When something goes up, another thing must come down...

These are my plans for today, to induce labor:
  • Carry one out of seven chairs at a time from the bottom floor to the top one. And yes, there are many steps for me to walk...
  • Gotta find something to bring down every time I've carried something upstairs (if something goes up, another thing must go down, that's natures law...). So what should I bring downstairs? Hhhhmmm, maybe I'll bring some laundry with me, one piece of clothing at a time!
  • Go for a walk
  • Vacuum the WHOLE house (upstair and downstairs. Did I mention our house is about 4306 sqft? That's about 400kvm...), including the stairs!
  • Drink a bunchload of raspberry leaf tea
  • Rest (apparently rest is a way to start labor as well, but I'm not quite convinced...)
  • Put jalapeños on EVERYTHING I eat today. Ok except for breakfast...
  • Spend some time on the Shakti mat
  • Eat pineapple and kiwi (tones your cervix the wise ones say...)
In between all things I might even do some jumping jacks, hah!


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