Can I sleep until it's time?
It would be awesome cause Im waaaaaaay tired. Ive spent pretty much the whole day laying down but Ive only gotten a few short moments of sleep even thoguh Im exhausted. Reason? Well, I cant lay on my back or my stomach (for obvious reasons), I cant lay for too long on my right side cause then my hip starts hurting and because of my increased amount of blood there's a vein on my left side that just wont stop pounding when I lay on my left side. I have to lay with my arms absolutley flat, cant bend them at all, otherwise I stop the blood flow and I cant feel my arms, or hands for that matter. My heartburn has been acting up a lot this past few days, so I try to half sit/lay on top of a bunch of pillows but then again my hips/pelvic starts hurting. As Ive written before, I do sleep through the whole night (except for last night), but apparently I need to sleep more. Awesome feeling...
Ive been telling the troll that she's ready now, she can come out. But I dont blame her if she dont want to leave her warm and cozy room and come out to this freakishly cold May, gaaaaahhh..... Wtf is this, isnt it supposed to be at least some kind of warm right now? Now, you's better stay in there I tell ya. I'll let you know when the coast is clear and you can come out without freeze to death. Probably around july or something....
Ive been telling the troll that she's ready now, she can come out. But I dont blame her if she dont want to leave her warm and cozy room and come out to this freakishly cold May, gaaaaahhh..... Wtf is this, isnt it supposed to be at least some kind of warm right now? Now, you's better stay in there I tell ya. I'll let you know when the coast is clear and you can come out without freeze to death. Probably around july or something....
