Wanted: vacay!

Yesterday: Cuddle with baby, interview, photoshoot, cuddle with baby, meetings, cuddle with baby, cuddle with baby, cuddle with baby
Today: Cuddle with baby, doctors visit with baby (nothing serious, just a check up), cuddle with baby, dropped her off at grandmas and grandpas, meeting, cuddle with baby, class, interrupted class (or actually, it never had the time to even start...), off to the emergency with baby (turned out to be nothing serious, hopefully, just stomach pains due to gases, but geezes did she scream), passed out on the couch exhausted...
Tomorrow: Cuddle with baby, teacher training, cuddle with baby, meetings, cuddle with baby, meetings, cuddle with baby, cuddle with baby, cuddle with baby, meeting, pass out in the couch
Thursday-Tuesday: Cuddle with baby, phytotherapy classes, cuddle with baby
Hopefully sometime soon: Vacay...


Dinali Center inbjuder alla till invigning av Gävlestudion, Hamntorget 6 (ingång via Andra Magasinsgatan 1) lördagen den 31/7 klockan 21:00!

Ni får då chans att ta en titt på våra nya, fina lokaler (bara danslokalen är på 150 kvm!) och träffa några av Dinalis instruktörer (som även kommer att bjuda er på en fantastisk dansuppvisning).

Vi lottar under kvällen ut fina priser: GRATIS 8-veckorskurs, GRATIS D-Stretch, GRATIS prova på-klass, och ni som anmäler er till Nivå 1 under kvällen deltar även i utlottningen av en alldeles sprillans dansstång från X-Pole!

Begränsat insläpp, föranmälan krävs!

Senast den 29/7 vill vi ha din anmälan. Anmäl dig via kontaktformuläret här och vänligen ange:

- Namn (för/efter)
- Telefonnummer
- E-mailadress


Mama's baby's growin up!

Tonight she fell asleep in her bed all by herself at 8pm, (almost) no tricks involved. And a couple of nights ago she turned on her stomach while sleeping so we found her laying across her pillow on her tummy. Don't know if she's supposed to be able to do that already, she's only six weeks old, but if that's the case I guess no one told her...
Tomorrow morning we're off and away to a niiiice meeting, the crow's gonna spend a couple of hours with her grandma' out by the ocean. The crow likes the ocean, and the seagulls, she likes sleeping to the sound of them!
Over & out!

Like normal human beings

Yesterday we acted like normal people, not business owners, and spent a saturday out and about by the pool in the sun. How great was that? Awesome! We're doing it again today for sure. First I need to sit and watch my baby sleep though, she's gorgeous. Still eagerly awaiting her boyfriend Luciano though. She's an impatient one so I hope he's arriving very soon, she's starting to flirt with strangers at the supermarkado cause he's taking so long...
In four days we're off to Stockholm. Ooooooh I can't wait. It'll be our mini-vacay, Jenny-Jen's already got plans for us for pretty much every night; BBQ, greek food, concert, me liking it!

Saturday you lovely day!

Tomorrow it's friday and you know what that means right? It means that the day after that it's saturday, and saturday means candy for momma! I still have about 4 kg of pregnancy weight to loose so I want to stick to my candy's-only-for-saturdays-rule. For some reason candy always tastes better in the middle of the week though, weird...
Since Im breast feeding I really dont want anything strange to get in to the crows food so I stick to organic candy only (I usually do that even when Im not pregnant or breast feeding as well, but occasionally I'll cheat!). "Ekorrens Ekologiska Smågodis" ("The squirrels organic candy") is what I eat, contains no weird stuff at all. Its great cause they have like four different flavours in small bags. You buy 2 of those and you have yourself a perfect saturday mix!
Over and out, the crow just went down so I have to go sleep as well. Tomorrow we're off to our new pole dance studio in Gävle to fix some stuff, awesome!

Elvira Guevara?

Elvira's got a boyfriend in the makin. He's latino, not even out yet but still, he's latino. Can you imagine the pretty half latino/half swede- grandchildren Im gonna have? His name is Luciano Guevara. Elvira Guevara, not that far from Elvira Garneij. She's utterly excited and wants him to come out NOW. Then again he lives on the other side of the world, but who cares, they have airplanes nowadays.
Come out Luciano, Elvira wants her boyfriend NOW!!!

Elvira Simpson?

The crow's got some hair, Homer-hair as a matter of fact. Her head is covered with feather light hair, but then right at the top she's got 2-3 strains that are waaaaay longer than all other. Looks freakshily similar to a certain Simpson character. Let's hope she'll grow out of it, otherwise I have a feeling she wont do very well with boys when she gets older...

I don't wanna jinx anything...

...so I'm not gonna say anything. But I'm liking it, a lot!

Next week Im off with the whooole family to Stockholm for five days. I have classes, papi and crow's gonna hang, we're staying at a hotel, that's our vacay for this summer. We were planning on staying in our summerhouse for a week or so, don't know when we're gonna have time to do that though...

Had a reunion with our parenting group today. I asked the midwife when it would be ok to start working out, on monday it's been six weeks since I gave birth. She said that if I feel ok I can start working out now if I want to, woohooo! Im gonna wait until monday though, just to have it been six full weeks. But then I cant wait to start doing my Ashtanga yoga again. I tried flexing my abs today, low and behold they're actually there, I could feel them, and I could lean against beaus hands while flexing them. You go abs!

My pregnanc belly's about gone now, all thanks to the Spanx. Yup, that's their name. I couldn't find them in Sweden so I ordered them from the UK. They're the shizzle when it comes to get your abs to contract post pregnancy. Just google Spanx and you'll be able to find a bunch of online stores selling them. They're awesome!

Is this normal?

So last  night the crow slept for 6+3h, and I thught it might be because she hadn't slept almost anything for the past 48h. But then tonight she slept for almost 8h straight. Then again she didn't sleep almost anything yesterdya during the day and she spent a good 3h yesterdya evening crying and wineing. Should I be worried? She seemed really happy when she woke up this morning, she ate well, and now she's back to sleep again. I best be on my way as well...

It's frikkin awesome!

What is? All is! Hah!

That's what happens when you get 6+3h of sleep, you become awesome(r)!

Mirror mirror on the wall, guess who's the happiest mom of all?

Well that would be me right now. Why? Well Elvira hasen't been sleeping for about two days due to the tropical heat, resulting in mami and papi walking around like zombies starting to show some grays. But tonight, tonight my friends, she slept for 6,5h STRAIGHT!!! That means I got about 6h of sleep and that hasn't happened since May 30th. Good god, I feel like a totally new human being. It's now 5.45am and I've been awake since 4:30am, but who the hell cares, I got 6h of sleep! Maybe I'll go out running or something, or clean the house. The crow's asleep right now but I feel wide awake. Who knew sleeping would make me feel this good. Now life's even better than it was when I wrote the previous post!

Life's good!

A daughter who's a princess, the awesomest husband in da world, a business that just expanded making me the proud owner of a chain of pole dance studios (cool huh? Dinali Center's the shizzle!), nice weather, a/c in the livingroom, tacos a la Americano for dinner (USA USA!!!), husband did major grocery shopping so that I have a lotchi of yummy yum yum food to eat, lif'es good, so frikkin good!

Happy 4th y'all!

On todays menu: Burgers n cole slaw. Would've wanted a cold on with that but I'll skipetty skip that one!

Träffa Dinali Center på Club A Go Go i Gävle ikväll!

Ikväll finns Dinali CenterClub A Go Go/Monster i Gävle. Träffa oss live och få en rabattflyer till höstens pole dance-kurser hos Dinali i Gävle!

Should I be worried?

Crow goes to be at 9.30pm, wakes up at 12:30am and eat a bunchload, stays awake until 3.30am, sleeps for about one hour, wakes up at 4:30am and eats a bunchload, falls asleep and wakes up at 6am, doesent want to eat just lay in bed with me and cry for a bit, I try giving her the paci, it kinda works, she almost goes back to sleep until 7:45 where I give up and decides to get up from bed and go to the bathroom before bringing her in to the livingroom, what happens when I leave the bedrrom?, she falls asleep, so now shes sound asleep, I mean really asleep. Maybe we should have separate bedrooms?

Dinali Centers nya hemsida uppe. Gävle och Ljusnes pole dance klasser öppna för anmälan!

Läs mer och anmäl dig på: www.dinalicenter.com

Dinali Center på CLUB A GO GO i Gävle!

Imorgonkväll finns Dinali CenterClub A Go Go i Gävle. Träffa oss live och få en rabattflyer till höstens pole dance-kurser hos Dinali!

Dinali Centers pole dance klasser i Gävle nu öppna för anmälningar!

Nu har vi äntligen bestämt oss för vilken lokal vi kommer att använda oss av till Dinalis klasser i Gävle. Den nya adressen blir Hamntorget 6 i centrala Gävle, endast 5 minuters gångavstånd från Gävle station. Passar perfekt för er som bor och jobbar i Gävle samt alla ni som kommer med tåg/buss till Gävle station!

250 kvm härliga ytor, två omklädningsrum med duschar, stor danssal med sex dansstänger på över tre meter vardera, gratis parkering alldeles utanför fastigheten, det kan helt enkelt inte bli mycket bättre!

Gävles klasser är nu öppna för anmälningar! Men skynda dig, klasserna brukar fyllas upp väldigt snabbt och vi tar bara in 12 elever i varje klass!

Pris: 1900:- (8 klasser á 120 min)

NIVÅ 1 (Intensivkurs) Genomför du denna kurs kan du direkt hoppa på Nivå 2 när ordinarie termin startar i augusti!

Datum: 24-25/7, 30/7-1/8, 5/8-7/8
Tid: 18:00-20:00
Instruktör: Diana Garneij


Datum: Måndagar, start 9/8
Tid: 17:30-19:30
Instruktör: Diana Garneij

Datum: Tisdagar, start 10/8
Tid: 18:00-20:00
Instruktör: Stina Lisa Österström

Datum: Torsdagar, start 12/8
Tid: 18:30-20:30
Instruktör: Angelica Morin


Datum: Måndagar, start 9/8
Tid: 19:35-21:35
Instruktör: Diana Garneij/Angelica Morin

Anmäler dig gör du via mail till: [email protected] eller genom att ringa 0730-694399

Faktura med 10 dgrs betalningsvillkor skickas via mail efter mottagen anmälan! Anmälan är personligt bindande och anmälan/betalning gäller enbart för den termin/kurs/klass du är anmäld till. Om du av någon anledning ej kan börja/genomföra pole dance kursen krävs intyg som styrker detta. Ingen återbetalning/avbokning för någon klass/kurs kan ske efter datumet som infaller två veckor innan kursstart (oavsett intyg)

Soon, very soon...

I'm about to explode, not allowed to say anything yet. But I can tell ya it's going to be so frikkin great. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!

Organic I tell ya´!


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