30 days to go, only one bet so far!
So now it's 30 days left until we get to meet our troll. But Im personally counting on about 14 days, MAYBE 3 weeks, but after that Im done. No really, I mean it. See I like being preggers, a lot, it's not that. I like having my biiiiig ass tummy, feeling the trolls movements and seeing her feet looking like they're about to poke their way through my skin. I dont mind having gained about 30% of my body weight either, it doesent bother me at all, its actually quite fun cause I see it as a real challenge getting back in to shape post labour. And yes, it is pretty sweet being able to lay down all day if I want to without having to feel bad about it.
What I dont like is not having the option of doing anything else. After loading one wash Im totally exhausted, walking up the stairs is like running a frikking marathon, going for what used to be a 10 min. walk now takes me around 30 mintues if not more. If I walk too fast I start having contractions and run out of breath. And with "too fast" I mean walking slightly faster than a newly awakened hungover snail, my perception of fast has changed drastically.... Doing house chores also gives me contractions and makes my back start hurting. I had a plan of cleaning the house before loves back. Didnt go that great...
If only my head was as pregnant and exhausted as my body. Ok I cant really seem to keep any information these days. But my mind isnt as tired as my body which makes it even harder to sit still. Pregnant-friendly sedatives for the brain seems like a great option right now....
The bet is still on though, about when the baby is to be born (date and time). Hit me with an e-mail or post your reply here on my blog. The winner gets to come over for an amazing afternoon tea and watch the troll while I take a shower and/or visit the ladies room (cause apparently you don have the time to do that when you have a baby). Only one bet so far...
See thats another thing thats on my mind right now. Why wouldnt you have the time to go to the bathroom or take a shower just because you have a baby?. When I was a nanny taking care of TWO babies I just never felt I didnt have the time to go to the bathroom. Babies can be left alone for a minute, or why not just bring your baby with you to the bathroom? I sure dont think it makes you a bad mom just because you leave your baby for a couple of minutes to go empty your blatter. Or maybe I'll get presented with one of these in a couple of years:

What I dont like is not having the option of doing anything else. After loading one wash Im totally exhausted, walking up the stairs is like running a frikking marathon, going for what used to be a 10 min. walk now takes me around 30 mintues if not more. If I walk too fast I start having contractions and run out of breath. And with "too fast" I mean walking slightly faster than a newly awakened hungover snail, my perception of fast has changed drastically.... Doing house chores also gives me contractions and makes my back start hurting. I had a plan of cleaning the house before loves back. Didnt go that great...
If only my head was as pregnant and exhausted as my body. Ok I cant really seem to keep any information these days. But my mind isnt as tired as my body which makes it even harder to sit still. Pregnant-friendly sedatives for the brain seems like a great option right now....
The bet is still on though, about when the baby is to be born (date and time). Hit me with an e-mail or post your reply here on my blog. The winner gets to come over for an amazing afternoon tea and watch the troll while I take a shower and/or visit the ladies room (cause apparently you don have the time to do that when you have a baby). Only one bet so far...
See thats another thing thats on my mind right now. Why wouldnt you have the time to go to the bathroom or take a shower just because you have a baby?. When I was a nanny taking care of TWO babies I just never felt I didnt have the time to go to the bathroom. Babies can be left alone for a minute, or why not just bring your baby with you to the bathroom? I sure dont think it makes you a bad mom just because you leave your baby for a couple of minutes to go empty your blatter. Or maybe I'll get presented with one of these in a couple of years:

ALmost 10am, should I get up? Nooo, I best stay in bed for a bit longer and watch a bunch of 24-episodes!
Postat av: Anna
Friday 14th ;)