In boobs we trust...

No classes for moi this week in Stockholm. The wee one can't eat formula, she gets a terrible stomach ache, which is a necessity if I'm to be able to be off and away 4h at a time  x 2 each day for six days.
Yesterday you could see a green Volvo drive waaaaaay too fast to the emergency with a screaming baby. We thought she was about to burst in to pieces, it was the absolute most terrible thing I've ever experienced. She screamed bloody murder, all due to formula, crap... So we're going all natural again, boobies it is!
I'll try to have my mini-vacay at home instead; rest, eat, breast feed, rest, eat, breast feed...

Today I had two AWESOME business meetings (one yesterday as well, holy crap is all I can say right now!). It's aaaaall good, so frikkin good!

Oh, btw, we're doing a Grand Opening-night at Dinali Centers new pole dance studio in Gävle on July 31st, I'll say holy crap to that as well!


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