Burleskakademien till Dinali Center!
Den klassiska konstformen burlesk är ytterligare ett oh så underbart sätt att komma i kontakt med din kvinnlighet. Dinali Center samarbetar med Burleskakademien i Stockholm och dom gästar oss då och då för att hålla sina populära workshops. Klasserna passar även dig som inte redan är elev hos Dinali och du som redan är elev hos Dinali kan här hämta inspiration till dina pole dance-klasser!
Lärare för dessa workshops är ingen mindre än självaste Duchess Dubois, grundare av Sveriges första och främsta burlesktrupp, the Amazing Knicker Kittens Burlesque Revue, och Burleskakademien, med över fyra års internationell erfarenhet av burlesk.
Burlesque Teaser
Datum: 29/8
Tid: 13:00-16:00
Studio: Gävle
Pris: 750:-
Max antal deltagare: 15
Tre timmar snabbskolning i burleskens grunder som går igenom historia, stå, gå, hållning, scennärvaro, shimmy, tasseltwirling och bump’n'grind, plus boa, långhandskar och stay-ups.
Vi arbetar till klassisk burleskmusik och övar oss i den ädla konsten att med små medel vara elegant förföriska, med glimten i ögat, medan vi provar på klassiska komponenter och moment som att skala av sig en handske eller göra det mesta av en boa.
Workshopen passar både den som vill börja med burlesk och den som mest är nyfiken på vad man kan göra av dessa kunskaper hemma i boudoiren. För oss handlar burlesken först och främst om självkänsla och konsten att känna att man är värd att dyrkas, precis som man är.
Vi kommer med boor, handskar och övningstassels, du som deltagare får själv ta med dig högklackade skor och stay-ups.
Förfriskningar serveras, men glöm inte vattenflaskan!
Anmäler dig gör du här!
OBS! Bindande anmälan!
En helg, 12×45 minuter
Tillfälle 1: lördag 18/9, 10:30-16:30
Tillfälle 2: söndag 19/9, 12:30-18:30
Studio: Gävle
Pris: 3100:-
Max antal deltagare: 8
Vi går ingående igenom grundelementen i en traditionell burlesk striptease. Rörelse, scennärvaro, gå och stå, musik och hur man hittar dansen i musiken, att våga vara löjlig, olika plagg, historik, klassiska komponenter och trix (såsom tasseltwirling), samt uppbyggnaden av ett nummer. Dessutom lär vi oss en koreograferad burleskrutin tillsammans. Kursen är riktad till den som har siktet inställt på scenen, men passar också om man vill utforska burlesken mer grundligt bara för sig själv och sin självkänslas skull.
Denna kurs är verkligen intensiv i ordets sanna bemärkelse, och kräver visst förarbete och uthållighet, men vi kan lova att du kommer att få en oförglömlig helg!
Anmäler dig gör du här!
OBS! Bindande anmälan!
Pure love!
Holy moly!
Im freezing, Elvira's asleep under her cover in her stroller wearing clothes. What's next, Im gonna win the lottery?
Teacher training!
4 h of teacher training today, awesome! Luckily I get some training as well, need to whip meeself back into shape, 8,8lbs (4kg) to lose and then some muscles that need to be gained back, but Im not worried, 7,5 weeks since I gave birth now, time for some action!
I also get some excersize carrying around the crow, bouncing up and down, arms and legs are getting serious work out from that, geez!
The crow just woke me up so that she could eat and then go back to sleep, that little rascal... <3
I will survive!
My midwfie told me today, I will survive (she also told me you can't almost tell I just had a baby, felt nice I mjust say). Even though I only get around 3-4h of sleep every night I will survive. If someone would have told me that before I got pregnant I probably would have skipped the whole thing. But I guess she's right, I will survive. I even have enough energy to work out, clean and go hang out with Elvira, mom and dad on a night on the town.
But now Im tired, oh so tired. Elvira is sleeping in her pj's for the first time in like 3-4 weeks, finally the air is way fresher. She also had on her midsummers dress my mom bought her, it's almost too smal now, in a week she wont be able to wear it anymore, the crow's getting bigger y the minute even thoug Ive told her she cant, she's got to stay this small forever, I dont mind her being able to talk and crawl, but she cant grow...
Over & out!
Nya klasser hos Dinali Center: D-Teen!
Efter många inkomna förfrågningar den senaste tiden har vi schemalagt nya, spännande klasser hos Dinali för dig som ännu inte fyllt 18:
D-Teen - Pole-klasser öppna för dig i åldrarna 16-17 år. Vi fokuserar på stretch, kroppskontroll, fitness och ökad självkänsla. Fungerar perfekt som förberedande klasser till Dinalis ordinarie 8-veckorskurser!
15/8 - 17:00-19:00
11/9 - 18:00-20:00
14/8 - 17:00-19:00
11/9 - 10:30-12:30
PRIS: Gävle – 350:-, Ljusne – 300:-
Paketpris båda klasserna: Gävle – 600:-, Ljusne 500:-
Anmäler dig gör du här! OBS! Bindande anmälan OBS!
Mama's getting an upgrade!
And mama herself's getting this one:
All arrivning in aprox. a week. I'm liking it!
God oh mighty!
This is getting even better, unbelievable. The good thing about waking up at 4am and being able to fall back to sleep is that a bunch of opportunities shows up around that time of day. Don't wanna jinx it, so Im not gonna say anything just yet, but Im liking it, Im liking it a lot =)
What I need after a day like this...
... is a nice glass of Chardonnay, lovely, I have kinda forgotten what it tastes like, it's been a year since I had my last glass.
What I'm gonna have instead: a nice glass of water to fertilize the crow's feeding supplies and my nightly sweattings, cheers and good night!
3h, no more I say, no more...
Ok, in my last post I described my sleeping pattern for the last two nights. I really though we were gonna get to sleep some today during the day though. The crow fell asleep right after 12pm, great! She hadn't really slept anything since we woke up at 7:30am so I was thrilled...
I made meeself some lunch, sent out some invoices, sat down inte the sun to actually eat my lunch, the crow woke up... And after that she didnt really sleep anything for the rest of the day. Neither did she eat anything. She got soooooo tired (she hadnt almost slept during the night and then she didn't sleep during the day...) she just cired and cried. And because she cried she couldn't eat so she got even more sad and pissed when she started getting way too hungry.
So I spent the whole day walking around with a crying, tired, hungry 7 week old baby on my arm, need I say I was crying as well... They're not easily entertained that's for sure... She got so pissed around 7pm she started waving her little arms like a crazy person, scratching my chest and shoulder to the point I started looking like I'd been in a cat fight, literally. I got real nice red marks all over right now...
Finally she kinda fell asleep, exhausted from the crying (I almost did the same....). When she was about to wake up I stuck the feeding pipe (!) in her mouth and god did she eat, and then she fell asleep, and she's still asleep, she looks like and angel, oooooh my precious angel. Fiiiinally I can relax (aka pass out).
Over & out!
3h is enough sleep!
At least it feels like it when you haven't gotten ANY sleep for the first part of the night, geez. For once I went to bed at around 10pm, hoping to get about 3h of sleep before the crow woke up. But noooo, I fell asleep around 10:30-11 and she woke up at 12... Ok, she got fed, changed and put back to sleep. Ok NOW I'm gonna get to sleep I thought, but now, not this time either. She woke up at 1:30, 2:30, and 4am. At 4 she didn't want to eat nor did she want to sleep, at least not by herself.
We ended up in the couch, both of us, she fell asleep tummy down on my chest. Hot as hell, but wtf, at least she fell asleep. Woke up about 3h later, so those were my 3h of sleep. It's funny how you start appreciating less and less sleep, lowering you sleeping standards. Now she's asleep again, by herself, and Im wide awake.
She woke up just as frequently the night before which made me reeeeal tired. Sending out the newsletter yesterday seemed not to be a very smart idea, just discovered some real weird spelling. Well, that's what happens when you dont sleep. Even though the man read through it before I sent it out there were still mistakes. I guess Im not the only one getting affected by this non-sleeping business, major misspelling in the pop-up as well. God oh mighty...
Ok, better start this day with fixin' what needs to be fixed!
Silver Devil spelar på invigningen av Gävlestudion!
Jodå, det är sant. Dinalis instruktörer kommer att köra dansuppvisningar till livemusik under invigningen av pole dance studion i Gävle den 31/7, hur coolt är inte det!
When you're a grown up you're allowed to!
What you wonder? Have blueberry pie for dinner, hah! (Don't tell the crow though. As far as she knows you can only hav pie on saturdays, after you've eaten your dinner...)
Spread the word: Invigningsfest i Gävlestudion!
Nu är det fixat så fint på hemsidan. Vilken bra karl man har =)
It's a celebration!
Todays menu:
- BBQ'd prime rib with baby potatoes and black pepper/garlic butter
- Bluberry pie with newly picked blueberries
What we're celebrating:
- Finally being able to BBQ (I don't want to use lightening fluid so Ive ordered a Looftlighter and it has finally arrived, woohooo!)
- It's saturday
- It's all good
- I've got a bag of liquorice next to me (oops, I'm out...)
- It's summer
- It's all good
- Everything's awesome
- Elvira's husband is out and about!
Reportage om Dinali Center i Arbetarbladet!
Elvira's future husband is here!
I'm an auntie and Elvira has a boyfriend! Luciano Guevarra has fiiiiinally arrived. Omg he's precious. Elvira got so excited when I told her that she passed out on the couch and I lost her paci, luckily she's still sleeping, without it....
Elvira & Luciano Guevarra, now that's a nice looking couple!
Elvira Longstocking?
This morning the crow woke up at 5am, head down and feet on the pillow. Don't ask me how she got there... She's a limber one our precious!
Medlemmar hos Kom-i-form (rosagym.se) får 10% rabatt hos Dinali Center!
Är du medlem hos Kom-i-Form (rosagym.se) får du från och med den 15/7 10% rabatt på ALLA Dinali Centers pole dance-klasser/kurser.
8-veckorskurser - 1710:- (ord. pris 1900:-)
Privatlektion (1 person) - 810:-/timme (ord. pris 900:-/timme)
Prova på-klass - 135:- (ord. pris 150:-)
OBS! Kan du ej visa upp giltigt medlemskort från Kom-i-form vid ditt första klasstillfälle blir du fakturerad den avdragna rabatten OBS!
Som elev hos Dinali Center får du även 10% rabatt på gymkort hos Kom-i-form (gäller elever i 8-veckorskurserna) !
In boobs we trust...
No classes for moi this week in Stockholm. The wee one can't eat formula, she gets a terrible stomach ache, which is a necessity if I'm to be able to be off and away 4h at a time x 2 each day for six days.
Yesterday you could see a green Volvo drive waaaaaay too fast to the emergency with a screaming baby. We thought she was about to burst in to pieces, it was the absolute most terrible thing I've ever experienced. She screamed bloody murder, all due to formula, crap... So we're going all natural again, boobies it is!
I'll try to have my mini-vacay at home instead; rest, eat, breast feed, rest, eat, breast feed...
Today I had two AWESOME business meetings (one yesterday as well, holy crap is all I can say right now!). It's aaaaall good, so frikkin good!
Oh, btw, we're doing a Grand Opening-night at Dinali Centers new pole dance studio in Gävle on July 31st, I'll say holy crap to that as well!