Anyone surprised?
Seriously, is anyone surprised? Im talking about what was in the news yesterday (or was it the day before?):
OMG, stop the presses. Farmers nowadays are using pesticides AND IT'S GETTING IN TO OUR FOOD!!!
I mean, come on. I heard this older man talking on the news and he was all: "I can't believe it, what do they put in our food these days" (just wait until he finds out that his beloved christmas ham is being injected with all sorts of hormones, antibiotics and all other sorts of crap, and that HE then will be eating exactly what the ham contains, I mean really, think for gods sake!!!)
HELLOOOOOOO. Pesticides have been used for a looooong time, did anyone really think that they just magically disappear as soon as the produce is being harvested? Or, I know, they spray the produce (veggies, fruits, tea leafes, whatever it may be) with pesticides BUT the poision only attach itself to the bugs, magically seeking out the little ones in between succulent oranges and fragrant apples, leaving no trace of pesticide whatsoever on what is to be harvested and eaten by humans.
Now I'm a true spokesperson for organic food. Multiple studies has shown that organic food contains way more vitamines and minerals that conventionally grown food. But one of the teas on this pesticide list was actually an organic one from Kung Markatta.Truth be told Im not that surprised about this either. Organic food goes through more regular controls and tests than convetionally grown food, but Im not surprised one slips through every now and then. At least by buying and eating organic/biodynamic food you minimize the risk of getting these toxins in to your system.
Here are the teas that contained pesticides, clean out your cupboards people!
OMG, stop the presses. Farmers nowadays are using pesticides AND IT'S GETTING IN TO OUR FOOD!!!
I mean, come on. I heard this older man talking on the news and he was all: "I can't believe it, what do they put in our food these days" (just wait until he finds out that his beloved christmas ham is being injected with all sorts of hormones, antibiotics and all other sorts of crap, and that HE then will be eating exactly what the ham contains, I mean really, think for gods sake!!!)
HELLOOOOOOO. Pesticides have been used for a looooong time, did anyone really think that they just magically disappear as soon as the produce is being harvested? Or, I know, they spray the produce (veggies, fruits, tea leafes, whatever it may be) with pesticides BUT the poision only attach itself to the bugs, magically seeking out the little ones in between succulent oranges and fragrant apples, leaving no trace of pesticide whatsoever on what is to be harvested and eaten by humans.
Now I'm a true spokesperson for organic food. Multiple studies has shown that organic food contains way more vitamines and minerals that conventionally grown food. But one of the teas on this pesticide list was actually an organic one from Kung Markatta.Truth be told Im not that surprised about this either. Organic food goes through more regular controls and tests than convetionally grown food, but Im not surprised one slips through every now and then. At least by buying and eating organic/biodynamic food you minimize the risk of getting these toxins in to your system.
Here are the teas that contained pesticides, clean out your cupboards people!
Lord Nelson natural (cypermetrin).
Willys Grönt te citrus (etion, cypermetrin).
ICA grönt te citron (cypermetrin, bifentrin, lmbda-cyhalotrin, deltamterin).
Twinings pure green (cypermtrin, deltametrin, bifenyl (förbjudet i EU)).
Lipton clear green (cypermetrin, lambda-cyhalotrin).
Friggs citron ingefära (karbendazim, dikofol, klorpyrifos-etyl).
Kung Markatta grönt te (azinfos-metyl (förbjudet i EU)).
Celestial green tea (imidakloprid, lambda-cyhalotrin).