All work and no play makes mama real grumpy...
That's why I made sure to have some fun in between this weekends classes at Dinali (du kan fortfarande anmäla dig till den här terminens klasser!). On friday I held two bachelorettes and during the three hour break me an ma mama (she was the assigned babysitter for the day) went to have lunch at Sahflors, nice nice.
On saturday I held a bachelors between 11-12 and after that we went for some shopping (mama came with us on saturday as well). The crow got a new lamp, with pirates!!! Then we headed out to IKEA, had lunch, did some shopping, entertained a baby that didn't wanna sleep, did some more shopping and drove back home.
Tacolasagna was on last nights menu at home, in good company of an ice cold beer (non alcoholic of course). Papi did a great job juggling the crow AND making cheese sauce at the same time. The troll fell asleep tummy down on my chest so I put her to bed (around 9pm) and prepared to snuggle down in bed w mee love, lasagna, beer and a great movie. Did the troll stay asleep? Noooooo, she woke up after 15 minutes. Then she hanged out in bed with us, watching us eat. Guess it made her hungry cause after 20 minutes she wanted to eat as well, for 30 minutes, then she passed out, and slept until 6.40am. If Im tired today? Absolutely not, woohooo! She's soooooo awesome our little troll!
Today we're going out to our summer house w mom and dad to eat surströmming (fermented herring), yum yum. The crow better learn to enjoy that delish dish cause mommy likes it a lot!
Over and out!