I don't wanna jinx anything...

...so I'm not gonna say anything. But I'm liking it, a lot!

Next week Im off with the whooole family to Stockholm for five days. I have classes, papi and crow's gonna hang, we're staying at a hotel, that's our vacay for this summer. We were planning on staying in our summerhouse for a week or so, don't know when we're gonna have time to do that though...

Had a reunion with our parenting group today. I asked the midwife when it would be ok to start working out, on monday it's been six weeks since I gave birth. She said that if I feel ok I can start working out now if I want to, woohooo! Im gonna wait until monday though, just to have it been six full weeks. But then I cant wait to start doing my Ashtanga yoga again. I tried flexing my abs today, low and behold they're actually there, I could feel them, and I could lean against beaus hands while flexing them. You go abs!

My pregnanc belly's about gone now, all thanks to the Spanx. Yup, that's their name. I couldn't find them in Sweden so I ordered them from the UK. They're the shizzle when it comes to get your abs to contract post pregnancy. Just google Spanx and you'll be able to find a bunch of online stores selling them. They're awesome!


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