11 full weks (going on week 12)

Will post some belly pics, maybe tonight!


Week 11 How Big is the Baby at Eleven Weeks Pregnant?
Your little one is growing larger and larger as you continue your pregnancy week by week. By pregnancy week 11 your baby is big enough to hold in the palm of your hand. It is about 1.6 inches long and your little bean weighs almost .25 of an ounce.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

Week 11 Ultrasound

Up until 11 weeks pregnant you could see right through your baby's skin. Now, your baby's skin will remain paper thin but becomes a multi-layered membrane losing much of its transparency. By this point in time your little one should be able to open and close her fists, and is starting to form little buds that will one day pop out as teeth!

By pregnancy 11 weeks your baby's fingers and toes have lost their amphibious like resemblance, now separated instead of webbed. Your little one is taking advantage of the huge space she is floating in by pregnancy 11 weeks, by kicking and squirming about. In the next three weeks your baby will go through a tremendous growth spurt, almost doubling in size. At no other time in your baby's life will she undergo as many rapid changes as are occurring during this stage of your pregnancy.

Your Growth and Development
You may be starting to show a bit by 11 weeks pregnant at this point (but not very much unless you have already had a baby). You are almost at the end of your first trimester by pregnancy at 11 weeks but you still may not look pregnant to onlookers, which some women find frustrating. Take comfort knowing that your uterus however is now just about big enough to fill your pelvis and is probably poking up above the middle of your pubic bone. Before you know it your tummy will pronounce to the whole world that you are pregnant!

Changes in You

By 11 weeks pregnant you should be feeling pretty pregnant, even if you don't look very pregnant. You might start to notice that your hair and fingernails start growing very rapidly. For some women this doesn't happen until closer to the third trimester, but others notice it right away. However, some women also find that their hair is more unruly than normal, so don't count on thick locks during pregnancy necessarily. If you have been suffering from terrible morning sickness, take heart knowing that in just another week or two you should start to feel remarkably better. Many women start gaining weight, about a pound per week during the second trimester, as they find their nausea subsiding.

You might be continuing to have mixed emotions about your pregnancy during pregnancy at 11 weeks. Many women find themselves tuning into parenting and health channels that talk about pregnancy. Keep your spirits up as much as possible as you follow your pregnancy week by week, and remember that shedding an occasional tear is perfectly normal and healthy.



Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 11

Nu närmar sig slutet av den första trimestern. Större delen av fostrets kritiska utveckling kommer att ha hänt om ett par veckor och risken för missfall sjunker då drastiskt.

fetal development at 11 weeksDitt fyra centimeter långa foster har nu alla väsentliga delar, från tandanlag till tånaglar. Bebisen håller igång med att sparka och sträcka på sig – det är rena vattenbaletten. Fingrar och tår har nu separerats helt och simhuden finns inte längre kvar. De kommande sex månadernas huvudprojekt kommer att vara att växa och bli större, starkare och mer motståndskraftig så att bebisen kan överleva utanför livmodern.

En mörk linje på magen som kallas linea nigra kan uppstå från venusberget och upp mot naveln. Din livmoder har nu växt såpass att den sticker upp ur bäckenet och barnmorskan kan alltså känna den om hon trycker på din mage.


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