What to wear?

Tomorrow during my ICAKuriren interview/photoshoot in Dinalis pole dance studio in Ljusne? Maybe something like this:

or this:

Now this guy's got it all figured out:

One down, one to go!

Houses I mean, real nice =)

My other blog!

I have one more blog, linked to Dinalis home page. That one I use more in business purposes and this one is more a private matter.
You can find it here
Happy reading!
Dinalis blog is not in english thoug so all you americanos will have to use Google Translate!

Holy crap...

... I'm sick. I mean really really sick. Haven't been this sick for ages I tell ya! Fever, heandache, runny nose,aching body, sore throat and it feels like Ive swallowed a roll of sandpaper, yuk.
I best be off to bed now, chiao!

Interview with Fitness Magazine!

Check out the latest issue of Fitness Magazine, I'm/we're in it =) ! (page 15)

Workshops, articles and lectures =)

Workshops in the makin, articles about Dinali in all sorts of newspapers (SöderhamnsNytt, Söderhamnskuriren - kommer snart, Fitness Magazine, Gefle Studentkårstidning), booked for "Dinali på turné" (pole dance workshops i städer där pole dance ännu inte finns, Falun kanske?) and I just got booked to hold a lecture on october 19th. Gonna be talking about Dinali, pole dance (Gävle & Ljusne), my story and the whole shabang abotu Dinalis pole dance classes.
But now; getting ready for a photo shoot =)
Later: Bachelorettes

Pole Art 2010

This is where I'm gonna spend the weekend with a bunch of my friends and students:
Pole Art 2010 Flyer
And I'm also gonna be attending a workshop with this wonderful woman:
Jenyne Butterfly

"Jenyne is a multi-talented performance artist born and raised in a small town near Seattle, Washington. She spent her youth training as a gymnast and by the age of 18 had begun experimenting with other acrobatic apparatuses. She moved to Las Vegas in 2005 and quickly became known as “Butterfly“. She performs on a variety of such aerial apparatus including: silks, hoop, rope, trapeze, hammock, and her love for pole has made her a celebrity in the world of pole dancing.

Jenyne has won several competitions. Most notably she was the first ever US Pole Dance Champion in 2009 as held by the USPDF. She then went onto the World Finals where she earned the silver medal.

If she is not on stage, then she is in the studio. Jenyne is well in demand while traveling the globe teaching workshops, performing, and judging national competitions.

Read more about Jenyne here:http://jenynebutterfly.com/"


And this one:

Stephanie Abrams

"Stephanie Abrams is the founder and owner of Kinetic Theory Circus Arts, LA's only theatrical circus training studio. Drawing from her 13 years of experience training, performing, coaching and directing contortion and circus arts as well as 18 years of mime (silent theatre), she has created a unique approach to both circus and physical theatre training and performance.

Stephanie coaches many pole dancers, including some of the top performers in the US and custom tailors her curriculum to the needs of each athlete/artist.

During her early 2010 European tour Stephanie's guest teaching was a smash hit at North Pole Studio.

Read more about Stephanie here:http://www.kinetictheorytheatre.com"


Could I be more excited? I don't think so, woohooo!

What to choose...

Cold food or dinner at 10pm? So many options for a mama. I choose the latter one....

The light at the end of the tunnel...

I bedrövelsen -kom ihåg att 94% av väljarna sagt nej till SD!!

Need I say more...

City listade idag de 5 områden i Stockholm med lägst valdeltagande: Tensta, Akalla, Vårberg Östra, Husby, Rinkeby. Smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......

Tack alla ni som inte röstade. Med hjälp av er har vi nu fått in ett främlingsfientligt parti i riksdagen, skrämmande...


Whoever vote for the most retarded party ever is just as retarded, that's my official point of view and I stand firm by it!

Ekologiska leksaker

Vi är VÄLDIGT måna om att vårat lilla troll inte ska få i sig allehanda gifter som idag finns överallt, även i barnleksaker herregud. Hängprylarna till babygymmet, bollar, färgen på träklossar etc etc, bläh säger jag bara. Som tur är finns det fina sidor online där man numera kan handla på sig giftfria leksaker. Smakar det så kostar det, tyvärr. Men personligen spenderar jag hellre mer pengar på hennes leksaker nu än på framtida allergimedeciner!

Over and out, no about...

I'm dead, officially dead, dead tiiiired and exhausted that is. As stated in the previous post I had two pole dance classes in Gävle today that I couldn't cancel. I've had to postpone two this weekend, one in Ljusne and one in Gävle due to my aching body, but these two today I couldn't cancel. They went GREAT, awesome I tell ya, but gosh am I tired or what. Head is spinning, body's aching, eyes are warm (yup, fever in da house!).
Some blueberry tea and cheese pie is what's on tonights nite nite-menu. Mama needs to sleep, otherwise Ima break!
Peace out!


Mama's a bit sick, had to postpone a couple of this weekends classes so that I don't get put to bed rest for the next couple of weeks. But today there are two muy importante pole dance classes in Gävle that I need to attend. But first: IKEA!

2 down, six to go!

I found something this morning. Something that has been lost for a veeeery long time. I use to have six of them but I'm absolutely sure the other four will show up very soon.
What Im talking about? Im talking about my six pack of abs. The fact that two of them are back only 3,5 mnts after giving birth is something Im mucho excited about. Vacay with beach time week 40 here I come!

Holy moly!

Hours slept last night: about 2, times the crow woke up last night: about 2367, total time she's slept today: 70 minutes, how tired mama is on a scale from 1-10: 5467!
On top of that I have 4 hours of pole dance classes (2 of them with Desperate Housewifes-theme, woohooo!) to teach in Ljusne tonight (none in Gävle today, Angelica's taking care of those tomorrow!), 2 hours tomorrow, 3 hours on friday, 2 on saturday in Gävle, 2 on sunday in Gävle + auditions for Dinalis new teacher trainees in Gävle on sunday.
Need I say Ive spent the past hour looking for vacays online? As said before: I absolutely love my job but come October 3rd we're off off and away, woohooo!

My kind of cup of tea!

Toasted rye bread w awesome organic blue cheese from Hudikmarknaden, oven roasted organic pumpkin and fresh organic lima beans, now that's what I call söndagsmys. And a cup of tea of course =)
Weekend was awesome, bachelorettes was awesome,  husband is awesome, troll is awesome and I'm awesomly tired and is about to lay down in my awesome bed. The awesome husband is taking the night watch tonight so that I can get some sleep, mondays are work-late-nights!
10 days to go... =), oh and 3 weeks, but first 10 days =)

Mucho exciting =)

I just got booked for a very exciting class in january with "Dinali på turné" in Vagnhärad. Pole dance on the road!

Sitting down in my office now, finishing up some of this weeks paperwork. When I turn this baby off Im gonna be GONE for the rest of the weekend. Well not completely, first a bachelorettes in Gävle tomorrow afternoon (möhippa med pole dance hos Dinali Center i Gävle), but then Im aaaaall weekend, celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary =).
We're dropping of the troll at grandma's before heading off to Gävle, teaching the class at 3pm and then it's just me and <3 for 24h. We're gonna go see a movie, eat at Bistro Nord and the SLEEEEEP at a hotel, Clarion Winn as a matter of fact, then eat an awesome breakfast buffet on sunday before heading back home. Im gonna continue to Hudiksvall with the troll and her grandparents and <3 will have an all-boys-day rehearsing!

Mama's got a brand new house!

FINALLY we got approved for our house loan, meaning we can at last buy the house where we're living and working, woohooo!
This weekend's really opting for som celebration!


On the plus side: Holy crap, geez Louise, sweeeeeet and all of that other good stuff!!!
On the downside: Total time slept tonight = 2h....

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