Still fat

Sparkles didn't work, Im still preggers, and I woke up at 5:15am, 5 days overdue, crap...

Forgot to tell you that your midwife told us that more than often when you get an appointment to have an ultrasound and maybe get induced (like we're gonna do next week), you end up giving birth before that. So I'm guessing this weekend is opt for delivering a baby =). What if I become a mom on Mothers Day, wouldn't that be just awesome!

The midwife also said that since I havent had ANY pre labor pains so far, I probably will go in to labor FOR REAL real fast once it starts. I mean, I dont really have the time to walk around for weeks with pre labor pains like some women do. I guess it sounds like me, no extended pain or cramps, once it starts I hit the road running, hah!


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