11 full weks (going on week 12)

Will post some belly pics, maybe tonight!


Week 11 How Big is the Baby at Eleven Weeks Pregnant?
Your little one is growing larger and larger as you continue your pregnancy week by week. By pregnancy week 11 your baby is big enough to hold in the palm of your hand. It is about 1.6 inches long and your little bean weighs almost .25 of an ounce.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

Week 11 Ultrasound

Up until 11 weeks pregnant you could see right through your baby's skin. Now, your baby's skin will remain paper thin but becomes a multi-layered membrane losing much of its transparency. By this point in time your little one should be able to open and close her fists, and is starting to form little buds that will one day pop out as teeth!

By pregnancy 11 weeks your baby's fingers and toes have lost their amphibious like resemblance, now separated instead of webbed. Your little one is taking advantage of the huge space she is floating in by pregnancy 11 weeks, by kicking and squirming about. In the next three weeks your baby will go through a tremendous growth spurt, almost doubling in size. At no other time in your baby's life will she undergo as many rapid changes as are occurring during this stage of your pregnancy.

Your Growth and Development
You may be starting to show a bit by 11 weeks pregnant at this point (but not very much unless you have already had a baby). You are almost at the end of your first trimester by pregnancy at 11 weeks but you still may not look pregnant to onlookers, which some women find frustrating. Take comfort knowing that your uterus however is now just about big enough to fill your pelvis and is probably poking up above the middle of your pubic bone. Before you know it your tummy will pronounce to the whole world that you are pregnant!

Changes in You

By 11 weeks pregnant you should be feeling pretty pregnant, even if you don't look very pregnant. You might start to notice that your hair and fingernails start growing very rapidly. For some women this doesn't happen until closer to the third trimester, but others notice it right away. However, some women also find that their hair is more unruly than normal, so don't count on thick locks during pregnancy necessarily. If you have been suffering from terrible morning sickness, take heart knowing that in just another week or two you should start to feel remarkably better. Many women start gaining weight, about a pound per week during the second trimester, as they find their nausea subsiding.

You might be continuing to have mixed emotions about your pregnancy during pregnancy at 11 weeks. Many women find themselves tuning into parenting and health channels that talk about pregnancy. Keep your spirits up as much as possible as you follow your pregnancy week by week, and remember that shedding an occasional tear is perfectly normal and healthy.



Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 11

Nu närmar sig slutet av den första trimestern. Större delen av fostrets kritiska utveckling kommer att ha hänt om ett par veckor och risken för missfall sjunker då drastiskt.

fetal development at 11 weeksDitt fyra centimeter långa foster har nu alla väsentliga delar, från tandanlag till tånaglar. Bebisen håller igång med att sparka och sträcka på sig – det är rena vattenbaletten. Fingrar och tår har nu separerats helt och simhuden finns inte längre kvar. De kommande sex månadernas huvudprojekt kommer att vara att växa och bli större, starkare och mer motståndskraftig så att bebisen kan överleva utanför livmodern.

En mörk linje på magen som kallas linea nigra kan uppstå från venusberget och upp mot naveln. Din livmoder har nu växt såpass att den sticker upp ur bäckenet och barnmorskan kan alltså känna den om hon trycker på din mage.

Now that's what I'm talking about!

Stockholm = snowing (or did snow last night or something like that, crazy stuff)

Ljusne = Cold as I don't know what, no snow though

LA = Well, I'll let the picture speak for itself.....

Im arriving on friday at 1pm when there'sgonna be 29 dgrs Celsius, soooooo excited. My Irene's picking me up at the airport, then there's dinner w everyone at her place in NoHo later that night. On saturday Im picking up my rental, then we're off to Venice Beach to hang out. On saturday night there's a girls night at Maria's w pole dancing and gossiping =) And on sunday morning we're off to IHop to have breakfast in our PJ's bright and early before my Annette is flying back to San Fran, then we're driving down to Newport Beach to spend the day there.
I really haven't planned anything else for the rest of the week, except to visit the Young's to see my girls and their newest little one, sooooo excited about that.

Im a little bit sicky today, but nothing bad, catched a small cold or something. Ive eaten a bowl of porridge w maple syrup and a ginger drink AND kept it down, woohoo! Still feeling a bit nauseous though, but at least I could eat something.

Now off to fix some stuff!

Flu shot

Just got an "invitation" (if you can call it that) to get the flu shot since Im preggers. No way jose, Im NOT injecting me and my baby with that kind of crap. The more vaccines we create and use the stronger and more resistant the viruses will get. To be honest I feel its more dangerous for the baby if I take the shot than if I dont. When I was younger I took the flu shot and I have never been as sick as I was then, so I really dont think it's good for you.

We've also decided not to give vaccines to the newborn either, I have a feeling we're gonna have to put up a fight for that one...

Week 9/10

Week 9


Fetal Development:
2nd monthCartilage and bones begin to form. The basic structure of the eye is well underway and the tongue begins to develop. The intestines start to move out of the umbilical cord and into the abdomen as the body grows and makes room. The fingers and thumb have appeared but are short and webbed.

Multiples: The babies are developing just like singleton babies. Each baby is about one gram in weight and about the same size as singleton babies.

Maternal Changes:
You're missing your second period this week. Your breasts may be fuller now than ever before and may feel very sensitive. Wearing a supportive bra can ease some of the tenderness. Your waistline may be growing and you may experience some heartburn and indigestion as your body adjusts to pregnancy hormones. Visit StorkNet's Pregnancy Discomforts page for remedies that helped other parents.

Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 9

Vid tionde graviditetsveckan kan det vara så att du åker känslomässig berg-och-dalbana. Det kan svänga ganska kraftigt. Det kan vara svårt för kvinnor som är vana vid att ha koll på allt, men det är viktigt att komma ihåg att det är normalt och faktiskt kan fortsätta under hela graviditeten. Hormoner har en del att göra med dessa känslosvängningar.

fetal development at 9 weeksI slutet av den här veckan kommer fostret att vara ungefär 2,3 centimeter långt (som en druva, ungefär) och väger än så länge mindre än 2 gram. Ögonlocken är stängda och kommer inte att öppnas förrän vecka 27. Vristerna är mer utvecklade, fotlederna har formats och fingrar och tår är mer tydligt utvecklade. Armarna har blivit längre och böjs vid armbågen. I slutet av den här veckan har innerörat formats. Även om det ännu inte skulle synas med ultraljud, så har könsorganen börjat formas. Vid det här laget har förmodligen din moderkaka utvecklats så att den sköter det mesta av hormonproduktionen.

Snart måste du fatta beslut om vilka prover du vill utföra. Vi har en komplett guide till screening och provtagning. Om du är äver 35 eller har genetiska förändringar i familjen, kanske du överväger ett moderkaksprov (chorion-villi-biopsi), som utförs mellan vecka tio och vecka tolv och som kan påvisa både kromosomförändringar och andra abnormaliteter.

9 full weeks

Heres a pic from yesterday, Ive now gone 9 full weeks and one day. I might have had a cookie or two in my stomach when this pic was taken (spent the whole day down in Stockholm w my nephew), but still, big difference from last week =)

last week

woohoo, growing a belly!!!!


  1. Clean the house
  2. Bake a cake
  3. Drive Jesper to Söderhamn
  4. Drive 2x45min to get a videocamera
  5. Prepare for a test class
  6. Pick up Jesper in Söderhamn (and all up to here should be done before 2pm)
  7. Have some friends over for cake n coffee
  8. Let the girls in for a test class between 3-4pm
  9. Fix some stuff
  10. Prepare some more stuff
And all this while feeling not too good I must say, geez. But at least Ive found an oat-ginger-orange-honey smoothie that I can mix and drink, AND get to keep down. And the ginger makes me less nauseous, awesome!


On sunday Im off to Stockholm with my nephew to see the play "Rasmus på Luffen". We're gonna have a whoooooole day together in Sthlm, eat som good food and hang out with Malin and Oliver who's gonna meet up with us, awesome! Im a bit nervous being on the train with for two hours though, feeling as nauseous as I am. So I bought an entertainment system (read; colouring book and crayons) for my nephew so that he'll be entertained on our way down. On our way back home he'll probably bee tired and fall asleep anyway....

Eco friendly toys for tots!

A friend of mine told me about this webshop http://www.ekoleko.se/ where they only sell eco friendly and non toxic toys n stuff, real cool. I found this cutie pie there:

A bunny rabbit!!!!! How cute is this!!! You can bet baby Garneij will get a lotchi of toys from that webpage, it's awesome!

Go green!

Translate by using Google translate if you don't understand Swedish!
This is what Im talking about, I knew it!

Undersökning från 2007 visar att det faktiskt är nyttigare med ekologiskt odlat.

EKO Tidigare forskning där man velat jämför konventionell odling med ekologisk har haft svårigheter att uppvisa statistisk signifikans, alltså att vara giltiga som fakta, eftersom man inte mätt under tillräckligt lång till och då kunnat räkna bort avvikelser i jordmån och klimatzon. Den här undersökningen sträcker sig över perioden 1994-2004 och har avsett att mäta skillnader i mängden flavenioder i tomater, bland annat.
Efter 10 år kunde man se tydliga skillnader mellan ekologiskt och konventionellt odlade tomater i mängden flavenoider. De ekologiskt odlade tomaterna innehåll avsevärt högre halter flavenoider. Flavenoider är ett ämne som kan skydda oss mot allvarliga sjukdomar och det finns naturligt i frukt och grönsaker.
Om du vill äta nyttigt kan du med fördel välja ett ekologiskt alternativ.

Undersökningen gjordes 2007 vid University of California och publicerades i Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2007.

Flavenoider är skyddande

  • Flavenoider är det ämne i grönsaker som verkar som pigment som skyddar mot strålning bland annat.
  • Man har hittat att flavenoider också kan skydda oss människor. Främst mot hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, cancer och åldersrelaterade sjukdomar såsom demens.
  • Hetta gärna upp tomater, eftersom det då frigörs mer flavenoider.
  • Och ät gärna med lite fett till, eftersom de ofta är fettlösliga.


I just ate a real meal of food for the first time in about two weeks, woohoo! Keeping my fingers crossed for it to stay down, trying to move as little as possible otherwise Im sure it'll come back up....

Week 7/8

Heres a pic of the belly from last week. I'd gone 7 whole weeks and 4 days, so I was in week 8.

Will take a new pic this week, maybe tonight. Now Ive gone 8 whole weeks and 3 days, so Im in week 9.

Packin' for pleasure!

Since Im unable to move around like a normal person without feeling nauseous I decided to start packing for LA. Packing for pleasure is exactly what Im doing. For ten whole days Im gonna do nothing but relax and enjoy spending time in the sun with my girls.

So I started packing, then I started throwing up so I had to quit. God damn it. Now Im gonna go out for a walk in the sun, Ill throw up in the woods if I start feeling nauseous again...

How cute is this!!!

From Little Green Radicals (babyshop.se). Organic cotton of course =) Little Green Radicals has got a lot of great eco prints on their babyclothes, awesome for us greenies!

I wonder...

...about this whole nausea thing. It cant be possible that I have to be popping pills every other hour in order to function like a normal human being. How good is that actually for the fetus? Now I don't take any pills at all, it usually takes A LOT in order for me to take a pill for anything, I try to get by on ginger tea. But it would be nice to wake up one morning not feeling nauseous once and for all, geez... Im getting a little bit nervous for the 15h flight over to LA next week. I cant be feeling this bad then, I'll probably end up not even getting on the flight, just sitting in one of those airport lounge chairs rocking back and forth.... But I'll keep in mind where Im gonna be next sunday and maybe during the day on the 17th (after the awesome get togehter at Irenes on friday the 16th and the girls night at Marias on the 17th):

Venice beach baby, yeah!
Irene's got me hooked up w a car. Don't know what I'll be riding in, but as long as it's got four wheels and a steering wheel Im all good!!! Might even take a ride down to Newport on monday:

Anyone got any tips on how to get rid on the nausea without pills?

Sicky bride....

Just got a message saying the bride for todays bachelorette party is sicky. Now that's both good and bad news for me. It's bad because I loose money, but it's good since that means that I get to rest for the whole afternoon!
Just made meeself some ginger tea, hopefully it'll help against the nausea. Ill try to take a walk after that, rain or shine. Need to get some energy, can't just stay inside in bed all day (even though it's quite nice...)

So over and out!


our live-in teenager is moving out. Well he's actually not a real teenager, think he's like 29-ish. It's Jespers friend who has been living with us fr a while. So after today me and my man will for the first time since we got married live ALL BY OURSELVES!!! Good gosh, I wonder what it's gonna be like. Im imagening us ending up like "The Shining" or something, hahaha.
While the boys are off to Gävle to pick up some stuff I'll be preparing for the bachelorette party Im having this afternoon. Six girls are gonna come dancing at Dinali Center. I must say Im a bit nervous. I havent been feeling very well this past week, nauseous for pretty much the whole day, every day =( Yesterday we were at the grocery store and I had to run out to.... you know what.....yuk. Hopefully I wont start feeling nauseous today while dancing. Luckily the girls do most of the dancing  so I'll keep my fingers crossed, and a bucket in the corner, hahahaha

I've entered week 9 now, very cool. We've taken a pic of my stomach and are planning on doing it every week. So as soon as I get it from beau I'll post it. You really can't tell I'm pregnant yet, I think. I think I just look a little bloated, like I have a Cheetos wrapped around my stomach, hahaha. But I do feel I am getting bigger around my hips and waist and such. Don't know if Ive gained any weight, dont really believe in scales, but I guess I have to weigh meeself pretty soon.
Some people say being nauseous and all that usually only lasts until around week 12, I reeeeeally hope so....

Last night bestest husband made me some mashed potatoes w dill, dressing and mustard (around 10pm), it was the most awesomest dinner ever, soooo good. And I actually kept it down, woohoo!

Week 9 (8 full weeks, entering week 9)

Well, I've gone 8 full weeks and I'm now entering week nine, that's why the numbers are a little bit mixed up....

Week 8

(counting from first day of last menstrual period)
Around 6 Weeks After Conception

Please keep in mind that this information is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any questions, please check with your care provider.


Fetal Development:
2nd month An ultrasound done at this stage should show a fluttering heartbeat. Elbows begin to form in the arms and fingers start to develop. The leg buds begin to show feet with tiny notches for the toes. The face continues to change as the ears, eyes and the tip of the nose appear. The intestines start to form in the umbilical cord. Teeth develop under the gums.

Multiples: Your babies are developing at the same rate as singletons and each are about the length of two grains of rice.

Maternal Changes:
Your uterus is the size of an orange now, and you may find your waistline expanding. If this is your first pregnancy, you're probably not showing. If it's not your first, you may have a "pooch" already. You will tend to show earlier in subsequent pregnancies since your muscles and ligaments aren't so tight.

You may be feeling like a teenager if you find yourself with pimples and other skin problems. Don't fret ~ pregnancy causes an increase in oil secretions not to mention those rampant hormones! Your break-outs will go away either after the first trimester as your hormones level off or after delivery.

Multiples: Your breasts are probably very tender and swollen, and your tummy is probably starting to "pooch out," particularly if you've been pregnant before.

Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 8

Grattis! Nu är embryot ett foster, vilket betyder "en liten." Livmodern expanderar för att ge plats åt sin gäst, som nu är ungefär 1,6 centimeter lång - ett litet hallon. Det sker många förändringar denna vecka – den lilla svansen som embryot hade är borta och alla organ, muskler och nerver börjar fungera. Händerna böjs nu vid vristen och fötterna börjar förlora sin simhud. Ögonlock börjar formas.

fetal development at 8 weeksDin kroppsform förändras också ioch med graviditeten. Dina bröst kan ha växt så att du behöver en större BH som ger bättre stöd än dina vanliga och ditt midjemått kan ha expandrat såpass att du måste packa undan favoritjeansen till nästa år.

Cold food!

Yup, cold food is apaprently the name of the game. I can't eat anything that smells but I want my salt. Yesterday I ended up eating a bag of chips and then I thought to meeself that it's probably not that good eating chips every other day. So I heated up a veggie pie, laid down in bed n watched a movie while the pie was is the kitchen cooling down, and voila, after 30 minutes I could actually eat the darn thing. But it kind tasted too much, like too many flavours all at once. So today I made meeself some Janssons Frestelse (swedish potato dish, yummy) and let it cool down while atching yet another movie, lo and behold I could actually eat it without activating my gag reflex!!!!! Then I ordered an Al Funghi pizza from Jesper when he was out and about, after it had cooled down I could eat TWO whole slices of it (ok, they were small slices, but still....).

So, cold food (that doesen't smell) without too many flavours seems to be working best right now. I crave all sorts of potato things like potato gratin, Janssons Frestelse and potato salad. Did the Frestelse today and it'll probably last me about a month or two counting on the amount I eat, but I'll put it in the freezer and save it! So this weekend I'll make meeself some potato salad or a potato gratin (WITHOUT andy garlic in it though. cant' stand garlic right now, yuk).

The most awesome thing about actually finding things that I can eat AND keep down is that I finally have some energy to go outside. Can't stay inside in bed all day. It's pretty cold outside, but it's clear and fresh, so I'm gonna go for a walk before the sun goes down. Then I'll probably lay down and eat some more cold food....

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