What goes up must come down!
35 lbs gained through the whole pregnancy, 24 lbs gone and only 11 to go. Bikini season isn't looking too bad after all...
Baby pics!
A lot of you have been asking for baby pics. Beau is setting up another blog where you're gonna need a password to get in. Once in you'll be able to view pics of Elvira. We want to protect her integrity so that's why. Wont b posting any pics here in my blog or on FB, sorry!
How to loose 22lbs in one week?
For starters, pop out a 7lbs baby!
Ok, here's the story folks
So I never thought I would give birth. When we had a visit with our midwife on wednesday the 26th the babys head was still not in fixed position and I had had NO pre-labor pains at all. She gave us an appointment to go do an ultrasound on the 3rd where they might have induced labor. She said that once you get these appointments the babies more than often decide to come out before then. She also said that IF I go in to labor it will probably start right away, no pre labor pains or anything. On saturday the 29th someone said that I didn't look like I was about to pop anytime soon, made me so pissed...
Anyhoodle, on sunday we spent the whole day relaxing at home, didnt do anything special. Spent almost the whole day laying down on the couch watching Criminal Minds. And the, all of a sudden, at 7:20pm, I felt my first real labor pain. Real cool, cause I could really feel the difference from the contractions I'd had before. Both me and Jesper got really excited and he started timing. During the first hour it was 20 min between each contraction/labor pain, then 10 minutes, then five. The increased in intesity each time and when I called the hospital they told us to get ready and come in since we had quite a drive to get there. I took a shower, beau got everything ready, and off we went.
To sit in a car while being in labor pains is NOT a nice thing to do, soooo uncomfortable. I think Jesper got a bit nervous cause he was driving...let's just say faster than you should. Luckily it was after midnight and almost no cars were out on the road.
The pain kept on escalating and when we got to the hospital I was already 2-3 cm dialated. I had written in my labor letter that I didnt want any medical pain relief unless absolutely necessary. But after gettin in to a lavender bath for about an hour and the pain just kept on escalating, my midwife decided that it was best for me to get an epidural. I then was in so much pain and only 5 cm dialated. Seriousully, it hurted real bad...
I got the epidural and then spent an hour or two actually being able to breathe through the contractions instead of screaming, making me able to rest some. But then it all started over again aroun 6:30am. The pain increased and the epidural somewhat stopped working. Or actually, it did work, but just not for the sort of pain I was feeling
I then spent the next for hours in excrusiating pain. I remember screaming that I was about to die, and I know that's really how it felt. If they would have asked me if I wanted to cancel the pregnancy/labor/everything and give birth some other time, I know I would have.
I know that at some point I thought about telling them to just cut the baby out, c-section, no narcoses necessary. I just couldnt imagine being in any more pain than I was already in. My body went in to some state of chock and i started trembeling/shaking, almost having a seizure because of the pain. Jespers arms were all torn apart after I had dug my nails in to him.
I also remember being really pissed at the midwife telling me to push, wtf, didnt she udnerstand how bad it was hurting? Luckily for her I had to use all my powers not to pass out, otherwise I would have slapped her face...
The actual last hours of labor is a blur because of the pain. But at the end I used my last powers and out came toe most beautiful little baby (even though she had a real cone head at the beginning...). Once she was out, I felt no pain whatsoever.
I dont think I cried when I had her on my chest for the first time, I was all cried out after labor pains. But the feeling of having given birth to such a gorgeous human being was out of this world, no words can describe it. Its the most painful/near death experience Ive ever had, but at the same time the most wonderful one adn it was all worth it at the end.
We now spend most of the day eating, sleeping and chillin. Elvira (the name of our princess) has started to be more awake now, and I just love looking in to her eyes. I cant believe we've made her, what a trip!
She looks a lot like her daddy, but she has her mommys ears and lips. A real princess is what she is, a miracle. What a way to fall in love!
Got mail!
20 lbs gone, 15 to go. Mama just got her brand new spanx in the mailbox. Beach 2010 here I come!
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
Noooo, it's our oh so longed for princess Elvira. Born on may 31st. She's precious, Im exhausted. Labor went well, but what a frikkin marathon. Will be bringing you another update in a couple of days!
F¤#k Mothers Day!!
Mothers Day schmothers way, I'm hatin' on this frikkin day. I really expected to be a mom by now, this sucks...
7 days and counting...
7 days, no signs what so ever. I thought my tummy had sunken a bit (which usually is a sign of labor) but I guess that was just wishful thinking.
We've decided that we're gonna set our minds on getting induced on thursday and our troll will be here by friday of next week. By doing that I hope the next six days wont be as unbearable as these past seven ones has been.
Yesterday was bad, real bad. I think my hormones were playing games with me. I'm not in pain, actually my body feels real fit for being 9+ months preggers. I even went for a 1h power walk in the evening. But the rest of the day was spent laying down on the couch feeling sorry for myself, nothing could cheer me up. A friend called to invite me to go see the new SATC-movie so that I could get something else on my mind. But I just couldn't pull myself together enough to go see it. Going to social events just isn't my kind of cup of tea right now...
But hey, thursday's only five days away, so the troll's at least gonna be here in six days, woohooo!
I'm awesome!
I'm awesome. I'm a house. I'm a frikkin awesome house. A human being prefer living inside me in a room that's not bigger than the human herself, and is certainly not getting remodeled into a bigger condo anytime soon, than come out to a bigger room with a window. It doesen't have an ocean view, not any view at all actually, it's constantly flooded due to plumbing malfunction and you don't have access to any sort of kitchen what so ever. You actually only get your food/nutrition in liquid form pumped right in to you. The room (it is only one, I guess you can call it a bachelors apt. since it doesent have a kitchen/kitchenette) is always well temperatured and there are no corners to accidentally bump your toes in to, awesome huh!
No wonder she doesen't want to come out. Now how do I make her room more uncomfortable?
Just got an appointment for our ultrasound next week, where I might get induced if the troll's not out yet. Thought it would be on tuesday or wednesday, but we have to wait all until frikkin thursday, gaaaaaaaaahhhh.
It's hurting...
No my stomach, but my throat, and I'm really really tired. Hey at least that's something. I've read that a cold might be a sign of labor starting soon so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Still fat
Sparkles didn't work, Im still preggers, and I woke up at 5:15am, 5 days overdue, crap...
Forgot to tell you that your midwife told us that more than often when you get an appointment to have an ultrasound and maybe get induced (like we're gonna do next week), you end up giving birth before that. So I'm guessing this weekend is opt for delivering a baby =). What if I become a mom on Mothers Day, wouldn't that be just awesome!
The midwife also said that since I havent had ANY pre labor pains so far, I probably will go in to labor FOR REAL real fast once it starts. I mean, I dont really have the time to walk around for weeks with pre labor pains like some women do. I guess it sounds like me, no extended pain or cramps, once it starts I hit the road running, hah!
This weeks horoscope
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"När torsdagens fullmåne faller i solhoroskopets relationshus, är detta å ena sidan en social period för dig med möten och resor, då ljus faller på dina personliga relationer. Dock ändrar detta inte på det faktum att du också behöver tid för dig själv under perioden, eftersom du också är inne i en tid av andliga och psykologiska upptäckter, som kräver lugn och stillhet. Tystnaden kommer dock inte att vara särskilt länge, för stora förändringar och en betydande expansion kommer snart att äga rum i ditt sociala liv. De första tecken på detta kommer till helgen - var beredd på en överraskning."
Surprise? This weekend? Me like =)
Mama's getting hammered!
Well not really, don't mark my words on that one. But I've heard that a glass of sparkling wine can induce labor. Sp tonight we're having a nice tenderloin steak dinner and for dessert Im gonna have a glass of this:
Don't worry, it's completely non-alcoholic. I absolutely do not want to drink alcohol while pregnant. Since it is non-alcoholic I dont even know if it'll do the trick or not. But it doesen't hurt trying. If all else fails then at least we will have eaten a real nice steak dinner and enjoyed eacothers company!
Results from todays appointment:
- The trolls head isn't in fixed position yet
- On friday we're gonna get a phonecall from our midwife with an appointment at the hospital in Gävle for tuesday/wednesday next week where they will do and ultra sound and probably INDUCE LABOR!!! Omg, that means that if she's not out by then, Im gonna be a mom in a week. But if they decide everything looks absolutely splendid and I absolutely should go one more week, they will let me. I'm gonna say thanks but no thanks to that...
Midwife appointment
We have an appointment with our widwife today. I was sooooooooo sure we wouldn't need this one, we would've already given birth by this time. But she insisted on me marking my calendar for may 26th, well i'll be damned...
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her to just look at my belly and say "oh don't you worry, you'll be giving birth tonight, I can tell just by looking at you. So go home, rest, eat a nice meal, take a shower and go to the hospital around 7pm, she'll be out by 10pm!"
Now wouldn't that be nice!
Another reason to eat organic fruits and veggies!
I eat organic fruits and vegggies as Ive stated before. Its very rare that I eat non organic, they taste less, is way less nutritious, contains pesticides that are harmful for you and is all through nasty. The risk of your child gettting ADHD increases if you eat non organic fruits and veggies while pregnant/breastfeeding, and also if you give your child non organic fruits and veggies once they start eating solid food.
Read more about it in todays newspaper: http://www.expressen.se/halsa/1.2001038/insektsgift-misstankt-for-adhd
Yesterday I bought an apple at a local gas station cause nothing else was open and I really needed some fruit. When I came home I looked at the apple and just felt yuk so I put it in the fridge. Havent eaten it yeat, maybe I'll do the same as I did with the tangerine 'round new years; put it on a tray and see how long it stays "fresh", yuk.
Remember, you get what you pay for!
Starvation is the name of the game
Can't almost use my right hand, it's too swollen. Won't be able to frikkin make breakfast. I'll starve to death before this troll comes out, gaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Rest her out?
Someone just told me that since Im pretty mobile and has been so through the pregnancy, maybe the troll likes her small room and finds no reason to try to get out. Maybe the way to make her come out is to rest her out? I'd better go rest...
I'm on fire!
Not because I do a lot of things, but beause I start sweating like a pig whenever I do ANYTHING! So I decided to sit my bumsy down on the couch for a while, listen to reggae and sip some raspberry leaf tea. After all, resting was on todays schedule as well...
Must've ran about 10 sets up and down the stairs, carrying everything form chairs to recycling, up n down up n down up n down, geez... Whenever I get warm my right side start swelling like Im a frikkin balloon. This morning I could barely prepare a sandwich cause I couldn't almost use my right hand to spread the butter, it hurted too bad. And Im not really on top of it when it comes to using my left hand for that purpose. Maybe I should start practicing...
Running up n down the stairs didn't cause my water to break after all, gaaaaahhh. I've eaten kiwi, hopefully it does SOME use... Let's see, what's left for today:
There's a graduation party at Dinali Center next week, and my dress is NOT made to fit this tummy Im carrying around. Let's get to work!
Must've ran about 10 sets up and down the stairs, carrying everything form chairs to recycling, up n down up n down up n down, geez... Whenever I get warm my right side start swelling like Im a frikkin balloon. This morning I could barely prepare a sandwich cause I couldn't almost use my right hand to spread the butter, it hurted too bad. And Im not really on top of it when it comes to using my left hand for that purpose. Maybe I should start practicing...
Running up n down the stairs didn't cause my water to break after all, gaaaaahhh. I've eaten kiwi, hopefully it does SOME use... Let's see, what's left for today:
- Take a walk (did take kitty out for a walk but I dont think that counts, Im going for a frikkin power walk in a bit!)
- Vaccuum the house
- Spend time on the shakti mat
- Eat jalapeños
There's a graduation party at Dinali Center next week, and my dress is NOT made to fit this tummy Im carrying around. Let's get to work!