How to induce labor

Found some tips on how to induce labor:
  • Movement. Movement such as walking, skipping, lunging, swimming or swinging (on a park swing) can help labor begin. It is believed these activities help the baby rotate into a good position for childbirth. Taking a bumpy car or train ride - but not too bumpy! - also has the same advantages and is one of the most common methods to self induce labor.
  • Relax. If you're wondering how to go into labor, this is really the simplest way.  The more you stop obsessing over when your baby is coming, the more likely labor will start. Labor will not begin in a stressed body.
  • Foods. Everyone has a favorite food that they claim will start labor. Spicy foods like pizza or sausage can help, but only because they irritate the bowels. Personally, I do not recommend this method because it can cause heartburn, cramping and diarrhea and who wants those things when labor begins?  If you're looking for ways to induce labor at home, there are many easier, more pleasant methods you can try.
  • Fruit. Tropical fruit like pineapple, mango and kiwi actually contain an enzyme that may help tone your cervix. This fruit will probably not start labor, though with a toned cervix, early labor may go a little faster.
  • Talk to Your Baby. Some cultures believe that babies that have not been welcomed will not come into the world. It sounds silly, but talking to your baby and making them feel welcome may bring on labor.
  • Acupressure and Chiropractics. Some acupressure and chiropractic techniques can start labor. Talk to your care provider, friends or check the internet to find a practitioner in your area. It's crucial that you find one with experience and who knows how to induce labor safely.
  • Castor Oil. Castor oil is an old technique that is not recommended anymore. It does the same thing spicy foods do, it irritates the bowels. It can also cause nausea and is pretty disgusting to ingest. In addition, castor oil rarely works.
  • Herbal Supplements. Herbal supplements like evening primrose oil (EPO), black and blue cohosh, red raspberry leaf tea and nettle tea are not recommended unless you have the permission of an herbalist or your care provider. Dosages for these supplements have not been determined, and taking too much can cause serious complications, including death, for your baby.  When my friends ask me how to induce labor at home, I never recommend these methods.
  • *Nipple stimulation/breast pump - uses the mother's own oxytocin to stimulate contractions; discontinue if contractions are prolonged or become intense.

  • *Glass of wine - although there is no evidence that wine stimulates contractions, it can help an anxious mom relax. Bear in mind that any alcohol affects your baby and can be dehydrating. Be sure to take only one glass with dinner and check with your provider before considering this way to start labor.

  • Sex. If you want to know how to induce labor naturally and enjoyably, you can't go wrong with sex! Sex is the most well-known induction technique because it works the best. Semen contains natural prostaglandins (cervical ripening agents) that can help your cervix ripen. In addition, sex or sexual activities are relaxing, and relaxation is one of the easiest methods of natural labor induction. You may have to use some imagination, as most women are very uncomfortable having sex during the last stages of pregnancy, but the effort might have you meeting your baby sooner rather than later.

Guess I have the rest of my sunday set in stone then....


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