When something goes up, another thing must come down...

These are my plans for today, to induce labor:
  • Carry one out of seven chairs at a time from the bottom floor to the top one. And yes, there are many steps for me to walk...
  • Gotta find something to bring down every time I've carried something upstairs (if something goes up, another thing must go down, that's natures law...). So what should I bring downstairs? Hhhhmmm, maybe I'll bring some laundry with me, one piece of clothing at a time!
  • Go for a walk
  • Vacuum the WHOLE house (upstair and downstairs. Did I mention our house is about 4306 sqft? That's about 400kvm...), including the stairs!
  • Drink a bunchload of raspberry leaf tea
  • Rest (apparently rest is a way to start labor as well, but I'm not quite convinced...)
  • Put jalapeños on EVERYTHING I eat today. Ok except for breakfast...
  • Spend some time on the Shakti mat
  • Eat pineapple and kiwi (tones your cervix the wise ones say...)
In between all things I might even do some jumping jacks, hah!

Go bull!

Don't know about you but I sure don't have any sympathies whatsoever for the matador you could read about in this weekends newspaper:
Hey, if someone were to stick me with sharp pointy objects I sure as hell would go all sish kabob on their asses (or faces!) with my horns if I had any.
Bullfighting should be illegalized!

Another one...

All the babies came out before new years
except for baby Garneij
so her mom never got to go to a new years eve partaaaay!
I'm bored...

How to induce labor

Found some tips on how to induce labor:
  • Movement. Movement such as walking, skipping, lunging, swimming or swinging (on a park swing) can help labor begin. It is believed these activities help the baby rotate into a good position for childbirth. Taking a bumpy car or train ride - but not too bumpy! - also has the same advantages and is one of the most common methods to self induce labor.
  • Relax. If you're wondering how to go into labor, this is really the simplest way.  The more you stop obsessing over when your baby is coming, the more likely labor will start. Labor will not begin in a stressed body.
  • Foods. Everyone has a favorite food that they claim will start labor. Spicy foods like pizza or sausage can help, but only because they irritate the bowels. Personally, I do not recommend this method because it can cause heartburn, cramping and diarrhea and who wants those things when labor begins?  If you're looking for ways to induce labor at home, there are many easier, more pleasant methods you can try.
  • Fruit. Tropical fruit like pineapple, mango and kiwi actually contain an enzyme that may help tone your cervix. This fruit will probably not start labor, though with a toned cervix, early labor may go a little faster.
  • Talk to Your Baby. Some cultures believe that babies that have not been welcomed will not come into the world. It sounds silly, but talking to your baby and making them feel welcome may bring on labor.
  • Acupressure and Chiropractics. Some acupressure and chiropractic techniques can start labor. Talk to your care provider, friends or check the internet to find a practitioner in your area. It's crucial that you find one with experience and who knows how to induce labor safely.
  • Castor Oil. Castor oil is an old technique that is not recommended anymore. It does the same thing spicy foods do, it irritates the bowels. It can also cause nausea and is pretty disgusting to ingest. In addition, castor oil rarely works.
  • Herbal Supplements. Herbal supplements like evening primrose oil (EPO), black and blue cohosh, red raspberry leaf tea and nettle tea are not recommended unless you have the permission of an herbalist or your care provider. Dosages for these supplements have not been determined, and taking too much can cause serious complications, including death, for your baby.  When my friends ask me how to induce labor at home, I never recommend these methods.
  • *Nipple stimulation/breast pump - uses the mother's own oxytocin to stimulate contractions; discontinue if contractions are prolonged or become intense.

  • *Glass of wine - although there is no evidence that wine stimulates contractions, it can help an anxious mom relax. Bear in mind that any alcohol affects your baby and can be dehydrating. Be sure to take only one glass with dinner and check with your provider before considering this way to start labor.

  • Sex. If you want to know how to induce labor naturally and enjoyably, you can't go wrong with sex! Sex is the most well-known induction technique because it works the best. Semen contains natural prostaglandins (cervical ripening agents) that can help your cervix ripen. In addition, sex or sexual activities are relaxing, and relaxation is one of the easiest methods of natural labor induction. You may have to use some imagination, as most women are very uncomfortable having sex during the last stages of pregnancy, but the effort might have you meeting your baby sooner rather than later.

Guess I have the rest of my sunday set in stone then....

I'm so f%&¤#&g funny!

All the babies wanted to come out
except for Diana's
so she went bananas


I'm officially overdue. One day. So the "countdown" to the left will no longer be counting downwards to my due date, it's adding one more day each day just so that I can be reminded of my misery...
The midwife told me that in medical terms you're not really overdue until 2 weeks AFTER your due date. That would mean I would count as overdue until after june 5th. Wtf, to hell with that I tell ya. Im overdue NOW!!!! This morning when I woke up I could barely walk to the bathroom, my right foot was sooooo swollen I couldn't almost bend my toes when walking. Both my feet and my hands are swollen, but my right side seems to be more affected, crap...
I've been able to wear my rings all through the pregnancy, but now I really can't. If I put them on I wont be able to take them off...
I have an account at "Familjeliv", a community. Been able to follow my pregnancy there as well.. Guess what? They've removed my pregnancy!! Apparently Im not pregnant anymore. Well have I got news for you Familjeliv..... I AM STILL PREGNANT AS HELL!!! God damn it...

Baptism and sunshine!

Have been out and about to a baptism today. Im suuuuuch a sucker for all those things, I have to look down at the floor to not start crying like a maniac whenever the priest talks about...well...all the things they talk about during a baptism. Its the same even if I dont know the baby getting baptised, or the couple getting married. When I was working as a waitress at a castle in Stockholm where they had a lot of weddings during the summer, I always started crying when they were holding speaches during the dinner etc etc. I cry when I see the same things on TV as well, gosh Im such a wuss.

After the baptism we went out to beaus grandparents place by the ocean. Looooovely. Some coffee (water for me, still gets heartburn) in the sun and some homemade sponge cake, ym! Then my sausage fingers/toes got to just sit out in the sun for a while, so now I have fried sausages instead, hah! Didnt get sun burned, but they did get tanned which makes them look oh so funny!

Still no signs of labor, Ive decided to keep her in for a while longer. She's not the boss of me!

New belly pic, 40 full weeks and no baby, I give up...

Week: 40 full weeks, going on forever...
Weight gained so far: 35,2 lbs (16 kg)
Days 'til due date:........who the hell knows......

I give up. Really didn't think I would reach 40 full weeks with no signs of labor. Crap. On top of it all my feet and fingers has started to swell up due to the heath so now I have sausage limbs, wtf! Im happy I havent really retained any water until now though. Been able to wear my rings all through the pregnancy.


Mothers Day preparation!

I just realized I might actually be a mom for this years Mothers Day. Woohooo, another holiday to celebrate (Im a sucker for holidays)!
So how does one celebrate this newly found day of joy? I'm imagining starting the day being served breakfast in bed  with some gorgeous flowers as decoration. After that, maybe a walk with my family (cant believe we're actually gonna be a family soon). For lunch I think I want some outdoorsy kind of activity. Picnic maybe? And for dinner some awesome bbq'd steak, yum!
As I've stated before I dont really care too much for gifts. Handpicked flowers and breakfast in bed is more than enough for me!

The trolls mattress has finally arrived, woohooo! We haven't unpacked it yet, thats tonights entertainment in the Garneij household!


0,4% = 1 day. If sh'es not out by tomorrow, or at least by the end of this weekend, I doubt she'll ever come out. Any signs yet? Not a darn one. We figured, since she's been laying with her head downwards since week 32 or something, she would be coming earlier than our due date, but nooooooo....
Right now Im soooo excited for her to come out that I wake up every day around 5:30, just to make sure she hasn't arrived during the night. It's like frikkin christmas morning when you wake up early just because you know Santa's probably been there during the night and filled your stocking. The only difference is Im like the one kid that Santa forgot, Im never gonna get my stocking filled....
Gaaaahhh, 06:54am. I'll try stop thinking about this by making a rhubarb pie....

The trampoline is coming out!

No signs, whatsoever. Tonight Im bringing up the trampoline, for real. beau says no, Im not allowed to be that forceful, then I'll just use it down in the basement, hah!

Sun's coming out, finally. After living in CA Im real careful about stying for too long in the sun, especially without sunscreen. I almost always use SPF 30 when Im out in the sun. Don wanna get sun damages and be all wrinkled up when Im 35... I keep on looking for a great organic sun screen without unnessecary additives and other crap, like zink oxide (remember, it goes straight into your bodys system, yuk). Found one , but apparently it contained aluminum instead, not good. I always buy deodorant without aluminum, dont want that crap in my body.
The search continues. If anyone knows about a good organic sunscreen with high protection (SPF 30) and that doesen't have any crap in it, let me know!


Translate into english w Google translate:

"Ditt horoskop för vecka 20

Veckans första dagar är sådana då du fortfarande går och grubblar över en del djupa sanningar och psykologiska insikter som kommit till dig de senaste veckorna. Detta är en del av en transformation som berör ditt sätt att tänka, men som inte nödvändigtvis är synligt för andra, hur djupt du än känner förändringarna i din egen själ. Mycket har att göra med hur du värderar dig själv, och vid denna tid bör du vara beredd på att förändra på insidan för att så småningom vara bättre rustad att slå mynt av det som är unikt för dig. När solen rör sig in i ditt tecken på fredagen, blir det dags för dig att träda ut ur skuggorna och hörsamma hur du uppmuntras att återupprätta användbara förbindelser."

I'm especially intrigued by the last sentence: "När solen rör sig in i ditt tecken på fredagen, blir det dags för dig att träda ut ur skuggorna och hörsamma hur du uppmuntras att återupprätta användbara förbindelser."
Does that mean our troll will be arriving on friday and I will be able to regain connection with myself after being preggers? Well it is a lunar phase shift on the 21st, we're just gonna have to wait and see....


The European parliament voted no to meat glue, woohooo!


1,1 % and noooo signs

1,1% equals 3 days. COME OUT!!!! So all of ya'll who guessed for the troll to be born by now, you loose... Isnt it really uncomfortable in there, you cant even stretch out? Can you imagine not being able to stretch out for about 4 months? I couldnt, no wonder the babies scream once they get out...
Yesterday I even tried jumping up and down for a bit, just to see if she would understand she's supposed to move downwards, no luck at all. I just remembered I have a small trampoline in the basement. Maybe I should bring it up and start using it....

Partytält säljes!

Vi har en drös med partytält vi köpte till vårat bröllop men aldrig behövde använda då det inte regnade den dagen. Nu är det dags att städa ur garaget och vill vi gärna sälja dom till någon som har bättre behov av dom än vi!
3x3m och 6x3 m (fler än ett av varje), sprillans nya, aldrig uppackade ur sina lådor. Perfekta för sommarens fester. Hör av dig om du är intresserad!

Wishful thinking

I just helped lift a 100-year old door, heavy one, but just a bit, and only because I got fed up with the whole lifting taking waaaaay too long. In the back of my head I kept on wishing for my water to break, but noooooooo siree, nada. Gaaaaaahhh......

She's here!

No not our troll, another one. But still, Im soooooo excited =)
I dont think ours is planning to come out anytime soon. She seems to be very comfortable in her tiny nest. Whenever she gets here she'll be either a Taurus or a Gemini. Both are known to be stubborn so I guess that's why she's not listening to me when I tell her to come out...
5 days left, or maybe even 21 days if we're real unlucky....

Ignorance is bliss!

So because that is (as I stated in the headline), Ive spent today trying to move around a lot, ignoring my pelvic/hip pain. "A lot" for me isn't exactly a lot for a normal human being, but still....

I've vacuumed, mopped the floors & planted flowers. I even vacuumed/mopped the stairs, carrying the vacuum cleaner and the mopping bucket up and down those god damn stairs. And for lunch I had nachos with extra jalapeños. No baby yet, but I keep on hoping...

New belly pic, week 40!

Week: 39 full weeks, going on week 40 (39+0)
Weight gained so far: 33 lbs (15 kg)
Days 'til due date: 6

I keep on telling the troll she's ready to come out now, but apparently she's not listening, at all...

39 full weeks, going on week 40!

Don't ask me why the text is green and purple, dont have the energy to figure out why...

How your baby's growing:

Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

How your life's changing:

At each of your now-weekly visits, your caregiver will do an abdominal exam to check your baby's growth and position. She might also do an internal exam to see whether your cervix has started ripening: softening, effacing (thinning out), and dilating (opening). But even armed with this information, there's still no way for your caregiver to predict exactly when your baby is coming. If you go past your due date, your caregiver will schedule you for fetal testing (usually a sonogram) after 40 weeks to ensure that it's safe to continue the pregnancy. If you don't go into labor on your own, most practitioners will induce labor when you're between one and two weeks overdue — or sooner if there's an indication that the risk of waiting is greater than the risks of delivering your baby without further delay.

While you're waiting, it's important to continue to pay attention to your baby's movements and let your caregiver know right away if they seem to decrease. Your baby should remain active right up to delivery, and a noticeable slowdown in activity could be a sign of a problem. Also call if you think your water may have broken. Membranes rupture before the beginning of labor in about 8 percent of term pregnancies. Sometimes there's a big gush of fluid, but sometimes there's only a small gush or a slow leak. (Don't try to make the diagnosis yourself. Call even if you only suspect you have a leak.) If you rupture your membranes and don't start contractions on your own, you'll be induced.

Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 39

Nu är du 39 veckor gången (eller gravid i 40:e veckan, om du föredrar att räkna så). Om du sitter vid din dator och läser detta, har du förmodligen inte fått din bebis ännu. Ingen överraskning, direkt — bara fem procent av alla bebisar föds på sitt 'förlossningsdatum'. De flesta gynekologer och barnmorskor anser inte att du gått över tiden förrän minst två veckor senare. För din skull kan vi förstås hoppas att du slipper vänta så länge. Tills dess kan du tillbringa tid med din partner eller dina andra barn, om du har några. Du kommer att vara glad att du gjorde det när bebisen väl kommer. Barnmorskan vill träffa dig och eventuellt ta ett urinprov denna vecka


En genomsnittlig bebis är lite över 50 cm lång och väger strax under 3,5 kg när den föds, men det är också vanligt och helt normalt att bebisen väger allt mellan 2,5 och 4 kg.

Fostervattnet, som var klart från början, är nu mjölkaktigt från det som avsöndrats under graviditetens förlopp, bl a ovanhud som ger plats för den nya hud som växer underifrån.

På TV börjar förlossningen typiskt med att vattnet går – mitt i en folksamling, såklart – och fortsätter med ögonblickliga sammandragningar. Om du gått och oroat dig att detta kommer att hända dig, kan du med all sannolikhet sluta. Fosterhinnorna brister i mindre än 15 % av fallen och även om det sker så brukar bebisens huvud fungera som propp (däremot kan du märka, att det läcker om du ligger ner). Det bästa är att du tar det lugnt om det sker – det kan ta timmar innan värkarna börjar – och ringer BVC eller din läkare. Din kropp kommer att fortsätta producera fostervatten tills bebisen är född, så du kanske får rådet att stanna hemma tills värkarna har satt igång, eller eventuellt igångsättning.

Och vad gör du om veckan går och ingen bebis kommer? Inget att vara orolig för. Bara 5% av alla barn föds på sitt beräknade förlossningsdatum och man väntar i allmänhet minst två veckor innan man bedömer dig som överburen.

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