I'm a fat, hairy beast!

Seriousully, I am. My tummy's getting all hairy, though it's kinda cute, and tummy itself is getting bigger. Might be because of...well.... Let's just say one of my coworkers told me yesterday: "I think your stomach lokks bigger for each day". Pu that toghether with the fact that our baby girl is growing and making it quite difficult for me to go do number two, and you have your answer....

Being pregnant - awesome
Knowing it's a girl -awesome
Being able to eat without feeling nauseous anymore - awesome
Hairy tummy - kinda awesome
Baby growing - awesome
Constipation and insomnia - not awesome at all
Back starting to hurt after three days of standing/sitting at work - not awesome at all
Looking better than the guy in the picture below - awesome

Only two days left. A frikkin marathon shift today, 10h, and then 7,5h tomorrow. Then I get on the bus and go home to my man, nice!

A fatter, hairier beast:


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