And the winner is... food!

I've been performing a test for the past month to see if we spend more than the average Joe when it comes to food, concidering the fact that we buy about 94% organic food and the organic food is usually more expensive than conventional food.
I calculated that the average person spends about 1500:- SEK/month/person on food, buying non-organic food. Now, how much did we spend this month on food?? 2963:- (for 2 people!!!)

See, my point has been that if you buy wholesome organic food that contains more vitamines and minerals, you actually might make some money. Why? Eating organic food means you don't stuff you body with empty calories, additives etc etc. So in the end you end up eating less amounts of food, and you also save some money on doctors bills etc etc (I'm utterly convinced a big reason to why people in general are sick, is the quality of the food they're eating).

For example:

I make pancaces using organic wholegrain rye or speltflour (råg eller dinkel), organic butter and organic eggs.  The flour is about 200% more expensive than regular flour but contains way more nutrients than regular flour. The result?  We don't eat more than 2-3 pancaces each, then we get full. Usually, we eat about 8 pancaces each (if using regular flour), and then we end up feeling bloated afterwards. So, let's say the cost of one "regular" pancace is 2:-, the cost of my pancakes is 6:-/each. If we eat 8 regular pancakes we eat for 16:-/each. If eating 2-3 of my pancaces we eat for 12-16:-/each.

Well, I don't know about you. but I'd rather eat wholesome, organic, healthy food and spend the same amount (or even less) than I do on "regular" food, avoid doctors visits, stay healthy, vital, strong and energized!

I rest my case.....


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