Screw you immobility!

Today Ive kicked immobility in the nuts. After waking up around 8am and having spent a good couple of hours in bed watching "Bones" I got sooooo fed up with the whole thing. I got my bumsy out of bed and slowly started walking around. It actually didnt hurt that bad today so I decided to hell with all, Im gonna actually do stuff today!
On my to-do list:
  • Cleaned up our balcony
  • Cleaned/washed the livingroom windows (supposedly a great way to start labor)
  • Planted flowers
  • Emptied the dishwasher + filled it up again
  • Took kitty for a walk
  • Sat down in the sun for an hour
  • Spent quality time w beau + coffee (no, I had orange juice, still has too much heartburn...) on our nice looking balcony
  • Went shopping for taco night
I almost cant believe I got so much done today looking at this list. Right now Im totally and utterly exhausted, but who cares. I moved around, woohooo! Celebrating with tacos in a bit. And some strawberry ice cream, didnt have any yesterday...

Savour no other

than this:
After you've eaten meat from Hälsingestintan you never wanna go back to eat "regular" meat. It tell ya, this is how it's supposed to taste. Our "fredagsmys" (don't ask u americanos...), together with some hasselbackspotatis (swedish version of baked potatoes) and garlic butter, yum.
Beat this McDonalds, hah!

Baby monitor

We're looking for a baby monitor for the wee one and I think we've decided on this one:
We really want one with a good camera AND sound so that we can not only hear the troll, but look at her as well. Sometimes babies makes noises even though they're sleeping. So if you have a screen on your monitor you know if the baby is making noises in her sleep or has actually woken up, perfect!

McDonalds? No thanks!

One of the many reasons (besides the lack of nutrients, overload of additives and overall disgusting food) I dont eat food from McDonalds is this:

I think everyone who's ever eaten at McDonalds should watch "Dokument inifrån: McFusk & Co" on svt2 this sunday at 20:00 (sorry americanos, it's in Swedish).

One thing's for sure; my kid will NEVER get to eat at McDonalds, yuk!


Today I got to experience something I've never done before: to be rolled around in a wheelchair, hah! My pelivc/hips has been hurting soooo abd the past couple of days and today, after we were done with our visit with our midfwife I could barely walk to the car. Beau had to walk behind me so that I could use his arms as support, gosh. Halfway to the car, when I was about to give up, we found a wheelchair that you could borrow and so we did. HE actually rolled me to the car in a frikkin wheelchair. Felt kinda awkward but soooooooo awesome not to have to walk the rest of the way.
The troll hasn't fixated her head yet, crap. I was hoping the midwife would tell me the troll's about halway out by now, but noooooo...
When we got back home I crashed on the couch for a couple of hours, couldnt really move around anyway. But after resting I could actually walk around for a bit, woohoo I didnt have to plan my visit to the ladies!
I'm gonna spend tonight celebrating my walking the couch with some yummy yum yum steak for dinner and then organic strawberry ice cream from Pipers Glace!

Troll, you best stay inside...

Cause this weather pleases no one! Its cold, its raining, theres thunder, and kitty just threw up on the carpet.... She's apparently as crazy about this whole situation as I am.
Today we're off to see our midwife again. The last time we saw her (2 weeks ago) I told her I wouldn't be coming to this appointment cause I was planning on giving birth....LAST NIGHT!!! I guess that didn't work out, damn it...
I reeeeeally thought it migh happen last night, so we prepared EVERYTHING just in case. My pelvic/hips hurted sooooo bad I could barely walk, I'd been nauseous + a couple of other signs of labor. But I slept like a baby(!) the whole night through, gaaaaaaahhh.
But then again, it's only half time, so I shouldnt expect anything to happen......

20 going on 21!

No Im not talking about my age, even though that would be cool. But then again when I think about it it really wouldnt. Cause then I would be working 13h shifts at a bar in Sthlm, no Im not longing back to that.
Im talking about weeks of my pregnancy. See when I told a friend that a couple of nights ago I had to go up to pee in the middle of the night for the first time during my pregnancy she said: "Well maybe you've miscalculated. maybe you're not in week 39 but in week 20. You'll be giving birth in september, congrats".
The more I think about it the more it seems to be true. And if I keep that on my mind I wont be so pissed about having to feel such discomfort for the next 3,5 weeks. Just imagine how fat Im gonna be in september. Im gonna have gained about 60-70lbs, maybe even 80lbs by then, awesome!

I had to use beau as sort of a support table (like the ones you use during labor) yesterday, just to walk from the bathroom (where I had been floating w my tummy down, ooooooh it felt so good I was about to fall asleep. But that probably wouldnt have been a good idea, sleeping face down in the bathtub...) to the bedroom. I couldn't walk by myself. For some reason my hips/pelvic/tummy hurted sooooo bad whenever I put weight on my left leg. I cant really hop on one leg either so he got to act as my support. Perfect boot camp training for the hospital!

So, just ignore the countdown to the left in my blog, it's really misleading. Today it says "9 days left", but in reality its only half time so far, about 4 months left, just so you know!

Breast pump

This is where I ordered my breast pump and all the props:
Its a real small one that seems to be easy to carry with you. I dont know how functional it actually is, I'll hopefully be able let you know in a couple of weeks, but it's gotten real good reviews!
For all of ya'll who were wondering!

Can I sleep until it's time?

It would be awesome cause Im waaaaaaay tired. Ive spent pretty much the whole day laying down but Ive only gotten a few short moments of sleep even thoguh Im exhausted. Reason? Well, I cant lay on my back or my stomach (for obvious reasons), I cant lay for too long on my right side cause then my hip starts hurting and because of my increased amount of blood there's a vein on my left side that just wont stop pounding when I lay on my left side. I have to lay with my arms absolutley flat, cant bend them at all, otherwise I stop the blood flow and I cant feel my arms, or hands for that matter. My heartburn has been acting up a lot this past few days, so I try to half sit/lay on top of a bunch of pillows but then again my hips/pelvic starts hurting. As Ive written before, I do sleep through the whole night (except for last night), but apparently I need to sleep more. Awesome feeling...

Ive been telling the troll that she's ready now, she can come out. But I dont blame her if she dont want to leave her warm and cozy room and come out to this freakishly cold May, gaaaaahhh..... Wtf is this, isnt it supposed to be at least some kind of warm right now? Now, you's better stay in there I tell ya. I'll let you know when the coast is clear and you can come out without freeze to death. Probably around july or something....

Water schmater

I dont think my water will break, ever. Last night I woke up at 2:45 cause, guess what, I had to go pee! For the first time during my pregnancy I woke up in the middle of the night cause I had to go pee. I reeeeeally thought that it was time, I was gonna go up and pee and my water was gonna break. Really excited I sat my bumsy down and waited, but nothing happened.... I even got to pee a lot for once, instead of two small drops. Wtf? And afterwards I couldnt fall asleep so I ended up spending the next 3h watching "the Big Bang Theory".... Weel I tell ya, there's no Big Bang going on over here, that's for sure.....
10 days to go.....

I've made up my mind!

Im gonna keep this baby in as long as possible. Probably wont let her come out at all...
Every morning when I wake up I have to check under the covers to make sure the tummy's where it was when I fell asleep and she's not just laying there and Ive given birth without waking up. I had a terrible downward pressure last night as well, before going to sleep. But it's just like when I go to sleep, my whole body stops working, no action at all. I keep on expecting to wake up with labor pains and contractions in the middle of the night whenever Ive had those feeling before going to sleep, but no, nothing ever happens.

11 days 'til my due date. But right now Im pretty sure the tummy's just gonna disappear by itself. Im gonna wake up one of these mornings and voila, it's gone! I've decided to not go out driving by myself since my water MIGHT break at any time now. But I just cant be at home all the time, it drives me crazy. So today love's driving me (and picking me up) to have lunch w a friend and her 4 month old, lucky her... Hopefully I'll be able to eat at least something, yesterdays food intake was enough for a two year old....

Gone surfin'!

I just went surfing, by accident, on the hardwood floor, almost knocked someone unconscious, but only almost, and Im not talking about myself or the troll, thought my water was gonna break, but nooooooo, now that would have been some serious indoor windsurfing, but without the wind of course....

Big tummy = less hunger

The bigger my tummy gets, the less hungry I get. I pretty much have to force myself to eat cause it feels like I could go a whole day without eating more than a sandwich in the morning (today it was a scone...). I open the refridgerator but nothing in there appeals to me, neither does anything in the pantry nor the freezer. I try to think of something to go get, or to have beau go get for me. Maybe some take-out, but no. I even go so far as to think I might have some ice-cream or candy for lunch/dinner, just to see if I feel like it. But my body's responding to nothing of that either.

Im gonna have to ask our doctor about this when we go to see her this week. I mean, I should be hungry, right?

The stars are speaking to moi

So here's my weekly horoscope according to FB. And like Wikipedia everything you read on FB is true, right?

"Det mentala trycket du levt under på sistone avtar under veckan, och det finns förhoppningar om att konflikter löses så grundligt att de inte behöver poppa upp igen. Annars är detta en tid när du trivs med att vara ensam med dina tankar. Du går på djupet med de yttersta orsakssambanden, och söker dig långt tillbaka till din tidigaste psykologiska och andliga utveckling. Detta leder till en transformation av dina personliga värderingar och stora insikter i vad som i din familjebakgrund har gjort dig till den du är. Medan allt detta pågår under ytan kan det dock också vara en utåtriktad period - en utmärkt tid för att träffa människor och kanske även för romantisk kontakt. Sträck ut en hand till dem du älskar."

So Im hoping that the meaning of "mental pressure" actually points to pelvic pressure, since I could barely stand up last night. It felt like the troll was about to push her way out. Maybe there will be a baby this week after all?

11:15am, not out of bed yet, which means Im gonna miss todays episode of "Days of our lives". Ill make up for that by making meeself some blueberry scones for brunch...

Time is running out

So for all of ya'll who hasnt guessed a date for the trolls arrival, I suggest you do it now. Remember that the winner gets to come over for an afternoon tea. And yes, If one of you americanos wins, I'll make sure to fly you over =)

No water no flood?

Havent retained almost any water, maybe some but I really dont feel like my fingers or my feet has swollen up. Maybe its a sign my water wont break and I wont be going in to labor anytime soon? Hhhmmm... Apparently making plans didnt work, cause we got to go out for a nice dinner yesterday, and I havent had any pre-labor pains yet. Well, maybe a couple, but nothing serious. Holy moly, just the thought of maybe having to go another four weeks feels reeeeeeal long. As Ive said before, Im really gonna miss the tummy but everything surrounding the pregnancy, like the lack of energy, I sure could skip.

4,6% left... Wherever I read it says that now is when I should rest cause in a couple of weeks I might not have the time to. Its nice to lay down on the couch for a while, but since I can only lay on the side at this point of my pregnancy, my hips start hurting after a while. I'll make a blueberry pie, then I'll rest, for real.....

38 full weeks, going on week 39!

How your baby's growing:

Your baby has really plumped up. She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.

Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)

How your life's changing:

For many women, the next couple of weeks are a waiting game. Use this time to prepare your baby's nursery or to take care of necessary tasks you may not get around to for a while after your baby's born. Take naps, catch up on your reading, and spend uninterrupted time with your partner while you can.

Some swelling in your feet and ankles is normal during these last weeks, but call your practitioner without delay if you notice excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles, more than slight swelling of your hands, any swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, or have a sudden weight gain. Also let her know immediately if have severe or persistent headaches; visual changes (such as double or blurred vision, seeing spots or flashing lights, light sensitivity, or a temporary loss of vision), intense upper abdominal pain or tenderness, or nausea and vomiting. These are symptoms of a serious condition called preeclampsia.

Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 38

Nu är bebisen redo att möta sin publik. En genomsnittlig bebis håller fortfarande på att lägga på sig underhudsfett, för att kunna klara temperaturskiftningar bättre efter födseln. De flesta bebisar väger mellan 2,7 och 4,3 kg när de föds och pojkar brukar vara något tyngre än flickor. Alla inre organ är färdigutvecklade, men lungorna är de som når full utveckling sist. Du kanske mest känner dig som en strandad val de sista veckorna. Försök ta det lugnt – det kan dröja innan nästa tillfälle. Gå på bio, läs en bok som inte handlar om graviditet och bebisar, gå till frisören eller tillbringa tid tillsammans med din partner. Ingen av er kommer att ha särskilt mycket tid till att laga mat de första veckorna efter att bebisen är född, så det är ett smart drag att förbereda och frysa in mat för att rädda upp läget senare.

Vet du om det är en pojke eller en flicka? En ledtråd är bebisens vikt – pojkar tenderar att vara något tyngre än flickor. Vid 39 veckor väger de flesta bebisar 3- 3,2 kg, men fortsätter bygga upp underhudsfett som kommer att hjälpa dem hålla värmen efter födelsen. Alla inre organ finns på plats och är färdigutvecklade, men lungorna tar längst tid att mogna helt. (Det kan till och med ta några timmar innan din bebis andningsrytm stabiliserats efter förlossningen.)

Undrar du vilken färg bebisen kommer att ha på ögonen? De flesta kaukasiska bebisar föds med mörkblå ögon, men det kan ta flera veckor eller till och med månader innan deras verkliga ögonfärg syns. Den nyfödda bebisens ögonfärg kommer inte att hålla i sig – den påverkas av det ljus som den utsätts för efter födelsen. De flesta afrikanska och asiatiska bebisar har mörkgrå eller bruna ögon vid födseln och får sin slutgiltiga ögonfärg efter sex till tolv månader. Barn med blandat ursprung får ibland oväntad och mycket vacker ögonfärg!

The Big Bang Theory

Being pregnant Ive gotten hooked on "The Big Bang Theory". At first I thought it was just one of those silly sit coms without a story, but this one's really good.  The most awesomest thing about the show is that it takes place in Pasadena and the nerds work at Cal Tech. Whenever they're out and about driving they're on California, Colorado, Lake, up in Altadena etc etc. Oooooooh I miss home!

Its a bit weird though that the single waitress Penny working at the Cheesecake Factory lives by herself in a pretty nice one bedroom apartment without a roommate. That just doesent happen in Pasadena (its too expensive), so its a lie, its all a lie people! And the Cheesecake Factory in Pasadena does not look like that at all. The one in the show looks like a small mid US diner.
But its still great fun to watch the show. Makes me wanna go back home (LA will always be my second home). Miss mee girlz =(. I think the trolls first trip 's gonna be to L.A to visit her future boyfriend Luciano Guevara =)

Mommy got a package!

I loooooove getting packages. Ususally Im excited about maybe a new pair of shoes (I know I have what most people would refer to as too many shoes, they do have their own closet, byt hey, I got the bug from my beloved grandmother!).
This one didnt contain any shoes though, but it's just as exciting: Breastpump + props

Mucho exciting. So between breastfeeding and sleeping I'll be pumping like a crazy person. Mommylife, here I come!

New belly pic, week 39!

Week: 38 full weeks, going on week 39 (38+0)
Weight gained so far: 31,9 lbs (14,5 kg)
Days 'til due date: 14

Lost another pound this week. Im eating as normal but apparently the troll is craving more nutrition now, she's bigger so it's not really that weird.

Im a bit amazed of how few pregnancy cravings Ive had so far. Ok, Ive felt like drinking a lot more lemon water and been wanting more sweets than ususal, but not to the point where I have to wake up my husband in the middle of the night to have him drive to the gas station and get me B&J's cause otherwise I will die. Ive made real sure to eat nutritious food and Im sure that helps w the cravings. I was eagerly awaiting the pica disorder (where you might start craving chalk, coal etc etc.) that a lot of people are talking about. But Ive had none so far.

Im reading this other blog by Katrin Zytomierska and she's also talking about cravings. She thinks that some pregnant women uses the fact that they are pregnant as an excuse to have their spouses driving around buying them treats in the middle of the night.
I guess its pretty easy to feel real sorry for yourself when you're in pain, chubby, tired and completely have a loss of energy. Ive also felt like just laying on the couch and eat chocolates for the remaining of the pregnancy cause it's the only thing I can actually accomplish. But personally I'd much rather have beau massage my feet for 30 minutes instead of getting me ice cream!

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