I've made up my mind!
Im gonna keep this baby in as long as possible. Probably wont let her come out at all...
Every morning when I wake up I have to check under the covers to make sure the tummy's where it was when I fell asleep and she's not just laying there and Ive given birth without waking up. I had a terrible downward pressure last night as well, before going to sleep. But it's just like when I go to sleep, my whole body stops working, no action at all. I keep on expecting to wake up with labor pains and contractions in the middle of the night whenever Ive had those feeling before going to sleep, but no, nothing ever happens.
11 days 'til my due date. But right now Im pretty sure the tummy's just gonna disappear by itself. Im gonna wake up one of these mornings and voila, it's gone! I've decided to not go out driving by myself since my water MIGHT break at any time now. But I just cant be at home all the time, it drives me crazy. So today love's driving me (and picking me up) to have lunch w a friend and her 4 month old, lucky her... Hopefully I'll be able to eat at least something, yesterdays food intake was enough for a two year old....