Skippin' out on day two!
Left for Stockholm yesterday. Tried studying on the train but I got nauseous so I had to try sleep some. Didn't get to Jenny-Jen's until around 10:45pm, reeeeeally tired, and so was she =)
"Slept" on the couch as usual, if you can call it sleeping. I spent most of the night awake thinking I had pressed the snooze button on my alarm klock. Whenever I would fall back to sleep, I would have the weirdest dreams for about 30min or so, then I would wake up thinking I had pressed the snooze button then fallen back to sleep. I would stay awake for a while, until I realized I probably wasnt supposed to wake up just yet, then I got back to sleep and the circle started over. I was gonna get up at 6am and at that time it's still pitch black outside this time of year, so looking out the window when I was waking up didnt really help telling me what time it was....
All this waking/sleepin/dreaming businees apparently gave me hot flashes, so when I woke up for real (exhausted since I hadnt slept for the whole night) I was soaking wet, I mean literally. My hair was sticking to my neck and I was sweating like never before. Aaah the glorious life of a pregnant woman...
Jenny-Jen told me to turn on the temporary heater if I thought it got too cold at night. Luckily I didn't, I would've burned to death. I was like frikkin' Ashtanga sleeping I tell ya!
So I finally got up, got ready and went to my Fytotherapy class. I guess the day went pretty well. I was really tired though,but I managed to stay awake. But after almost a whole day of sitting down my back started hurting real bad =(. Due to that I decided to skip tomorrows class. The things we we're gonna talk about tomorrow I can study on my own, and it's not worth ruining my back just to sit and listen to someone speaking. Yes, I pay for the classes but my body is worth more than that.
So on tomorrows schedule there's maybe some yoga to stretch out my back, a walk in the winter wonderland with Jenny-Jen, "booktrademeeting" (yep) with homemade cookies (courtesy of Jenny-Jen), then it's time to go back home to my <3
Oh, we had a test last time in class. I felt soooo confused so I really didnt think I did any good. But I only missed three points (and that was three things I just couldnt remember due to pregnancy brain malfunction), awesome me! =). Let's keep our fingers crossed for the test we did today!
"Slept" on the couch as usual, if you can call it sleeping. I spent most of the night awake thinking I had pressed the snooze button on my alarm klock. Whenever I would fall back to sleep, I would have the weirdest dreams for about 30min or so, then I would wake up thinking I had pressed the snooze button then fallen back to sleep. I would stay awake for a while, until I realized I probably wasnt supposed to wake up just yet, then I got back to sleep and the circle started over. I was gonna get up at 6am and at that time it's still pitch black outside this time of year, so looking out the window when I was waking up didnt really help telling me what time it was....
All this waking/sleepin/dreaming businees apparently gave me hot flashes, so when I woke up for real (exhausted since I hadnt slept for the whole night) I was soaking wet, I mean literally. My hair was sticking to my neck and I was sweating like never before. Aaah the glorious life of a pregnant woman...
Jenny-Jen told me to turn on the temporary heater if I thought it got too cold at night. Luckily I didn't, I would've burned to death. I was like frikkin' Ashtanga sleeping I tell ya!
So I finally got up, got ready and went to my Fytotherapy class. I guess the day went pretty well. I was really tired though,but I managed to stay awake. But after almost a whole day of sitting down my back started hurting real bad =(. Due to that I decided to skip tomorrows class. The things we we're gonna talk about tomorrow I can study on my own, and it's not worth ruining my back just to sit and listen to someone speaking. Yes, I pay for the classes but my body is worth more than that.
So on tomorrows schedule there's maybe some yoga to stretch out my back, a walk in the winter wonderland with Jenny-Jen, "booktrademeeting" (yep) with homemade cookies (courtesy of Jenny-Jen), then it's time to go back home to my <3
Oh, we had a test last time in class. I felt soooo confused so I really didnt think I did any good. But I only missed three points (and that was three things I just couldnt remember due to pregnancy brain malfunction), awesome me! =). Let's keep our fingers crossed for the test we did today!
