F¤#k Mothers Day!!

Mothers Day schmothers way, I'm hatin' on this frikkin day. I really expected to be a mom by now, this sucks...

7 days and counting...

7 days, no signs what so ever. I thought my tummy had sunken a bit (which usually is a sign of labor) but I guess that was just wishful thinking.

We've decided that we're gonna set our minds on getting induced on thursday and our troll will be here by friday of next week. By doing that I hope the next six days wont be as unbearable as these past seven ones has been.
Yesterday was bad, real bad. I think my hormones were playing games with me. I'm not in pain, actually my body feels real fit for being 9+ months preggers. I even went for a 1h power walk in the evening. But the rest of the day was spent laying down on the couch feeling sorry for myself, nothing could cheer me up. A friend called to invite me to go see the new SATC-movie so that I could get something else on my mind. But I just couldn't pull myself together enough to go see it. Going to social events just isn't my kind of cup of tea right now...

But hey, thursday's only five days away, so the troll's at least gonna be here in six days, woohooo!

I'm awesome!

I'm awesome. I'm a house. I'm a frikkin awesome house. A human being prefer living inside me in a room that's not bigger than the human herself, and is certainly not getting remodeled into a bigger condo anytime soon, than come out to a bigger room with a window. It doesen't have an ocean view, not any view at all actually, it's constantly flooded due to plumbing malfunction and you don't have access to any sort of kitchen what so ever. You actually only get your food/nutrition in liquid form pumped right in to you. The room (it is only one, I guess you can call it a bachelors apt. since it doesent have a kitchen/kitchenette) is always well temperatured and there are no corners to accidentally bump your toes in to, awesome huh!

No wonder she doesen't want to come out. Now how do I make her room more uncomfortable?


Just got an appointment for our ultrasound next week, where I might get induced if the troll's not out yet. Thought it would be on tuesday or wednesday, but we have to wait all until frikkin thursday, gaaaaaaaaahhhh.

It's hurting...

No my stomach, but my throat, and I'm really really tired. Hey at least that's something. I've read that a cold might be a sign of labor starting soon so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Still fat

Sparkles didn't work, Im still preggers, and I woke up at 5:15am, 5 days overdue, crap...

Forgot to tell you that your midwife told us that more than often when you get an appointment to have an ultrasound and maybe get induced (like we're gonna do next week), you end up giving birth before that. So I'm guessing this weekend is opt for delivering a baby =). What if I become a mom on Mothers Day, wouldn't that be just awesome!

The midwife also said that since I havent had ANY pre labor pains so far, I probably will go in to labor FOR REAL real fast once it starts. I mean, I dont really have the time to walk around for weeks with pre labor pains like some women do. I guess it sounds like me, no extended pain or cramps, once it starts I hit the road running, hah!

This weeks horoscope

Translate using Google Translate

"När torsdagens fullmåne faller i solhoroskopets relationshus, är detta å ena sidan en social period för dig med möten och resor, då ljus faller på dina personliga relationer. Dock ändrar detta inte på det faktum att du också behöver tid för dig själv under perioden, eftersom du också är inne i en tid av andliga och psykologiska upptäckter, som kräver lugn och stillhet. Tystnaden kommer dock inte att vara särskilt länge, för stora förändringar och en betydande expansion kommer snart att äga rum i ditt sociala liv. De första tecken på detta kommer till helgen - var beredd på en överraskning."
Surprise? This weekend? Me like =)

Mama's getting hammered!

Well not really, don't mark my words on that one. But I've heard that a glass of sparkling wine can induce labor. Sp tonight we're having a nice tenderloin steak dinner and for dessert Im gonna have a glass of this:
Don't worry, it's completely non-alcoholic. I absolutely do not want to drink alcohol while pregnant. Since it is non-alcoholic I dont even know if it'll do the trick or not. But it doesen't hurt trying. If all else fails then at least we will have eaten a real nice steak dinner and enjoyed eacothers company!

Results from todays appointment:

  • The trolls head isn't in fixed position yet
  • On friday we're gonna get a phonecall from our midwife with an appointment at the hospital in Gävle for tuesday/wednesday next week where they will do and ultra sound and probably INDUCE LABOR!!! Omg, that means that if she's not out by then, Im gonna be a mom in a week. But if they decide everything looks absolutely splendid and I absolutely should go one more week, they will let me. I'm gonna say thanks but no thanks to that...

Midwife appointment

We have an appointment with our widwife today. I was sooooooooo sure we wouldn't need this one, we would've already given birth by this time. But she insisted on me marking my calendar for may 26th, well i'll be damned...
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her to just look at my belly and say "oh don't you worry, you'll be giving birth tonight, I can tell just by looking at you. So go home, rest, eat a nice meal, take a shower and go to the hospital around 7pm, she'll be out by 10pm!"
Now wouldn't that be nice!

Another reason to eat organic fruits and veggies!

I eat organic fruits and vegggies as Ive stated before. Its very rare that I eat non organic, they taste less, is way less nutritious, contains pesticides that are harmful for you and is all through nasty. The risk of your child gettting ADHD increases if you eat non organic fruits and veggies while pregnant/breastfeeding, and also if you give your child non organic fruits and veggies once they start eating solid food.

Read more about it in todays newspaper: http://www.expressen.se/halsa/1.2001038/insektsgift-misstankt-for-adhd

Yesterday I bought an apple at a local gas station cause nothing else was open and I really needed some fruit. When I came home I looked at the apple and just felt yuk so I put it in the fridge. Havent eaten it yeat, maybe I'll do the same as I did with the tangerine 'round new years; put it on a tray and see how long it stays "fresh", yuk.
Remember, you get what you pay for!

Starvation is the name of the game

Can't almost use my right hand, it's too swollen. Won't be able to frikkin make breakfast. I'll starve to death before this troll comes out, gaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

Rest her out?

Someone just told me that since Im pretty mobile and has been so through the pregnancy, maybe the troll likes her small room and finds no reason to try to get out. Maybe the way to make her come out is to rest her out? I'd better go rest...

I'm on fire!

Not because I do a lot of things, but beause I start sweating like a pig whenever I do ANYTHING! So I decided to sit my bumsy down on the couch for a while, listen to reggae and sip some raspberry leaf tea. After all, resting was on todays schedule as well...
Must've ran about 10 sets up and down the stairs, carrying everything form chairs to recycling, up n down up n down up n down, geez... Whenever I get warm my right side start swelling like Im a frikkin balloon. This morning I could barely prepare a sandwich cause I couldn't almost use my right hand to spread the butter, it hurted too bad. And Im not really on top of it when it comes to using my left hand for that purpose. Maybe I should start practicing...

Running up n down the stairs didn't cause my water to break after all, gaaaaahhh. I've eaten kiwi, hopefully it does SOME use... Let's see, what's left for today:

  • Take a walk (did take kitty out for a walk but I dont think that counts, Im going for a frikkin power walk in a bit!)
  • Vaccuum the house
  • Spend time on the shakti mat
  • Eat jalapeños

There's a graduation party at Dinali Center next week, and my dress is NOT made to fit this tummy Im carrying around. Let's get to work!

When something goes up, another thing must come down...

These are my plans for today, to induce labor:
  • Carry one out of seven chairs at a time from the bottom floor to the top one. And yes, there are many steps for me to walk...
  • Gotta find something to bring down every time I've carried something upstairs (if something goes up, another thing must go down, that's natures law...). So what should I bring downstairs? Hhhhmmm, maybe I'll bring some laundry with me, one piece of clothing at a time!
  • Go for a walk
  • Vacuum the WHOLE house (upstair and downstairs. Did I mention our house is about 4306 sqft? That's about 400kvm...), including the stairs!
  • Drink a bunchload of raspberry leaf tea
  • Rest (apparently rest is a way to start labor as well, but I'm not quite convinced...)
  • Put jalapeños on EVERYTHING I eat today. Ok except for breakfast...
  • Spend some time on the Shakti mat
  • Eat pineapple and kiwi (tones your cervix the wise ones say...)
In between all things I might even do some jumping jacks, hah!

Go bull!

Don't know about you but I sure don't have any sympathies whatsoever for the matador you could read about in this weekends newspaper:
Hey, if someone were to stick me with sharp pointy objects I sure as hell would go all sish kabob on their asses (or faces!) with my horns if I had any.
Bullfighting should be illegalized!

Another one...

All the babies came out before new years
except for baby Garneij
so her mom never got to go to a new years eve partaaaay!
I'm bored...

How to induce labor

Found some tips on how to induce labor:
  • Movement. Movement such as walking, skipping, lunging, swimming or swinging (on a park swing) can help labor begin. It is believed these activities help the baby rotate into a good position for childbirth. Taking a bumpy car or train ride - but not too bumpy! - also has the same advantages and is one of the most common methods to self induce labor.
  • Relax. If you're wondering how to go into labor, this is really the simplest way.  The more you stop obsessing over when your baby is coming, the more likely labor will start. Labor will not begin in a stressed body.
  • Foods. Everyone has a favorite food that they claim will start labor. Spicy foods like pizza or sausage can help, but only because they irritate the bowels. Personally, I do not recommend this method because it can cause heartburn, cramping and diarrhea and who wants those things when labor begins?  If you're looking for ways to induce labor at home, there are many easier, more pleasant methods you can try.
  • Fruit. Tropical fruit like pineapple, mango and kiwi actually contain an enzyme that may help tone your cervix. This fruit will probably not start labor, though with a toned cervix, early labor may go a little faster.
  • Talk to Your Baby. Some cultures believe that babies that have not been welcomed will not come into the world. It sounds silly, but talking to your baby and making them feel welcome may bring on labor.
  • Acupressure and Chiropractics. Some acupressure and chiropractic techniques can start labor. Talk to your care provider, friends or check the internet to find a practitioner in your area. It's crucial that you find one with experience and who knows how to induce labor safely.
  • Castor Oil. Castor oil is an old technique that is not recommended anymore. It does the same thing spicy foods do, it irritates the bowels. It can also cause nausea and is pretty disgusting to ingest. In addition, castor oil rarely works.
  • Herbal Supplements. Herbal supplements like evening primrose oil (EPO), black and blue cohosh, red raspberry leaf tea and nettle tea are not recommended unless you have the permission of an herbalist or your care provider. Dosages for these supplements have not been determined, and taking too much can cause serious complications, including death, for your baby.  When my friends ask me how to induce labor at home, I never recommend these methods.
  • *Nipple stimulation/breast pump - uses the mother's own oxytocin to stimulate contractions; discontinue if contractions are prolonged or become intense.

  • *Glass of wine - although there is no evidence that wine stimulates contractions, it can help an anxious mom relax. Bear in mind that any alcohol affects your baby and can be dehydrating. Be sure to take only one glass with dinner and check with your provider before considering this way to start labor.

  • Sex. If you want to know how to induce labor naturally and enjoyably, you can't go wrong with sex! Sex is the most well-known induction technique because it works the best. Semen contains natural prostaglandins (cervical ripening agents) that can help your cervix ripen. In addition, sex or sexual activities are relaxing, and relaxation is one of the easiest methods of natural labor induction. You may have to use some imagination, as most women are very uncomfortable having sex during the last stages of pregnancy, but the effort might have you meeting your baby sooner rather than later.

Guess I have the rest of my sunday set in stone then....

I'm so f%&¤#&g funny!

All the babies wanted to come out
except for Diana's
so she went bananas


I'm officially overdue. One day. So the "countdown" to the left will no longer be counting downwards to my due date, it's adding one more day each day just so that I can be reminded of my misery...
The midwife told me that in medical terms you're not really overdue until 2 weeks AFTER your due date. That would mean I would count as overdue until after june 5th. Wtf, to hell with that I tell ya. Im overdue NOW!!!! This morning when I woke up I could barely walk to the bathroom, my right foot was sooooo swollen I couldn't almost bend my toes when walking. Both my feet and my hands are swollen, but my right side seems to be more affected, crap...
I've been able to wear my rings all through the pregnancy, but now I really can't. If I put them on I wont be able to take them off...
I have an account at "Familjeliv", a community. Been able to follow my pregnancy there as well.. Guess what? They've removed my pregnancy!! Apparently Im not pregnant anymore. Well have I got news for you Familjeliv..... I AM STILL PREGNANT AS HELL!!! God damn it...

Baptism and sunshine!

Have been out and about to a baptism today. Im suuuuuch a sucker for all those things, I have to look down at the floor to not start crying like a maniac whenever the priest talks about...well...all the things they talk about during a baptism. Its the same even if I dont know the baby getting baptised, or the couple getting married. When I was working as a waitress at a castle in Stockholm where they had a lot of weddings during the summer, I always started crying when they were holding speaches during the dinner etc etc. I cry when I see the same things on TV as well, gosh Im such a wuss.

After the baptism we went out to beaus grandparents place by the ocean. Looooovely. Some coffee (water for me, still gets heartburn) in the sun and some homemade sponge cake, ym! Then my sausage fingers/toes got to just sit out in the sun for a while, so now I have fried sausages instead, hah! Didnt get sun burned, but they did get tanned which makes them look oh so funny!

Still no signs of labor, Ive decided to keep her in for a while longer. She's not the boss of me!

New belly pic, 40 full weeks and no baby, I give up...

Week: 40 full weeks, going on forever...
Weight gained so far: 35,2 lbs (16 kg)
Days 'til due date:........who the hell knows......

I give up. Really didn't think I would reach 40 full weeks with no signs of labor. Crap. On top of it all my feet and fingers has started to swell up due to the heath so now I have sausage limbs, wtf! Im happy I havent really retained any water until now though. Been able to wear my rings all through the pregnancy.


Mothers Day preparation!

I just realized I might actually be a mom for this years Mothers Day. Woohooo, another holiday to celebrate (Im a sucker for holidays)!
So how does one celebrate this newly found day of joy? I'm imagining starting the day being served breakfast in bed  with some gorgeous flowers as decoration. After that, maybe a walk with my family (cant believe we're actually gonna be a family soon). For lunch I think I want some outdoorsy kind of activity. Picnic maybe? And for dinner some awesome bbq'd steak, yum!
As I've stated before I dont really care too much for gifts. Handpicked flowers and breakfast in bed is more than enough for me!

The trolls mattress has finally arrived, woohooo! We haven't unpacked it yet, thats tonights entertainment in the Garneij household!


0,4% = 1 day. If sh'es not out by tomorrow, or at least by the end of this weekend, I doubt she'll ever come out. Any signs yet? Not a darn one. We figured, since she's been laying with her head downwards since week 32 or something, she would be coming earlier than our due date, but nooooooo....
Right now Im soooo excited for her to come out that I wake up every day around 5:30, just to make sure she hasn't arrived during the night. It's like frikkin christmas morning when you wake up early just because you know Santa's probably been there during the night and filled your stocking. The only difference is Im like the one kid that Santa forgot, Im never gonna get my stocking filled....
Gaaaahhh, 06:54am. I'll try stop thinking about this by making a rhubarb pie....

The trampoline is coming out!

No signs, whatsoever. Tonight Im bringing up the trampoline, for real. beau says no, Im not allowed to be that forceful, then I'll just use it down in the basement, hah!

Sun's coming out, finally. After living in CA Im real careful about stying for too long in the sun, especially without sunscreen. I almost always use SPF 30 when Im out in the sun. Don wanna get sun damages and be all wrinkled up when Im 35... I keep on looking for a great organic sun screen without unnessecary additives and other crap, like zink oxide (remember, it goes straight into your bodys system, yuk). Found one , but apparently it contained aluminum instead, not good. I always buy deodorant without aluminum, dont want that crap in my body.
The search continues. If anyone knows about a good organic sunscreen with high protection (SPF 30) and that doesen't have any crap in it, let me know!


Translate into english w Google translate:

"Ditt horoskop för vecka 20

Veckans första dagar är sådana då du fortfarande går och grubblar över en del djupa sanningar och psykologiska insikter som kommit till dig de senaste veckorna. Detta är en del av en transformation som berör ditt sätt att tänka, men som inte nödvändigtvis är synligt för andra, hur djupt du än känner förändringarna i din egen själ. Mycket har att göra med hur du värderar dig själv, och vid denna tid bör du vara beredd på att förändra på insidan för att så småningom vara bättre rustad att slå mynt av det som är unikt för dig. När solen rör sig in i ditt tecken på fredagen, blir det dags för dig att träda ut ur skuggorna och hörsamma hur du uppmuntras att återupprätta användbara förbindelser."

I'm especially intrigued by the last sentence: "När solen rör sig in i ditt tecken på fredagen, blir det dags för dig att träda ut ur skuggorna och hörsamma hur du uppmuntras att återupprätta användbara förbindelser."
Does that mean our troll will be arriving on friday and I will be able to regain connection with myself after being preggers? Well it is a lunar phase shift on the 21st, we're just gonna have to wait and see....


The European parliament voted no to meat glue, woohooo!


1,1 % and noooo signs

1,1% equals 3 days. COME OUT!!!! So all of ya'll who guessed for the troll to be born by now, you loose... Isnt it really uncomfortable in there, you cant even stretch out? Can you imagine not being able to stretch out for about 4 months? I couldnt, no wonder the babies scream once they get out...
Yesterday I even tried jumping up and down for a bit, just to see if she would understand she's supposed to move downwards, no luck at all. I just remembered I have a small trampoline in the basement. Maybe I should bring it up and start using it....

Partytält säljes!

Vi har en drös med partytält vi köpte till vårat bröllop men aldrig behövde använda då det inte regnade den dagen. Nu är det dags att städa ur garaget och vill vi gärna sälja dom till någon som har bättre behov av dom än vi!
3x3m och 6x3 m (fler än ett av varje), sprillans nya, aldrig uppackade ur sina lådor. Perfekta för sommarens fester. Hör av dig om du är intresserad!

Wishful thinking

I just helped lift a 100-year old door, heavy one, but just a bit, and only because I got fed up with the whole lifting taking waaaaay too long. In the back of my head I kept on wishing for my water to break, but noooooooo siree, nada. Gaaaaaahhh......

She's here!

No not our troll, another one. But still, Im soooooo excited =)
I dont think ours is planning to come out anytime soon. She seems to be very comfortable in her tiny nest. Whenever she gets here she'll be either a Taurus or a Gemini. Both are known to be stubborn so I guess that's why she's not listening to me when I tell her to come out...
5 days left, or maybe even 21 days if we're real unlucky....

Ignorance is bliss!

So because that is (as I stated in the headline), Ive spent today trying to move around a lot, ignoring my pelvic/hip pain. "A lot" for me isn't exactly a lot for a normal human being, but still....

I've vacuumed, mopped the floors & planted flowers. I even vacuumed/mopped the stairs, carrying the vacuum cleaner and the mopping bucket up and down those god damn stairs. And for lunch I had nachos with extra jalapeños. No baby yet, but I keep on hoping...

New belly pic, week 40!

Week: 39 full weeks, going on week 40 (39+0)
Weight gained so far: 33 lbs (15 kg)
Days 'til due date: 6

I keep on telling the troll she's ready to come out now, but apparently she's not listening, at all...

39 full weeks, going on week 40!

Don't ask me why the text is green and purple, dont have the energy to figure out why...

How your baby's growing:

Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

How your life's changing:

At each of your now-weekly visits, your caregiver will do an abdominal exam to check your baby's growth and position. She might also do an internal exam to see whether your cervix has started ripening: softening, effacing (thinning out), and dilating (opening). But even armed with this information, there's still no way for your caregiver to predict exactly when your baby is coming. If you go past your due date, your caregiver will schedule you for fetal testing (usually a sonogram) after 40 weeks to ensure that it's safe to continue the pregnancy. If you don't go into labor on your own, most practitioners will induce labor when you're between one and two weeks overdue — or sooner if there's an indication that the risk of waiting is greater than the risks of delivering your baby without further delay.

While you're waiting, it's important to continue to pay attention to your baby's movements and let your caregiver know right away if they seem to decrease. Your baby should remain active right up to delivery, and a noticeable slowdown in activity could be a sign of a problem. Also call if you think your water may have broken. Membranes rupture before the beginning of labor in about 8 percent of term pregnancies. Sometimes there's a big gush of fluid, but sometimes there's only a small gush or a slow leak. (Don't try to make the diagnosis yourself. Call even if you only suspect you have a leak.) If you rupture your membranes and don't start contractions on your own, you'll be induced.

Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 39

Nu är du 39 veckor gången (eller gravid i 40:e veckan, om du föredrar att räkna så). Om du sitter vid din dator och läser detta, har du förmodligen inte fått din bebis ännu. Ingen överraskning, direkt — bara fem procent av alla bebisar föds på sitt 'förlossningsdatum'. De flesta gynekologer och barnmorskor anser inte att du gått över tiden förrän minst två veckor senare. För din skull kan vi förstås hoppas att du slipper vänta så länge. Tills dess kan du tillbringa tid med din partner eller dina andra barn, om du har några. Du kommer att vara glad att du gjorde det när bebisen väl kommer. Barnmorskan vill träffa dig och eventuellt ta ett urinprov denna vecka


En genomsnittlig bebis är lite över 50 cm lång och väger strax under 3,5 kg när den föds, men det är också vanligt och helt normalt att bebisen väger allt mellan 2,5 och 4 kg.

Fostervattnet, som var klart från början, är nu mjölkaktigt från det som avsöndrats under graviditetens förlopp, bl a ovanhud som ger plats för den nya hud som växer underifrån.

På TV börjar förlossningen typiskt med att vattnet går – mitt i en folksamling, såklart – och fortsätter med ögonblickliga sammandragningar. Om du gått och oroat dig att detta kommer att hända dig, kan du med all sannolikhet sluta. Fosterhinnorna brister i mindre än 15 % av fallen och även om det sker så brukar bebisens huvud fungera som propp (däremot kan du märka, att det läcker om du ligger ner). Det bästa är att du tar det lugnt om det sker – det kan ta timmar innan värkarna börjar – och ringer BVC eller din läkare. Din kropp kommer att fortsätta producera fostervatten tills bebisen är född, så du kanske får rådet att stanna hemma tills värkarna har satt igång, eller eventuellt igångsättning.

Och vad gör du om veckan går och ingen bebis kommer? Inget att vara orolig för. Bara 5% av alla barn föds på sitt beräknade förlossningsdatum och man väntar i allmänhet minst två veckor innan man bedömer dig som överburen.

Screw you immobility!

Today Ive kicked immobility in the nuts. After waking up around 8am and having spent a good couple of hours in bed watching "Bones" I got sooooo fed up with the whole thing. I got my bumsy out of bed and slowly started walking around. It actually didnt hurt that bad today so I decided to hell with all, Im gonna actually do stuff today!
On my to-do list:
  • Cleaned up our balcony
  • Cleaned/washed the livingroom windows (supposedly a great way to start labor)
  • Planted flowers
  • Emptied the dishwasher + filled it up again
  • Took kitty for a walk
  • Sat down in the sun for an hour
  • Spent quality time w beau + coffee (no, I had orange juice, still has too much heartburn...) on our nice looking balcony
  • Went shopping for taco night
I almost cant believe I got so much done today looking at this list. Right now Im totally and utterly exhausted, but who cares. I moved around, woohooo! Celebrating with tacos in a bit. And some strawberry ice cream, didnt have any yesterday...

Savour no other

than this:
After you've eaten meat from Hälsingestintan you never wanna go back to eat "regular" meat. It tell ya, this is how it's supposed to taste. Our "fredagsmys" (don't ask u americanos...), together with some hasselbackspotatis (swedish version of baked potatoes) and garlic butter, yum.
Beat this McDonalds, hah!

Baby monitor

We're looking for a baby monitor for the wee one and I think we've decided on this one:
We really want one with a good camera AND sound so that we can not only hear the troll, but look at her as well. Sometimes babies makes noises even though they're sleeping. So if you have a screen on your monitor you know if the baby is making noises in her sleep or has actually woken up, perfect!

McDonalds? No thanks!

One of the many reasons (besides the lack of nutrients, overload of additives and overall disgusting food) I dont eat food from McDonalds is this:


I think everyone who's ever eaten at McDonalds should watch "Dokument inifrån: McFusk & Co" on svt2 this sunday at 20:00 (sorry americanos, it's in Swedish).

One thing's for sure; my kid will NEVER get to eat at McDonalds, yuk!


Today I got to experience something I've never done before: to be rolled around in a wheelchair, hah! My pelivc/hips has been hurting soooo abd the past couple of days and today, after we were done with our visit with our midfwife I could barely walk to the car. Beau had to walk behind me so that I could use his arms as support, gosh. Halfway to the car, when I was about to give up, we found a wheelchair that you could borrow and so we did. HE actually rolled me to the car in a frikkin wheelchair. Felt kinda awkward but soooooooo awesome not to have to walk the rest of the way.
The troll hasn't fixated her head yet, crap. I was hoping the midwife would tell me the troll's about halway out by now, but noooooo...
When we got back home I crashed on the couch for a couple of hours, couldnt really move around anyway. But after resting I could actually walk around for a bit, woohoo I didnt have to plan my visit to the ladies!
I'm gonna spend tonight celebrating my walking abilities...in the couch with some yummy yum yum steak for dinner and then organic strawberry ice cream from Pipers Glace!

Troll, you best stay inside...

Cause this weather pleases no one! Its cold, its raining, theres thunder, and kitty just threw up on the carpet.... She's apparently as crazy about this whole situation as I am.
Today we're off to see our midwife again. The last time we saw her (2 weeks ago) I told her I wouldn't be coming to this appointment cause I was planning on giving birth....LAST NIGHT!!! I guess that didn't work out, damn it...
I reeeeeally thought it migh happen last night, so we prepared EVERYTHING just in case. My pelvic/hips hurted sooooo bad I could barely walk, I'd been nauseous + a couple of other signs of labor. But I slept like a baby(!) the whole night through, gaaaaaaahhh.
But then again, it's only half time, so I shouldnt expect anything to happen......

20 going on 21!

No Im not talking about my age, even though that would be cool. But then again when I think about it it really wouldnt. Cause then I would be working 13h shifts at a bar in Sthlm, no Im not longing back to that.
Im talking about weeks of my pregnancy. See when I told a friend that a couple of nights ago I had to go up to pee in the middle of the night for the first time during my pregnancy she said: "Well maybe you've miscalculated. maybe you're not in week 39 but in week 20. You'll be giving birth in september, congrats".
The more I think about it the more it seems to be true. And if I keep that on my mind I wont be so pissed about having to feel such discomfort for the next 3,5 weeks. Just imagine how fat Im gonna be in september. Im gonna have gained about 60-70lbs, maybe even 80lbs by then, awesome!

I had to use beau as sort of a support table (like the ones you use during labor) yesterday, just to walk from the bathroom (where I had been floating w my tummy down, ooooooh it felt so good I was about to fall asleep. But that probably wouldnt have been a good idea, sleeping face down in the bathtub...) to the bedroom. I couldn't walk by myself. For some reason my hips/pelvic/tummy hurted sooooo bad whenever I put weight on my left leg. I cant really hop on one leg either so he got to act as my support. Perfect boot camp training for the hospital!

So, just ignore the countdown to the left in my blog, it's really misleading. Today it says "9 days left", but in reality its only half time so far, about 4 months left, just so you know!

Breast pump

This is where I ordered my breast pump and all the props: www.toddler.se
Its a real small one that seems to be easy to carry with you. I dont know how functional it actually is, I'll hopefully be able let you know in a couple of weeks, but it's gotten real good reviews!
For all of ya'll who were wondering!

Can I sleep until it's time?

It would be awesome cause Im waaaaaaay tired. Ive spent pretty much the whole day laying down but Ive only gotten a few short moments of sleep even thoguh Im exhausted. Reason? Well, I cant lay on my back or my stomach (for obvious reasons), I cant lay for too long on my right side cause then my hip starts hurting and because of my increased amount of blood there's a vein on my left side that just wont stop pounding when I lay on my left side. I have to lay with my arms absolutley flat, cant bend them at all, otherwise I stop the blood flow and I cant feel my arms, or hands for that matter. My heartburn has been acting up a lot this past few days, so I try to half sit/lay on top of a bunch of pillows but then again my hips/pelvic starts hurting. As Ive written before, I do sleep through the whole night (except for last night), but apparently I need to sleep more. Awesome feeling...

Ive been telling the troll that she's ready now, she can come out. But I dont blame her if she dont want to leave her warm and cozy room and come out to this freakishly cold May, gaaaaahhh..... Wtf is this, isnt it supposed to be at least some kind of warm right now? Now, you's better stay in there I tell ya. I'll let you know when the coast is clear and you can come out without freeze to death. Probably around july or something....

Water schmater

I dont think my water will break, ever. Last night I woke up at 2:45 cause, guess what, I had to go pee! For the first time during my pregnancy I woke up in the middle of the night cause I had to go pee. I reeeeeally thought that it was time, I was gonna go up and pee and my water was gonna break. Really excited I sat my bumsy down and waited, but nothing happened.... I even got to pee a lot for once, instead of two small drops. Wtf? And afterwards I couldnt fall asleep so I ended up spending the next 3h watching "the Big Bang Theory".... Weel I tell ya, there's no Big Bang going on over here, that's for sure.....
10 days to go.....

I've made up my mind!

Im gonna keep this baby in as long as possible. Probably wont let her come out at all...
Every morning when I wake up I have to check under the covers to make sure the tummy's where it was when I fell asleep and she's not just laying there and Ive given birth without waking up. I had a terrible downward pressure last night as well, before going to sleep. But it's just like when I go to sleep, my whole body stops working, no action at all. I keep on expecting to wake up with labor pains and contractions in the middle of the night whenever Ive had those feeling before going to sleep, but no, nothing ever happens.

11 days 'til my due date. But right now Im pretty sure the tummy's just gonna disappear by itself. Im gonna wake up one of these mornings and voila, it's gone! I've decided to not go out driving by myself since my water MIGHT break at any time now. But I just cant be at home all the time, it drives me crazy. So today love's driving me (and picking me up) to have lunch w a friend and her 4 month old, lucky her... Hopefully I'll be able to eat at least something, yesterdays food intake was enough for a two year old....

Gone surfin'!

I just went surfing, by accident, on the hardwood floor, almost knocked someone unconscious, but only almost, and Im not talking about myself or the troll, thought my water was gonna break, but nooooooo, now that would have been some serious indoor windsurfing, but without the wind of course....

Big tummy = less hunger

The bigger my tummy gets, the less hungry I get. I pretty much have to force myself to eat cause it feels like I could go a whole day without eating more than a sandwich in the morning (today it was a scone...). I open the refridgerator but nothing in there appeals to me, neither does anything in the pantry nor the freezer. I try to think of something to go get, or to have beau go get for me. Maybe some take-out, but no. I even go so far as to think I might have some ice-cream or candy for lunch/dinner, just to see if I feel like it. But my body's responding to nothing of that either.

Im gonna have to ask our doctor about this when we go to see her this week. I mean, I should be hungry, right?

The stars are speaking to moi

So here's my weekly horoscope according to FB. And like Wikipedia everything you read on FB is true, right?

"Det mentala trycket du levt under på sistone avtar under veckan, och det finns förhoppningar om att konflikter löses så grundligt att de inte behöver poppa upp igen. Annars är detta en tid när du trivs med att vara ensam med dina tankar. Du går på djupet med de yttersta orsakssambanden, och söker dig långt tillbaka till din tidigaste psykologiska och andliga utveckling. Detta leder till en transformation av dina personliga värderingar och stora insikter i vad som i din familjebakgrund har gjort dig till den du är. Medan allt detta pågår under ytan kan det dock också vara en utåtriktad period - en utmärkt tid för att träffa människor och kanske även för romantisk kontakt. Sträck ut en hand till dem du älskar."

So Im hoping that the meaning of "mental pressure" actually points to pelvic pressure, since I could barely stand up last night. It felt like the troll was about to push her way out. Maybe there will be a baby this week after all?

11:15am, not out of bed yet, which means Im gonna miss todays episode of "Days of our lives". Ill make up for that by making meeself some blueberry scones for brunch...

Time is running out

So for all of ya'll who hasnt guessed a date for the trolls arrival, I suggest you do it now. Remember that the winner gets to come over for an afternoon tea. And yes, If one of you americanos wins, I'll make sure to fly you over =)

No water no flood?

Havent retained almost any water, maybe some but I really dont feel like my fingers or my feet has swollen up. Maybe its a sign my water wont break and I wont be going in to labor anytime soon? Hhhmmm... Apparently making plans didnt work, cause we got to go out for a nice dinner yesterday, and I havent had any pre-labor pains yet. Well, maybe a couple, but nothing serious. Holy moly, just the thought of maybe having to go another four weeks feels reeeeeeal long. As Ive said before, Im really gonna miss the tummy but everything surrounding the pregnancy, like the lack of energy, I sure could skip.

4,6% left... Wherever I read it says that now is when I should rest cause in a couple of weeks I might not have the time to. Its nice to lay down on the couch for a while, but since I can only lay on the side at this point of my pregnancy, my hips start hurting after a while. I'll make a blueberry pie, then I'll rest, for real.....

38 full weeks, going on week 39!

How your baby's growing:

Your baby has really plumped up. She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.

Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)

How your life's changing:

For many women, the next couple of weeks are a waiting game. Use this time to prepare your baby's nursery or to take care of necessary tasks you may not get around to for a while after your baby's born. Take naps, catch up on your reading, and spend uninterrupted time with your partner while you can.

Some swelling in your feet and ankles is normal during these last weeks, but call your practitioner without delay if you notice excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles, more than slight swelling of your hands, any swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, or have a sudden weight gain. Also let her know immediately if have severe or persistent headaches; visual changes (such as double or blurred vision, seeing spots or flashing lights, light sensitivity, or a temporary loss of vision), intense upper abdominal pain or tenderness, or nausea and vomiting. These are symptoms of a serious condition called preeclampsia.

Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 38

Nu är bebisen redo att möta sin publik. En genomsnittlig bebis håller fortfarande på att lägga på sig underhudsfett, för att kunna klara temperaturskiftningar bättre efter födseln. De flesta bebisar väger mellan 2,7 och 4,3 kg när de föds och pojkar brukar vara något tyngre än flickor. Alla inre organ är färdigutvecklade, men lungorna är de som når full utveckling sist. Du kanske mest känner dig som en strandad val de sista veckorna. Försök ta det lugnt – det kan dröja innan nästa tillfälle. Gå på bio, läs en bok som inte handlar om graviditet och bebisar, gå till frisören eller tillbringa tid tillsammans med din partner. Ingen av er kommer att ha särskilt mycket tid till att laga mat de första veckorna efter att bebisen är född, så det är ett smart drag att förbereda och frysa in mat för att rädda upp läget senare.

Vet du om det är en pojke eller en flicka? En ledtråd är bebisens vikt – pojkar tenderar att vara något tyngre än flickor. Vid 39 veckor väger de flesta bebisar 3- 3,2 kg, men fortsätter bygga upp underhudsfett som kommer att hjälpa dem hålla värmen efter födelsen. Alla inre organ finns på plats och är färdigutvecklade, men lungorna tar längst tid att mogna helt. (Det kan till och med ta några timmar innan din bebis andningsrytm stabiliserats efter förlossningen.)

Undrar du vilken färg bebisen kommer att ha på ögonen? De flesta kaukasiska bebisar föds med mörkblå ögon, men det kan ta flera veckor eller till och med månader innan deras verkliga ögonfärg syns. Den nyfödda bebisens ögonfärg kommer inte att hålla i sig – den påverkas av det ljus som den utsätts för efter födelsen. De flesta afrikanska och asiatiska bebisar har mörkgrå eller bruna ögon vid födseln och får sin slutgiltiga ögonfärg efter sex till tolv månader. Barn med blandat ursprung får ibland oväntad och mycket vacker ögonfärg!

The Big Bang Theory

Being pregnant Ive gotten hooked on "The Big Bang Theory". At first I thought it was just one of those silly sit coms without a story, but this one's really good.  The most awesomest thing about the show is that it takes place in Pasadena and the nerds work at Cal Tech. Whenever they're out and about driving they're on California, Colorado, Lake, up in Altadena etc etc. Oooooooh I miss home!

Its a bit weird though that the single waitress Penny working at the Cheesecake Factory lives by herself in a pretty nice one bedroom apartment without a roommate. That just doesent happen in Pasadena (its too expensive), so its a lie, its all a lie people! And the Cheesecake Factory in Pasadena does not look like that at all. The one in the show looks like a small mid US diner.
But its still great fun to watch the show. Makes me wanna go back home (LA will always be my second home). Miss mee girlz =(. I think the trolls first trip 's gonna be to L.A to visit her future boyfriend Luciano Guevara =)

Mommy got a package!

I loooooove getting packages. Ususally Im excited about maybe a new pair of shoes (I know I have what most people would refer to as too many shoes, they do have their own closet, byt hey, I got the bug from my beloved grandmother!).
This one didnt contain any shoes though, but it's just as exciting: Breastpump + props

Mucho exciting. So between breastfeeding and sleeping I'll be pumping like a crazy person. Mommylife, here I come!

New belly pic, week 39!

Week: 38 full weeks, going on week 39 (38+0)
Weight gained so far: 31,9 lbs (14,5 kg)
Days 'til due date: 14

Lost another pound this week. Im eating as normal but apparently the troll is craving more nutrition now, she's bigger so it's not really that weird.

Im a bit amazed of how few pregnancy cravings Ive had so far. Ok, Ive felt like drinking a lot more lemon water and been wanting more sweets than ususal, but not to the point where I have to wake up my husband in the middle of the night to have him drive to the gas station and get me B&J's cause otherwise I will die. Ive made real sure to eat nutritious food and Im sure that helps w the cravings. I was eagerly awaiting the pica disorder (where you might start craving chalk, coal etc etc.) that a lot of people are talking about. But Ive had none so far.

Im reading this other blog by Katrin Zytomierska and she's also talking about cravings. She thinks that some pregnant women uses the fact that they are pregnant as an excuse to have their spouses driving around buying them treats in the middle of the night.
I guess its pretty easy to feel real sorry for yourself when you're in pain, chubby, tired and completely have a loss of energy. Ive also felt like just laying on the couch and eat chocolates for the remaining of the pregnancy cause it's the only thing I can actually accomplish. But personally I'd much rather have beau massage my feet for 30 minutes instead of getting me ice cream!

Lip plumper

Overloaded w energy yesterday, exhausted today. And now I was just told that my lips look fuller as they apparently do when your time has come...

What a frikkin great idea for a natural lip plumper= get pregnant!

Gimme gimme!

Seriousully, Im exhausted. Can barely keep my eyes up. Went for a walk, sat in the sun, was about to throw up cause the troll kept on pressing towards my aorta. About time to eat and Im starving, but I dont think I have enough energy to even chew the god damn food. Im gonna have to purée everyting so that I can use a straw, gaaaaaah....

At least tomorrow I can look forward to some nice yummy wining and dining at O'Learys (it's like Barney's Beanery). I hope they have a blender there just incase Im too tired to chew....


Nope, no baby yet. I actually slept all until 9:15am this morning (usually wake up around 7-8 am), probably because I had so much energy yesterday that my body was totally exhausted. But since I was kinda set for going in to labor last night I had to look under my cover just to make sure there wasn't a baby laying there, there wasn't...

Ive started using my TENS thingie now (Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation) so that I can crank it up when I really need it going in to labor. In my birth plan Ive written that I dont want any drugs unless its absolutely necessary. I havent taken any pharmaceuticL medecines during my pregnancy, not even pain killers, and I normally dont take any pharmaceutical medecines even if Im not pregnant. I dont believe its good for you or your baby for that matter, no matter what the doctors say about no side effects etc etc. Im set for acupuncture, massage, TENS, and a couple of other non-drug related options.
So the TENS-machine's supposed to be real good but its important that you practice using it at home. Last night I used it on my back for about 30 minutes. Maybe thats why I slept so long this morning. Does electrocution make you tired?
5,4% left now...

Crazy cat = baby?

Ok kitty's officially going nuts. She's running around meowing like a crazy person (?) and craving attention like she's never gotten any. She used to do the same, the meowing that is, when we were living in the states and there was an earthquake coming. Before we even knew there was about to be an earthquake she used to start running around meowing and making all sorts of weird noices. Then after a while, about 15 minutes or so, the house would start shaking. She sounds about the same right now but I doubt there's an eartquake on the move. I think she's sensing a baby's about to join the family. Apparently you produce different kinds of hormones just before you're about to give birth and my guess is that she's picking up on that.
Maybe I should make sure my bag's properly packed for tonight....

Besides, Ive felt unusually vital today. Not that much pain and a lot more energy than Ive had before. We even went for a walk a short while ago where I powerwalked ( = not as a "normal" person would, but hey, Im frikkin 9 months pregnant) for 60 meters. Yup, meters that is, not minutes. After 60 meters I had to slow down cause I started having contractions. Beau suggested that maybe this is my bodys way of preparing me for whats to come. Its saying "hey, Im done building a baby, lets get moving!". We're just gonna have to wait and see....

Mommys wishlist!

Besides from the liquorice already in my hospital bag, the blue cheese (there's already one in the fridge waiting for me)and sushi Im gonna order once the labor is over, my b-day is coming up. Usually I dont wish for anything but this year, since I havent really been able to work out since september, I have a couple of things I wish the magic fairy will bring me:

1 - Giftcard for Nike + shoes

2 - Nike IPod sport kit

3 - Ankle weights

4 - Giftcard for a Freya sports bra

5 - A looft lighter (I dont wanna use lightning fluid when we bbq, it's not good for us nor for our new family member!)

Lets hope Ive gathered some good karma throughout the year!

Hospital visit!

No, no baby yet. Yesterday we got to go for a tour at the hospital where we're gonna give birth. Gosh it was soooooo hot in there. Guess it's so the babies dont freeze, but all of us pregnant moms walking around were about to pass out of the heat.
It was awesome to be able to take a tour so that its all a bit more familiar once you get there "for real". But we didnt get to check out the actual labor ward, I mean thats the place I would've really wanted to visit since thats probably where your gonna be all freaked out.

So, Im utterly curious about tonight, since its a moon phase shift. Maybe baby there will be a baby arriving...

No back to "Days of our lives" and breakfast =)

Allergies? Read this!

I keep on talking about e-numbers and additives, but it really is so very very important to stay away from all of that. My mom had a c-section when she gave birth to me, and during the operation she had a severe allergic reaction to a preservative in the anaesthetic they gave her. Im am totally convinced this is what cased me to have problems with allergies and asthma and all sorts of colds, ear infections etc. growing up. I ended up eating a lot of medication and penicillin that eventually struck out my bodys natural immune defense. When I changed my diet in my early/mid twenties all the allergies went away. I started eating organic and what is called "whole foods", food that does not contain any additives.

It might seem very anal to some people. But concidering the fact that I now have another life growing inside me I really am even more careful than before. She did not choose to be created, that was my coice. And that means I have to take responsibility and make sure she's protected. I would wish for her to grow up having problems eating certain kinds of food, being sick all the time, going in and out of the hospital, eating all kinds of medicines etc etc.

Im really gonna make sure my baby does not eat food containing additives of any sort (e-numbers, preservatives, food colouring, hormones, pesticides etc.). Carbs and fat does not scare me at all, our bodies are designed to handle that (but watch out, even regular flor contains preservatives these days so make sure to read on ALL packages). What they are not designed to deal with are these engineered artificial additives.

And if you for example buy a non-organic orange theres not a sign of content on the fruit telling you that it's been sprayed with pesticides, but keep in mind that it has and even if you wash the fruit you can be sure the chemical is still inside it. And if you buy non-organic meat please know that it will contain hormones and antibiotics even if it doesent say so anywhere. Non-organic pasta, pasta being served in many households and especially to kids, will also contain crappy pesticides even if it doesent say so on the package. If someone gave you a teaspoon of pesticide or hormones, would you eat it? I dont think so...

There's a very interesting article about an allergic woman in todays newspaper (in swedish, but you can translate it with google translate): http://www.aftonbladet.se/kropphalsa/allergi/article7042066.ab

Next time you go to the grocery store, think about that you get what you pay for. An organic fruit might be more expensive but at least you know that fruit is the only thing you buy, not some nasty pesticides. Besides, organic fruti contains way more nutrients which means you will be satisfied after eating only one!

My kind of cup of tea!

Or actually its more of a soft drink in a can, but anyway....

This is the cola Ive been writing about. The same brand also has a lemon drink. And since Ive been pretty much addicted to lemon water and craving Fanta Lemon during the pregnancy its an awesome choice. I dont really want to drink sodas since they contain so much additives, artificial colourings, e-numbers etc, especially not being pregnant, Im soooo happy I found these ones. They're awesome!

Lunar phase's the shizzle?

Apparently a lot of births takes place during/around the lunar phase shift of every month (happens twice a month I think). And this month there's one this thursday, the 6th, and one on the 21st. So according to that I should give birth around tomorrow/the day after, or on the 21st/22nd. Tomorrow seems so close, Id rather wait until next week as I'd planned. Besides, if Im going in to the hospital on thursday night we wont be going out to have our night on the town this saturday. Or maybe I'll be up running 24h after giving birth, what think you? There's a shift on june 5th a swell, but that's waaaaaaay too far away...
Anyhoodle, the bet is still on, about when the baby's to be born. Time's running out you people!

Pics from April 30th (the hottie & the nottie (aka the tired one), shown in said order...)

Love wanted to take a pic of me when I told him I didnt think I looked that pregnant wearing my skii jacket...


...that's all that's left of my pregnancy, 6,4%. It's soooo weird to think that in just a couple of weeks (or maybe this week?) we're gonna have a baby living in our house, and she'll be staying for at least 18 years. Crazy... I've got big plans bringing her out and because of that we're gonna go out celebrate this saturday. It might be the last saturday in a while where we can enjoy some alone time together.
Her bed is made, her room is ready, her (and my) bag is packed. Now all we need is for the troll to come out and play <3

New belly pic, week 38!

Week: 37 full weeks, going on week 38 (37+2)
Weight gained so far: 33 lbs (15 kg)
Days 'til due date: 19

Instead of gaining, I've lost 1,5 kg (ab. 3 lbs) since the last time I was at the doctors office. But she said it was ok, the belly's growing as it should anyways. The only differrence is that meeself aint getting as much junk in the trunk!

The troll's been moving around A LOT this weekend. Gosh she's strong. I think she wants to get out, she seems real bored in there....

37 full weeks, going on week 38!

How your baby's growing:

Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)

Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

How your life's changing:

Braxton Hicks contractions may be coming more frequently now and may last longer and be more uncomfortable. You might also notice an increase in vaginal discharge. If you see some "bloody show" (mucus tinged with a tiny amount of blood) in the toilet or in your undies, labor is probably a few days away — or less. (If you have heavier spotting or bleeding, call your caregiver immediately.) Also be sure to ask your caregiver about the results of your Group B strep culture. That way, if the result isn't yet on your chart when you get to the hospital or birth center, you'll be able to give the staff there a timely heads-up if you need antibiotics.

It may be harder than ever to get comfortable enough to sleep well at night. If you can, take it easy through the day — this may be your last chance to do so for quite a while. Keep monitoring your baby's movements, too, and let your caregiver know immediately if you notice a decrease. Though her quarters are getting cozy, she should still be as active as before.

While you're sleeping, you're likely to have some intense dreams. Anxiety both about labor and about becoming a parent can fuel a lot of strange flights of unconscious fancy.

Fostrets utveckling - gravid vecka 37

Nu är du 37 veckor gången (eller gravid i 38:e veckan, om du föredrar att räkna så). Bara två eller tre veckor kvar! Denna vecka tappar din bebis den duniga kroppsbehåring som kallas lanugo och det vaxliknande lager som skyddat huden och som kallas vernix caseosa. Din bebis sväljer båda substanserna och de kommer sedan att ligga kvar i tarmen till födseln där de bildar den svartgröna avföring som kallas barnbeck (mekonium). De sista veckorna kommer du förmodligen att känna dig som en ganska rastlös flodhäst. Försök trots detta att vila så mycket som möjligt, även om du har svårt att sova — du kommer att uppskatta det efter förlossningen. Din barnmorska vill träffa dig och ta ett blod- och eventuellt urinprov denna vecka.

Nu väger bebisen kring 2,8 kg och är cirka 50 cm lång. Bebisens huvud ligger nu förmodligen nere i ditt bäcken och skyddas av den omgivande benstrukturen. Detta ger benen och underkroppen mer plats att växa.

Många bebisar har nu huvudet fullt av hår som är ungefär 2,5 cm långt. Men det behöver inte ha samma färg som ditt – mörkhåriga par kan bli överraskade av nyfödda bebisar mer blont eller rött hår och ljushåriga föräldrar kan få bebisar med mörkt hår. Och så finns det förstås bebisar som inte har något hår alls.

A propos hår, så har nu det mesta av den duniga kroppsbehåring som kallas lanugo och som din bebis haft sedan 26 veckor försvunnit, liksom det mesta av fosterfettet (vernix caseosa). Bebisen sväljer detta, liksom andra avsöndringar, och lagrar dem i tarmarna. Detta kommer att bli bebisens första bajs, som kallas barnbeck (eller mekonium).

Baby on the way?

Spent the weekend having contractions and pre-labor pains. Ive also been reeeeeally tired and been shivering a lot. Is there a baby on the way you think? The bet is still on. Hurry on to post your date of choice!

Four years of makin out!

April 30th, that means that it was four years since me and beau had our first tongue twisting session, romantic romantic =). Since then a lot of stuff has happened, but we've pretty much lived by the holy scripture:

Diana and Jesper sitting in a tree
First comes love, then comes marriage
Then comes a baby in the baby carriage

Yup, that verse's been out motto... It's just the baby that's missing right now. Anyone wanna throw in a guess about when she's arriving? The bet is still on!
I wonder what scripture we're gonna follow after this. I mean the above one is about done...

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