
Today: A reporter and a photographer came over to Dinalis studio in Ljusne and made one hell of an intro class! Then I got to spend the rest of the day with my crow <3

Tomorrow: Up bright and early for a phone interview with another magazine, me likes =). Crow hang out during the whole day. A class with my lovey 1rst levelers at the Ljusne studio at night.

Friday: The whooooole day off! I'm just gonna lay in bed and stare at my awesome daughter, something tells me she's gonna get bored though...

Saturday: Off to Gävle for an intro class with Silver Devil, exciting! Then off to Nivå to prep some for next weeks Kinky Party. And last but not least an all boys intro class in Ljusne at night!

Sunday: Mee ladies are rehearsing for next weeks Kinky Party, we're gonna rock the house I tell ya´!


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