home!