Vinn en gratis prova på-klass i pole dance hos Dinali i Gävle!
Var med och tävla om en gratis prova på-klass i pole dance hos Dinali Center i Gävle! Sofi Lindberg lottar ut två platser på
sin blogg!
Vinn en gratis prova på-klass i pole dance hos Dinali!
Var med och tävla om en gratis prova på-klass i pole dance hos Dinali Center i Gävle! Sofi Lindberg lottar ut två platser på
sin blogg!
Dinali live @ årets Kinky Party!
Dinalis pole dance-instruktörer gästshowar under årets Kinky Party på Nivå i Gävle nu på lördag. Kom dit du med och få en rabattflyer till nästa termin (börjar i oktober) från Diana (mig alltså!). Kommer att befinna mig ute på golvet under kvällen så det är bara att komma fram och snacka!
Wineing n dining!
Without any wine or wineing. Elvira behavde utterly well and I even got to eat a nice, hot meal at a restaurant (Vurma @ Birger Jarlsgatan) with mee lovely friends!
Privates and workshops!
Had a privat lesson with
Estee Zakar yesterday, awesome! And I just booked a workshop with
Jenyne Butterfly during Pole Art, aaaaaahhh!
And some people wonder why I didn't get the flu vaccine...
It's about time for Elvira to get her first vaccines as well. I don't want her to get any, beau might want her to get some of them. Guess one of us is gonna have to cave in....
Hösttermin 2: Pole dance-schemat öppet för anmälningar!
Alla klasser kör igång vecka 41!
Måndagar: 17:45-19:45 Nivå 1 (instruktör: Diana Garneij) 11 öppna platser
19:45-21:45 Nivå 2 (instruktör: Diana Garneij) 9 öppna platser
Tisdagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 2 (instruktör: Stina Lisa Österström)
20:15-22:15 Nivå 1 (instruktör: Angelica Morin)
Torsdagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 1 (instruktör: Angelica Morin)
20:15-22:15 Nivå 2 (instruktör: Angelica Morin)
Måndagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 1 (instruktör: Sofie Eismar)
20:15-22:15 Nivå 4 (instruktör: Sofie Eismar)
Tisdagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 4 (instruktör: Diana Garneij)
20:15-22:15 Nivå 1 (instruktör: Diana Garneij)
Onsdagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 6 (instruktör: Diana Garneij)
20:15-22:15 Nivå 2 (instruktör: Diana Garneij)
Torsdagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 2 (instruktör: Marie Mattsson)
20:15-22:15 Nivå 5 (instruktör: Anna Wallström)
Anmäler dig gör du tills vidare via kontaktformuläret. Var noga med att bifoga:
- Namn (för/efter)
- Personnummer (min. ålder 18 år)
- Telefonnummer
- E-mail
- Hemadress
- Önskad dag/klass/tid
Faktura med 15 dagars betalningsvillkor skickas ut efter mottagen anmälan (gäller tom. 5/9, därefter gäller 10 dagars betalningsvillkor).
OBS! Alla anmälningar är personligt bindande. Läs mer om övriga förhållningsregler här innan du anmäler dig!
Why the but-a-face? Well we want to respect the crows privacy. If she wants to put her face out on the internet she can do that herself when she gets old enough!
Interview with Fitness Magazine!
Yesterday morning I got interviewed by
Fitness Magazine about
Dinalis pole dance studios in Gävle and Ljusne, awesome! The whole thing will be published in no. 10, in stores at the end of September!
Today: A reporter and a photographer came over to Dinalis studio in Ljusne and made one hell of an intro class! Then I got to spend the rest of the day with my crow <3
Tomorrow: Up bright and early for a phone interview with another magazine, me likes =). Crow hang out during the whole day. A class with my lovey 1rst levelers at the Ljusne studio at night.
Friday: The whooooole day off! I'm just gonna lay in bed and stare at my awesome daughter, something tells me she's gonna get bored though...
Saturday: Off to Gävle for an intro class with
Silver Devil, exciting! Then off to
Nivå to prep some for next weeks Kinky Party. And last but not least an
all boys intro class in Ljusne at night!
Sunday: Mee ladies are rehearsing for next weeks Kinky Party, we're gonna rock the house I tell ya´!
Did I sleep in? Noooo, I woke up by beaus alarm at 8.30 am. He's still asleep btw...
Goodnight moon!
Tonight's the night. We're gonna get to sleep a whooole night through. How I can be so sure about that? Well, mother in law's here to act as a night nanny, Elivra's sleeping in the guest room with her tonight. I'm exhausted from tonights class in Gävle (mucho fun btw) + a whole lot of driving around so now I'm saying over and out, the bed bugs are calling my name!
Förhandstitt på nästa termins pole dance-schema!
Här kommer en liten sneak peak på nästa termins schema (med reservation för ändringar ). Observera att detta enbart är en förhandstitt och att schemat alltså inte ännu öppnat för anmälningar. Men redan nu kan du förboka din plats så att du har den säkrad tills schemat öppnar (runt den 29/8 för nuvarande elever och runt den 5/9 för dig som ännu inte är elev hos Dinali).
Alla kurser kör igång vecka 41!
Såhär gör du för att förboka din plats:
- Ta en titt på schemat och välj ut den klass/de klasser som du skulle vilja förboka plats(-er) i
- Maila din förbokning till oss via kontaktformuläret på hemsidan
- När vi öppnar schemat för anmälningar kommer du att få ett mail och du har då 24 timmar på dig att säkra din plats. Har vi inte hört något från dig inom 24 timmar kommer platsen att öppnas för andra intresserade
- Skulle ändring ske av dag/tid för den klass du förbokat plats i kommer du så långt det är möjligt att erbjudas en plats i någon annan klass.
Måndagar: 17:45-19:45 Nivå 1
19:45-21:45 Nivå 2
Tisdagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 2
20:15-22:15 Nivå 1
Torsdagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 1
20:15-22:15 Nivå 2
Måndagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 1
20:15-22:15 Nivå 4
Tisdagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 4
20:15-22:15 Nivå 1
Onsdagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 6
20:15-22:15 Nivå 2
Torsdagar: 18:00-20:00 Nivå 2
20:15-22:15 Nivå 5
All work and no play makes mama real grumpy...
That's why I made sure to have some fun in between this weekends classes at
Dinali (du kan fortfarande anmäla dig till den här terminens klasser!). On friday I held two bachelorettes and during the three hour break me an ma mama (she was the assigned babysitter for the day) went to have lunch at
Sahflors, nice nice.
On saturday I held a bachelors between 11-12 and after that we went for some shopping (mama came with us on saturday as well). The crow got a new lamp, with pirates!!! Then we headed out to IKEA, had lunch, did some shopping, entertained a baby that didn't wanna sleep, did some more shopping and drove back home.
Tacolasagna was on last nights menu at home, in good company of an ice cold beer (non alcoholic of course). Papi did a great job juggling the crow AND making cheese sauce at the same time. The troll fell asleep tummy down on my chest so I put her to bed (around 9pm) and prepared to snuggle down in bed w mee love, lasagna, beer and a great movie. Did the troll stay asleep? Noooooo, she woke up after 15 minutes. Then she hanged out in bed with us, watching us eat. Guess it made her hungry cause after 20 minutes she wanted to eat as well, for 30 minutes, then she passed out, and slept until 6.40am. If Im tired today? Absolutely not, woohooo! She's soooooo awesome our little troll!
Today we're going out to our summer house w mom and dad to eat surströmming (fermented herring), yum yum. The crow better learn to enjoy that delish dish cause mommy likes it a lot!
Over and out!
Yabba dabba doo!
- Prettiest baby EVER, check!
- First week of classes (with awesome groups of women may I add); check!
- Ankle weights on every day; check!
- Totally prepared for tomorrows bachelorettes in Gävle (yup, two of them, awesome!); check!
- Utterly prepared for saturdays bachelors in Gävle; check!
- Stoked about this weekend's D-Teen classes at Dinali, check!
- IKEA trip w mama on saturday; check!
- Summer house hang out this weekend; check!
- Very very tired; check!
- Tucked in and ready to fall asleep; check!
I guess we're not in Kansas anymore!
Elvira Garneij, aka Dorothy!
Let's follow the yellow brick road!
Aparently I'm not the only one...
... who don't seem to have the time to get anything done:
Ok, I love my job and that's awesome, otherwise I would probably crawl under a rock and die. You see the Swedish frikkin Försäkringskassan (from where u get your money when you're on maternity leave for example) seems to think that I should get by with about $650/month, splendid! No wonder a lot of women are forced to choose between starting a family and running a business, holy crap. But now mama's back to work so to hell with them all!
Tomorrows schedule
- No work
- In-home massagetherapist booked, woohooo! Dont even need to drive anywhere to get my muscles worked, the mountain is coming here instead!
Why sleep?
I mean it, why sleep when u can be awake? That seems to be what the troll's thinking nowadays. Yesterday she slept 15 minutes between 7am and 1pm, 15 frikkiin minutes! I had a bunch of stuff to do and needed to get ready for my seminar in Gävle (went awesome btw, I got to talk in front of a bunch of awesome ladies at HäLSobyrån in Gävle!) and this semester's first pole dance, also in Gävle. But since the troll did not want to sleep at all I had to postpone everything I had to do until the last hour before I had to leave (I ended up leaving 45 min later and got to the seminar fashionably 5 minutes late...).
So Im back to work starting this week in Ljusne and Gävle, and so is my man, but he's working with the Americanos through la computer. So we've had to make babysitting arrangements for the troll for about 4-5 days/week for the next 3 coming weeks since we both start work in the evening. I feel soooo bad leaving Elvira with aunts/uncles/grandparents, even if it's usually for no more than 4-5h and she's at home so I can hang out with her whenever I have the time to in the midst of work. I could never stand being away from her for like a day, holy moly. It feels like she's gonna learn sooo many new things in just a couple of hours. If I could have it my way we would just lay down and cuddle in bed the whooooole day so that I could stare at her and kiss the pretty little face. She would get bored though, she needs new things every 5 minutes...
Anyhoodle, I got home at around 11.30pm yesterday. Class finished at 10.45 and after that I had to clean the studio. Of course it had started to pour down outside when I was done so I was forced to drive home reeeeeal slow like a frikkin turtle, couldn't see crap, stupid windshield wipers didn't really work...
So, I got home at 11.30, the troll woke up at 12.30am, feeding/changing/feeding/almostfallingasleep/feeding/fallingasleep took about 1h, did some administrative work on the computer in bed at around 1.30, fell asleep around 2am, the troll woke up at 6am....
Now she's been asleep for about 40 minutes and right when Im about to lay down to rest she's about to wake up...
Grandma's coming over for a couple of hours today. Think Im gonna get some sleep? Noooooo, I have to run errands in town. Rest tonight? Nooooo I have a class 6-8pm. Go to sleep after that? You bet I am!
Stephanie Abrams till Gävlestudion!
Att bli smidigare är något vi pole dansare hela tiden strävar efter och nu har alla ni som inte kan få nog av stretchning chans att coachas av en helt fantastisk instruktör. Stephanie Abrams från Kinetic Theory Theatre (USA) planerar stretch/flexibilitetsworkshops (grupper/privatlektioner) i Gävlestudion i samband med Pole Art 2010 (hon kommer även att hålla workshops under tävlingen i Stockholm). Mer info kommer upp på våran hemsida inom kort. Intresseanmälningar mottages redan nu via kontaktformuläret!
Kinetic Theory Circus School and Circus Classes Los Angeles
Los Angeles based circus and physical theatre training program and performance troupe. Offering circus classes for beginners, professionals, toddlers, children, teens and adults
14 going on 17!
Yesterday: The cashier said "you're just buying non-alcoholic wine? ok I guess I dont have to ask you for your ID then"
Today during a bachelorettes: "You have a baby? How old are you? WHAT? I would have guessed around 17 or something"
Heard through the grapevine: "She looks young, like she's around 14"
Hahaha, well when you're about to enter your 30's those kind of comments are more than welcome!
On tomorrows schedule:
- Private lesson
- Trainees test-class
- Teacher training
- Private lesson
- Introduction class in Gävle
- Private lesson
- Trainees test-class
- Maybe a private lesson
- Dinalis pole dance classes are starting up in Gävle and Ljusne!
Whoever said having a baby and working at the same time would make you look old and worn out apaprently was very very wrong...
Dinali Center söker SPA-terapeut till Gävlestudion!
Som ett led i arbetet med att kunna erbjuda fantastiska klasser/kurser/workshops/behandlingar söker nu Dinali Center en SPA-terapeut som vill hyra in sig i ett tjusigt rum med egen dusch och toalett i våran Gävlestudio.
Kontakta oss för mer info!
If only I would've been as efficient...
... when I didnt have a baby as I am now that I do and she's asleep, man I would've accomplished great things. On top of it all mother in law offered to come over for a couple of hours AND she brougth lentil stew for me, SIX servings, holy moly. The first one's being enjoyed right now in good company of a non-alcoholic beer, aaaaahh the perks, before I have to get back up and start being efficient again, soon the crow's back from her walk/nap!
- Playdate with Rutan! Not much playing going on though, they took turns sleeping and eating...
- Doctors visit with the crow, she's growing and growing and growing!
- Scheduled: bachelorettes (yup, multiple!), private lessons (with an s that is!), 8-week courses (also multiples!!!)
- Slept: nothing, but at least I got some sleep last night
- Eaten: moose stew, hah!
- About to: go to bed
Over and out!
Lordy lordy...
Omg my body's hurting. Full speed the whole days yesterday. Bachelorette's, introduction class, private lesson and then grand opening of Dinalis pole dance studio in Gävla. Was about to fall asleep in the car while driving back home from Gävle last night so we had to stop. Elvira fell asleep in her stroller at the studio around 9pm, slept until 6am this morning, ate, went back to sleep and slept until 9am, thank god.
On todays schedule: NOTHING AT ALL!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for Elvira to sleep some during then day (apparently he likes being awake ALL day long...) sp that I can get some sleep during the day as well. My back's aching soooo bad, I need massage, real bad...