Another reason to eat organic fruits and veggies!
I eat organic fruits and vegggies as Ive stated before. Its very rare that I eat non organic, they taste less, is way less nutritious, contains pesticides that are harmful for you and is all through nasty. The risk of your child gettting ADHD increases if you eat non organic fruits and veggies while pregnant/breastfeeding, and also if you give your child non organic fruits and veggies once they start eating solid food.
Read more about it in todays newspaper:
Yesterday I bought an apple at a local gas station cause nothing else was open and I really needed some fruit. When I came home I looked at the apple and just felt yuk so I put it in the fridge. Havent eaten it yeat, maybe I'll do the same as I did with the tangerine 'round new years; put it on a tray and see how long it stays "fresh", yuk.
Remember, you get what you pay for!