An hour for the future with two and a half men!

Yes, we dimmed the lights for our future kids last night. 2 people named Mattias, 2 people named Sara (one with an -H) and one little man named Mattis were present. It was like two-and-a-half men: Mattias (adult), Mattias (adult), and Mattis (about 7 months old), soooo cute. Mattis that is =)

We were supposed to play all these board games during earth hour, but we ended up just talking and worshiping the Swedish Cheetos instead (se the pic of the altar below).
Good times good times!

The "kitchen"

Snapshot of Mattis

The altar!

Mommy Sara and baby Mattis


Mattis finally fell asleep in our bed, so Jesper acted as a babysitter while I gave the guests the big tour of our house!



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